Complete Clue List
1. A way to carry school books: B______K
5. Applied gently: D____D
9. How agreeable people see: E__/__/__E
10. Enthusiasm: S____T
12. Not as moist: D___R
13. High schoolers, usually: T_______S
14. Large amount of money, though it doesn't sound like it: S____/______E
18. Behaved in a silly, aimless way: M_____/_____D
21. Romantically illuminated: C_______T
23. Words of action: V___S
24. Kind of salon: B____Y
25. Microorganisms: B______A
26. Make certain: E____E
27. Class members: S______S
1. Bakery selections: B____S
2. Payment card type: C____T
3. TV offering: P_______E (UK spelling)
4. Fortune-tellers' accessories: C______/____S
6. First Greek letter: A___A
7. Outdoor cookout: B______E (Variant spelling)
8. Couldn't stand: D______D
11. Picture of the painter who painted it: S___/_______T
15. Fixed up: R_______D
16. Friendly: A______E
17. Disgraceful incidents: S______S
19. Rehearsal: D__/__N
20. Academy Awards: O____S
22. Not now: L___R