Complete Clue List
8. An acting Al
9. First Nations' people in northeast North America known as the "Five Nations"
10. Losing grip
11. Establish an idea or concept into another person's mind
12. Horizontal supporting beams
13. British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean (shaped like an Italian eel)
14. Female ruler of Russia
16. Squirmy
20. Central American unleavened flatbread
23. Elastic stockings first introduced in 1939
25. Mr Ed's owner or Orville's brother
26. Boxer
27. US state, east (or should that be South?)
28. Morsel
1. Largest prizes in various gambling games
2. People who belong to the world's third-largest religious group
3. Mr Crusoe
4. Major Chinese port city
5. Dividing into distinct areas
6. Vidkun, Norwegian traitor
7. Pertaining to a son or daughter
15. North American turnip
17. Malaysian banknotes
18. Movement of a large mass of rock and soil material downwards from a hill or cliff
19. World's largest lake, a sea
21. Ms Newton-John
22. Voicebox
24. Controversial 1955 novel written by Vladimir Nabokov