Complete Clue List
1. Confused, CLAIRE SPIES an expert (anag., UK spelling, 11)
8. 2016 Olympics host, for short (3)
9. Wander (about) (3)
10. Mythical monster (3)
11. Boolean operator (3)
12. Off-white shade (5)
15. Trivial (5)
18. Wetland (3)
19. Recipe instruction (3)
20. Agenda entries (5)
22. Chinese bamboo eater (5)
23. European peak (3)
25. Biblical beast (3)
27. Org. with motto "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" (3)
28. Dissenting votes (3)
29. DON WHITTLES, producing a mass of soft, feathery seeds (anag., 11)
1. FAT INCISING becomes important (anag., 11)
2. A split one may need trimming (3)
3. Subtle sarcasm (5)
4. Melody (3)
5. Colloquially, substitute for regular doctor (5)
6. Sermon subject (3)
7. Treacherous AIDA TORRENT is slowing (anag., 11)
13. Check for accuracy (3)
14. United (3)
16. Mum's mum (3)
17. Peculiar (3)
21. Biased viewpoint (5)
22. A sheriff may round one up (5)
24. Greek letter OR pressure meas. (3)
26. Roman sun god (3)
27. To and ____ (3)