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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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7PinKy7 star
Yes, wrestling outcomes are predetermined. The movies are planned ahead of time. The story lines are fake. But I wouldn't say it's 100% fake. Wrestlers do take a pounding. At any given time in a match you could get seriously hurt. It takes years of training to make it to professional wrestling. If anyone of us got into the ring we wouldn't last more then a few minutes.

As far a some people calling wrestlers not athletic because there not playing a competive sport is wrong. Sure there are wrestlers who aren't athletic. Would you call Kurt Angle not athletic now because he is a professinal wrestler. How about Shelton Benjamin. Is he not athletic. If you define an athlete as a person who plays in a competive sport and playing for a championship, then a professional bowler is considered an athlete. So would be a professional dart player. They play against eachother and win championships and trophies. Not all professional are athletic. Would you consider John Daily an athlete. A very good golfer, but defenitly not an athlete.

Reply #241. May 09 09, 10:45 AM

Reply #242. May 30 09, 4:25 PM
If the outcome is determined before the match begins then it is fake. They are more muscular but less agile acrobats in many ways.

Reply #243. May 30 09, 4:51 PM

Reply #244. Jul 18 09, 5:15 AM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
I suggest that everyone responding to this thread go to the library and borrow Bret 'Hitman' Hart's book 'Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling'.

Reply #245. Jul 19 09, 3:05 PM
Anton star
I got a better idea Cym. I've said it before and I will say it every time someone says it is fake. Step in the ring for five minutes. If they don't come out sore, then they can say it is fake.

Reply #246. Jul 19 09, 3:44 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
They're sore? So? You could probably say the same thing for Jane Fonda's workout tapes. Doesn't really prove anything. :)

Reply #247. Jul 31 09, 3:20 PM
Anton star
No it doesn't. But what would is when you get into the ring and wrestle.

Reply #248. Jul 31 09, 3:31 PM
I don't watch wrestling, but surely it msut be real, right?

Reply #249. Aug 01 09, 2:23 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
How long do you have to memorize the script?

No one is saying that wrestling isn't physical. Wrestling on the ground with another man in tights, though, hmm, not really my idea of entertainment, to each their own though.

The physical aspect no one denies. What destroys any sense of legitimacy is that the outcome is predetermined and it is a play-act. A championship? How? The winner is already predetermined.

Reply #250. Aug 01 09, 2:50 PM
Anton star
I could say the same for some boxing too. lol

Reply #251. Aug 01 09, 3:19 PM
demurechicky star
I remember when I was little, my nan used to love watching Big Daddy wrestling on the TV, I think it might have changed a bit since then, when it was 'staged' as well. I don't find it entertaining but many do. I wonder if they rehearse?

Reply #252. Aug 01 09, 3:25 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Wouldn't disagree with you on that one, Anton.

Reply #253. Aug 01 09, 4:15 PM
7PinKy7 star
I know that I would never step in the ring. My favorite is Kevin Nash. He would beat me in about 10 second. He would grab me and do the Jacknife Powerbomb and then pin me. Most regular people wouldn't kick out from that.

Reply #254. Aug 02 09, 10:21 AM
Praia star
I think a lot of it is fake yes.

Reply #255. Aug 10 09, 1:19 PM
It's obvious that they have to be tough to withstand the blows, but it's predetermined and some of the moves look painfully fake, such as when they punch them and slow their hand down right before they hit.

Reply #256. Aug 11 09, 2:08 AM
looks fake to me. If they were really hitting them like that, they would be in much more pain.

Reply #257. Aug 12 09, 6:06 PM
maryjdonohoe57 star

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I wouldn't call, it a total sport, I think a lot of it is for entertainment, but if you like it you like it.

Reply #258. Aug 12 09, 6:25 PM
blindcat78 star

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Yes I do think that wrestling is fake

Reply #259. Nov 01 09, 7:10 PM
I can see your argument that it could be real, but to me it is fake. When punches are thrown it is so obvious it doesn't connect. The things like dropping from a height and throwing people over the shoulders without hurting them is more of a skill.

Reply #260. Feb 21 10, 8:22 AM

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