Complete Clue List
3. She fed Elijah and saved her own life in the process
8. Result of Jesus healing on the Sabbath
9. Part of the Pentateuch
10. Place that couldn't find room for Mary and Joseph
11. Desert wandering Israelite meals
12. Language of the Hindu Vedas
14. A believer that a clockmaker god only set the world in motion
16. Sacrilegious talk
20. Pachyderm god riding a mouse
22. Holy month
25. A Buddhist fundamental part of existence
27. Evil spirit
30. Jewish commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt
33. Wiccan potion to provide a desired effect
35. Hindu sacred syllable of the universe (pl)
36. Zealous feeling
37. Spiritual transmission of knowledge in Sufism
38. Egyptian hieroglyphs of immortality and rebirth
1. Traditional Christmas tree
2. Hindu Festival of Colors
3. A place a stigmata could appear
4. Compactly; like the spacing of pilgrims at the Kaaba
5. A weekday Catholics might have ashes on their forehead
6. Jews, Christians, and Muslims can be called "People of the ___"
7. Muslim mystic
13. Remorse
14. What the dyslexic agnostic is unsure about
15. Where a holy book might be kept
17. Sisyphus does this every day to a boulder
18. Hindu Goddess Durga aka Devi ___
19. Oldest Buddhist school
21. Sumerian sky god
23. Wearer of a religious habit
24. Officially remove a priest or minister
26. Shriner hat's original Turkish spelling
28. Caribbean practice of black magic system to protect or harm
29. Bread of Life
31. A Judaean king who worshiped Baal
32. Cubits would be needed to measure the ___ of Noah's ark
34. Abraham's birthplace would be in this modern country