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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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WorldB star
If it were real, there would have been a lot more serious injuries and/or deaths. The human body is not made to sustain what they apparently sustain every other night.

Reply #61. May 31 07, 12:33 PM
I think it real, sometimes they throw chairs at each other.

Reply #62. May 31 07, 4:21 PM
wrestling is without a doubt the biggest CON i have ever seen. when did you last see a wrestler sidelined for 4 months through injury. you didnt? WHY because they love the limelite tooomuch!

Reply #63. May 31 07, 4:34 PM
Fake isn't the word! Wrestling is the stupidest thing on televison. I can't believe that anyone with half a brain would pay good hard earned money to watch it.Hope I don't offend anyone but that's my opinon.

Reply #64. May 31 07, 5:38 PM

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Please watch how you phrase your words, as you can inadvertantly offend someone, even though you said you don't mean to offend.


Reply #65. Jun 02 07, 12:57 PM
I don't think that it fake at all I mean some wrestlers love beating up each other and some get injured and stay out for like 6 months like Triple H and Rey Mysterio.

Reply #66. Jun 02 07, 1:28 PM
it is very fake fake sure is lol

Reply #67. Jun 02 07, 2:47 PM
some of it seems fake to me

Reply #68. Jun 02 07, 3:21 PM
I think alot of it is fake, or staged. If these people were actually beating on one another with chairs and things, they could be killed or seriously hurt.

Reply #69. Jun 02 07, 3:46 PM

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The following was stated by me previously in this thread:

Professional Wrestling is "real" wrestling, however, the moves are choreographed to provide the audience with thrills, and to ensure that the wrestlers will not get seriously hurt.

The wrestlers know the outcome of the match, except for the referees, however, there are times when a wrestler who is supposed to win actually loses the match because the other wrestler didn't follow the choreography.

Just like the NFL choreographs their moves (and they do), so does professional wrestling. What makes professional wrestling not be considered a sport is the fact that there is acting involved and gimmicks. If there were no acting involved and no gimmicks, professional wrestling would be considered a sport.

Reply #70. Jun 03 07, 8:30 AM

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Also, consider this, if the moves were "fake" like everyone seems to think, then how is it that children get killed while performing these "fake" moves?

According to Kurt Angle's book, "It's True, It's True", the wrestling moves are real, the wrestlers actually do wrestle, but the outcome is predetermined. Also, the punches and chair hits are softened so no one will get killed or seriously injured.

Reply #71. Jun 03 07, 8:33 AM
I think that there is a certain amount of choreagraphing in wrestling, and that they do plan beforehand what they're going to do, but on the other hand, I don't think that there is anyway that they don't get hurt... even if you did plan it, getting tossed around like that can't be too easy, nor fun... And you most certainly would get hurt.

Reply #72. Jun 03 07, 8:37 AM
Wrestling is fake,it is all staged.
Sure,the wrestlers get bruised and battered for real,they shed blood for real and break bones for real but it is all planned

Reply #73. Jun 10 07, 5:03 AM
the wrestlers train for tons of years and sometimes they botch the moves and get injured like triple h(second time) and the nfl is not choreographed. but wrestling is not fake just acted out or choreographed

Reply #74. Jun 23 07, 10:45 PM
Wrestling is with out a doubt, 100% pure acting and pre determined results. They showed how fake wrestling was on "Hogan Knows Best". Vince McMahon is a genius for coming up with a way for this fake game to make him millions of dollars.

Reply #75. Jun 24 07, 9:00 AM
WWE is fake. But ECW and Japanese wrestling is real.

Reply #76. Jun 27 07, 1:24 AM

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Well, if you think that WWE is fake, then you MUST think that ECW is fake as well, especially since Vince McMahon owns ECW, too.

Reply #77. Jun 27 07, 4:00 AM
Yeah wrestling is fake, but some of it could be real. They do get bruised and injured and stuff but most of it it fake and just for entertainment.

