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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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having two sons I"ve been to a few wrestling matches,there entertaing,very exciting.I've been to a "Cher" concert,entertaining also,both have alot in common...

Reply #261. Feb 21 10, 9:05 AM
hovenaut star
With storylines and characters, I think wrestling is athletic acting.

Reply #262. Feb 23 10, 12:03 PM
gpm97457 star
Of course it's fake. Its all scripted and routines.

Reply #263. Feb 28 10, 5:29 PM
Rob3 star
I once saw WWF live - I was given free tickets. The whole thing was in the middle of a tour and nobody had andy bruises - so yes it's a fake and all scripted.

Reply #264. Mar 06 10, 5:10 AM
Sometimes it is real, sometimes it is fake. They generally are fake, but sometimes they make mistakes and brake teeth and bones and THAT is real. I don't watch it personally.

Reply #265. Mar 06 10, 5:38 AM
Schoonie101 star

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Yeah, and people get cramps playing scrabble.

Note: this video is only for people who DO NOT GET OFFENDED. If you watch it now and get offended, it's on you. Don't cry and then backstabbingly rat me out to the moderators. I won't be happy.

But I have to say there are instances when wrestlers can be entertaining. The 80s were crazy days, let's just say...

Macho Man on, uh, yeah... he's got some artificial energy going... :)

Reply #266. Mar 06 10, 7:43 AM
Schoonie101 star

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"Can I ask you a question?"
"I'm sorry about that"

Amazing tact on the part of the interviewer just keeping a straight face.

Reply #267. Mar 06 10, 7:45 AM
Jennings star
Fake, scripted and acted, IMHO

Reply #268. Mar 06 10, 8:39 AM
7PinKy7 star
I would say it is a lot more fake today. The restlers today aren't as good. WWE only has big guys who can't really wrestle. TNA has the overall better wrestlers. The story lines today are really bad. Before they may still have been scripted, but most of the story lines were beliveable. So today wrestling is mostly fake. I still liked the old ECW. That was the dangerous wrestling. It may still have been scripted but the stuff they did there could have caused serious injuries. Even the fans were at risk. RVD, Sabu, Rey Mysterio jumping off the top rope into the stands. By the way never take Sabu's headpiece.

Reply #269. Mar 24 10, 8:54 PM
7PinKy7 star
You can't tell me that this is totally fake.

I heard that WWE has now banned chair shots to the head. I would be fine with that if they had good wrestlers, but they don't. If you take away the weapons then it is boring. You don't need weapons with good wrestlers. My favorite was ECW. For wrestlers like Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Ball Mahoney, etc, they needed weapons. For Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, RVD, Psychosis, Chris Jericho, and many more you didn't need weapons. They were all good and entertaning wrestlers. They could do a match without leaving the ring and I would still be great. Not so much today.

Reply #270. Mar 24 10, 9:14 PM
cazza2902 star

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We used to have World Championship Wrestling on in Australia in 1960s (only australia wrestlers). Even watching it as a kid this seemed fake and staged and it was nowhere such a 'show' as the current tv wrestling shows. So yes, I still think it is faked.

Reply #271. Mar 24 10, 9:44 PM
7PinKy7 star
Here is a video that shows how it fake, but sometimes can be real.

Reply #272. Mar 24 10, 9:56 PM
romeomikegolf star
Of course it's fake. Why do you think this thread is in Entertainment and not Sport? Back in the 1960s and 70s UK TV showed wrestling every Saturday afternoon, and that was choreographed as well. The only true wrestling is the Greco-Roman style that is included in the Olympics.

Reply #273. Mar 25 10, 1:14 AM
scottishrose44 star

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I believe it is staged, however no matter how much help they give you, you have to lift and throw the other guy

Reply #274. Apr 01 10, 6:38 PM
Anton star
"I believe it is staged, however no matter how much help they give you, you have to lift and throw the other guy"

Not really. If you look closely, you will see the wrestler jump a bit so the other guy can make it seem that he is throwing him. Not every move, but a good portion of them.

Reply #275. Apr 01 10, 6:58 PM
sportsfanmas star
I hate using the word fake when it comes to wrestling. I prefer to use the word scripted. Wrestling is scripted. The matches are decided and practiced in advance. That being said, parts of wrestling are very real. Some of the injuries are very real. Owen Hart dying in the middle of the ring, that was real, as was Stone Cold Steve Austin when the late great Owen Hart damn near paralyzed him by messing up a piledriver and jamming Austin's head into the mat. I could give many more examples. It bugs me to no end when people say that wrestling is fake. It takes a lot of skill to do what they do. I know I would not have the guts to do it.

Reply #276. Aug 30 10, 8:27 PM
Anton star
Owen hart is a bad example. He didn't die from a wrestling accident. He did from a circus stunt gone wrong.

Reply #277. Aug 30 10, 9:03 PM
sportsfanmas star
Anton, very valid point. Take away the Owen Hart example, but there are still many other examples of how wrestling can be real, at least the injuries.

Reply #278. Aug 30 10, 9:17 PM
Anton star
There sure are. Mick Foley got half an ear ripped off and Vader's eye popped out. That's just too. The list really does go on and on.

Reply #279. Aug 30 10, 9:48 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Good grief, is this discussion still chasing its tail?

Reply #280. Aug 30 10, 11:11 PM

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