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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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Anton star
I don't know about that Cym, but I do know that my horrible spelling in my last post or two is embarrassing. lol

Reply #281. Aug 30 10, 11:29 PM
Wrestling is not fake its a good past time for me and many other people.

Reply #282. Feb 27 11, 1:45 PM

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It appears fake to me and I don't consider it entertainment.

Reply #283. Mar 04 11, 4:54 AM
steelman86 star

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Wrestling is entertainment for some people

Reply #284. May 24 11, 4:18 AM

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If you enjoy watching TV wrestling,and find it entertaining,Good For You! Enjoy!

Personally,I would prefer to watch paint drying.

Reply #285. May 24 11, 6:38 AM
And I enjoy watching my fingernails grow.

Reply #286. May 24 11, 9:53 AM
steelman86 star

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I agree with MotherGoose. I would even say that it is fake and don't understand why it is watched by anyone but, to each his own.

Reply #287. May 26 11, 9:15 AM
rieker01 star
The outcome of the matches are pre-determined. It was one of my favorite things to watch as a youth. The abilities of the wrestlers is genuine nothing fake about that and they all have larger then life personalities for sure. It is all a show for real.

Reply #288. Jun 26 11, 6:29 AM
Saints2668 star
You can't get punched in the face 150 times in 5 mins and show no signs of a fight! I've been in my share of scraps and if I get punched in the mug once you can tell!

Reply #289. Jun 26 11, 2:20 PM
boxjaw star

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I'm not reading all of the previous posts. I have to say that the physical aspects of wrestling are very real. You have to be somewhat of an athlete to perform what they do. The thing that is fake is the storylines. It's just a big melodrama in a ring. I could do the fake stuff all day long reading a script or following a story line, but the stuff that those guys do to each other I wouldn't want to try. Fake drama. Real pain (sometimes) all the time.

Reply #290. Jun 27 11, 9:32 AM
Some people get so worked up over NOTHING, don't they? As far as Wrestling is concerned, I have never cared for it. I think it's a violent sport (as many of them are) & I find it to be repetitive. I keep hearing people say it's fake but it sure looks real to me! I can't really say for sure, though because I don't watch it. If any of you want to verbally attack me now because I have stated MY opinion, then have at it. Just expect me to speak up afterwards, which I always do...

Reply #291. Jun 27 11, 10:32 AM
Oidioid32123 star
I'd rather watch paint dry. It's real, but boring.

Reply #292. Aug 15 11, 3:11 PM
daymare star
It's real...just choreographed.

I used to watch it.

If it entertains, go for it!

Reply #293. Aug 15 11, 3:35 PM
jjdoitt star

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What I don't understand is why Fun Trivia continually uses wrestling as a two star selection on the global challenge, very few players actually play.

Reply #294. Aug 17 11, 3:21 PM
paulmallon star

Reply #295. Aug 26 11, 8:21 PM
paulmallon star

Reply #296. Aug 26 11, 8:23 PM
nasty_liar star

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This thread creeps its way to a mighty 300 posts! Incredible, 300 posts on something that is already a well known fact.

Reply #297. Sep 20 11, 8:36 AM
Professional Wrestling relies on the same thing that live theatre does...the suspension of disbelief. Is WWE real? the moment, it is for some people. Is musical theatre real? No. But what you get out of it is, and so is how you feel in the moment while watching it.

Reply #298. Nov 14 11, 11:19 PM
izzy50 star
i think its fake ,,if someone hit me like they do in the ring i would be laid up in bed for six months ,,

Reply #299. Dec 26 11, 2:29 AM
Wrestling is real.

Reply #300. Mar 13 12, 8:31 AM

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