Reply #78. Jun 28 07, 9:08 AM

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Posted by: Prettyrose

Subject: Way out of Control and faked
Date: Oct 19 06
I used to watch wrestlers with my Grandfather. It was back in the time of greats like Andre the Giant,Haystacks Calhoun,Bruno Sammartino. They were real athletes I admired.

Today,it seems to be phonier and more showy.

(edit) (delete)

15 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1

The whole thing has turned into theatre. It always was in a way (unlike boxing) but in Britain at least appeared to be a straight fight between two extremely large men. Once they took it off TV in the 80s we lost the lot really and American style took over, but (maybe a good thing?) it's only on pay TV here so few people watch it unlike in the States. But like football/soccer it has turned from a sport, or at least an entertainment to a pure business, and is extremely popular but not to people who remember the original type.
Reply #1. Oct 19 06, 7:03 PM Delete - Edit

jarsma63 Wrestling has turned into nothing more than a trashy soap opera with all the entertainment value of dishwater.
Used to watch the old timers, too, but now I cant stomach a half hour of this crap.
Reply #2. Oct 19 06, 9:21 PM Delete - Edit

nwo_4_lyfe724 Try watching TNA, its LOTS better than WWE
Reply #3. Oct 24 06, 11:43 AM Delete - Edit


Although I still have an interest in what's going on, I find myself channel surfing during matches. Not only has it gotten too "showy", it's so predictable. You know what's going to happen and even what's going to be said. And bringing in K-Fed didn't help any.
Reply #4. Oct 27 06, 7:25 AM Delete - Edit

nwo_4_lyfe724 K-Fed isn't cool anway.
Reply #5. Oct 27 06, 3:35 PM Delete - Edit

Lemmyrules I don't keep up with modern day wrestling, but I understand that K-Fed had a couple of altercations with John Cena. I haven't read into them, personally. I would blame it on the fact that I don't recognize K-Fed as a vital celebrity, and that he brings nothing to the table, regarding anything.
Reply #6. Oct 29 06, 2:35 AM Delete - Edit

jonnowales I used to enjoy a bit of WWE back in the days when it was WWF, it is just poor theatre now.
Reply #7. Nov 16 06, 4:38 PM Delete - Edit

Yanks2003 Yea I agree. WWF was so much better than today's WWE. If you want to see some good fights, watch Ultimate Fighter.
Reply #8. Dec 03 06, 10:51 AM Delete - Edit

TheuntouchablE WWE is at it's finest! It is fake, i admit it. But look at the "E" in WWE, it stands for entertainment. thats what it is.
Reply #9. Dec 03 06, 3:06 PM Delete - Edit

anais1241 TNA is way better than WWE. My opinion.

Reply #10. Dec 03 06, 3:07 PM Delete - Edit

TheuntouchablE TNA is an incarcenation of the WWE! WWE superstars go to TNA because they want to improve the business there. If there was no wwe, there would be no tna.
Reply #11. Dec 03 06, 5:49 PM Delete - Edit

Scotty2Hotty87 Heh, you want "showy?" Watch WSX on MTV. Good wrestling, but it is filled with explosions and cheesy camera effects.
Reply #12. Feb 12 07, 4:23 AM Delete - Edit

jericha Thats the way things have gone. I miss the cheesyness of the 80's though.
Reply #13. Feb 12 07, 4:35 PM Delete - Edit

wwefan18 I like it better the way it is today than the way it use to be. I don't know why but I just like it with new superstars and I just don't feel as interested in the WWE back when they had all the older superstars. I think it's time to give some younger athletes a chance to shine.
Reply #14. Jun 28 07, 10:25 AM Delete - Edit

Kiwi_al It is called sports entertainment. The participants are still highly trained and extremely good at what they do. I do however agree that there's a bit too much behind the scenes drama.

Reply #79. Jul 02 07, 8:57 PM
I personally think wrestling is all just planned. I really enjoy watching it, but I don't ever think of it as people fighting eachother for real. I really hope I didn't offend anyone but I am just giving you all my opinion.

Reply #80. Jul 03 07, 1:24 AM

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