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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Too funny, Anton. Football players are notorious for playing through injuries. And that is actually a collision sport which requires speed and agility, not prancing around a small ring and doing pantomimes.

Not to mention basketball players too. Allen Iverson comes to mind immediately as someone who has played through multiple injuries. And not just played but dominated.

Reply #221. Mar 05 09, 12:10 AM
stuthehistoryguy star
"This is absurd. You trying to say that football players don't play through injuries? LMAO"

Son, it's a matter of scale. Some football players will suck it up and play with a sprain or a pull, but if they have arthroscopic surgery or something, they're out. Not so with wrestlers: tape it up and work around it. When Roddy Piper had a knee injury, he just cut out the aerial spots for a while and concentrated on his sleeper hold and eye gouges. Competitive athletes don't have that luxury. If you're playing cornerback, you can't just nudge the receiver and say: "No quick cuts today; I've got a torn miniscus." Kerry Von Erich kept wrestling after he got his foot amputated, for crying out loud--they just worked around it until he killed himself. When a wide receiver loses a step and can't beat the coverage anymore, he's done. When a pro wrestler can't deliver a good drop kick anymore, he just uses lower-impact spots. I don't think Ric Flair landed a drop kick after 1981--and he just retired last year! People ooh and ahh when a quarterback is still playing at 40. Pro wrestlers keep walking the aisle into their 60s as a matter of course. If pro wrestling were competitive, that wouldn't be possible.

As often as football players do play through injuries, EVERY NFL team has somebody out hurt at any given time. Pro wrestlers don't have that luxury. If a guy messes up his knee but he's been advertised to be on a card two weeks later, he'll be there--they'll just work around it. That's what I'm saying.

Reply #222. Mar 05 09, 10:02 PM
Anton star
"Not so with wrestlers: tape it up and work around it."

You think that's the case with EVERY wrestler? lol You couldn't be more wrong.

And, do not call me son again. Got it?

Reply #223. Mar 05 09, 10:12 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
That actually shows wrestling as even less of a sport and more like a soap opera if the performers set up their script to work around an injury.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of NFL players that DO play despite debilitating injuries and simply wait for the offseason to have the necessary surgeries.

Sorry - I just can't grasp the allure behind something that is athletic yet not a competition. But if that floats your boat, well...

Reply #224. Mar 05 09, 10:17 PM
BigUncleChester star
"not prancing around a small ring and doing pantomimes."

Schoonie, I found that remark to be VERY disrespectful actually. In terms of history there has been various wrestlers killed or seriously injured in rings after performing high risk moves that have gone wrong. So to sit there and and claim all they do is prance around a small ring doing pantomimes is well off the mark.

Wrestling is a combination of sport and soap opera thus why it is called Sports Entertainment. If you actually ever bothered to watch it, as you obviously havent so far the fact that you think all they do is prance around the ring, then you would see lots of athletic, highly skilled performers. Obviously not all of them are but certainly a fair amount of them are.

Iam not saying for a second you have to like wrestling but there is absolutely no reason for you to be down right disrespectful about it.

Reply #225. Mar 06 09, 4:00 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Sorry you found that disrespectful. However, you took that out of context in the comparison with sports which involve competition over a large field of play and an immediate read-and-react mentality, not something where a script is being followed. Sure there is a risk of injury - there is in everything.

And yes, I have watched wrestling before - when I was 10.

The fact there is no competition involved does not make it a sport in any way, shape, or form, though.

Reply #226. Mar 06 09, 10:54 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Keep in mind that surfing and snowboarding, for instance, also contain amounts of risk of injury and/or death but that doesn't mean they are sports by that definition. There are competitive aspects, sure (especially on crowded days), but they still don't qualify as sports.

Wrestling qualifying as entertainment? Sure. But because it is as fake as it is, it does not come close to qualifying as a sport.

Reply #227. Mar 06 09, 11:05 AM
stuthehistoryguy star
"You think that's the case with EVERY wrestler? lol You couldn't be more wrong."

Examples? Pro wrestlers may be more prone to sit out shows now than they were years ago (Buddy Rogers literally went from his hospital bed to Madison Square Garden to drop the title to Bruno Sammartino in 1963), but when was the last time you heard something like "Triple-H will not be wrestling tonight due to a torn ACL"? Most of the "injuries" you do see are storylined--when somebody really IS hurt, they just "go away" for a while.

I could go on like this for a while (including the physical impossibility of fighting 100 matches a year without "working" and the utter lethality of most routine pro wrestling maneuvers without cooperation), but I've made my point.

Reply #228. Mar 06 09, 11:52 AM
hippo22 star
part of it is entertaining and part is skill

Reply #229. Mar 10 09, 2:34 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
This must be the question with the most unnecessary answers on FT. Yes it is fake.

Reply #230. Mar 17 09, 9:20 PM
Anton star
"Yes it is fake"

Step in the ring then. You will see just how fake it really is.

Reply #231. Mar 17 09, 9:23 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
When everything is pulled and there is constant flopping onto a springed surface, yeah, it's fake. Like watching Vlade Divac play defense. Or the Disney version (well, minus the subliminal porn) of MMA.

Reply #232. Mar 17 09, 9:57 PM
7PinKy7 star
I wouldn't say wrestling is fake. The story lines are fake or at least mostly fake. The matches are planed, but they do take a pounding and do get injured. Most moves are potential injury if they are not done correctly. My favorite wrestling was ECW. They took real risks all the time.

Reply #233. Apr 07 09, 3:03 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
"Most moves are potential injury if they are not done correctly."

So what? So is driving your car down the road.

Predetermined outcome = fake.

Reply #234. Apr 07 09, 3:26 PM
It's most certainly fake in the sense that the action and results are scripted. It still takes a great deal of athleticism to perform in the manner that they do.

Reply #235. Apr 07 09, 3:41 PM
goobas star
It depends on what you definition of is is. Oops wrong quote. It depends on what your definition of fake is.
Are the wrestlers doing incredible stunts? Yes. Are the risking injury and death? Yes. Is it a sport? If sports are scripted, then yes. I do not think it was scripted for Rulon Gardner (hope I spelled that correctly) to win a gold medal. That is more in line with a sport.
So, according to my definition, wrestling is not a sport but it certainly is entertaing.
I watch about 45 minutes each year.

Reply #236. May 03 09, 7:36 PM
I am actually in a wrestling business. Wrestling is fake. That why it's call World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT! I hear this argument more than I here people call me fat. It's the most pointless thing to argue about. Ask anybody who wrestles like that, they'll tell you it's semifake. Chairs really do hurt. Ladders are real metal. Tables hurt. I'm sick of people who don't even watch it, or wrestle for that matter, call it fake.

Reply #237. May 07 09, 11:53 AM
Anton star
"That why it's call World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT!"

Actually, it is called that due to a lawsuit that the World Wrestling Federation lost. But, I see your point.

Reply #238. May 07 09, 2:11 PM
7PinKy7 star
I have many wrestling DVDs of low budget wrestling. When a guy jumps on a guy of a platform 20 to 30 feet high, and crashes onto concrete is real to me.

Reply #239. May 07 09, 7:02 PM
The point of my story was that people who don't even wrestle, or watch it call it fake, just because they don't like it.

Reply #240. May 08 09, 6:46 AM

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