Complete Clue List
1. Feeling great happiness. I wish you a ___ Christmas
4. Tranquil. Try to find some of these moments this holiday
9. Tchaikovsky wrote "The Nutcracker" as this type of classical dance for Christmas
10. On Christmas Eve, children listen for Santa's ___ sleigh
12. Ideal for Christmas carols, ancient stringed instrument
13. Icy window decoration on a cold Christmas morning
15. Locals in Amsterdam; who enjoy 2 days of Christmas
18. The other major Christian feast day (6,6)
21. ATM charge when drawing extra funds for gifts (6,3)
22. Children listen for the sound of reindeers' hooves - clip ___
24. Book by Don Freeman about a teddy bear with a button missing
25. Santa sometimes meets children in this area
26. Cricket bat for Christmas? Use oil from these (pl.)
27. How we should help with chores at Christmas (happily)
1. Expressing great happiness
2. An old Norse term now applied to Christmas
3. Tinsel has a lot of ___. As a bird deterrent, for example
5. Santa's elves wear this colour (7,5)
6. Most Christmas trees are this general type
7. Muscle that bends a joint
8. Curved like a certain musical instrument
11. Neil Young song lyrics, 'I've been a miner for ___' (1,5,2,4)
14. Old-fashioned dressing for turkey (5,5)
16. Showed excessive devotion to someone
17. Twelfth Christmas album released by Mannheim Steamroller in 2011, 'Christmas ___'
19. A gift may be wrapped into this
20. Rapid breakup of frozen rivers in the spring thaw (3,3)
23. Spoken; taken by mouth