What's the name of the Literature teacher who later entices Larry Kroger into smoking marijuana?
2"I heard Delta's the worst house on campus."
Answer: Larry "Pinto" Kroger
Kent had said, "My brother Fred was a Delta. That makes me a legacy. They gotta take me-- it's like their law! Don't worry-- I'll put in a good word for you!"
12As we learn when he attempts to pledge to a fraternity, Kent Dorfman is a 'legacy' from what city?
Answer: Harrisburg
His brother, Fred, was also in the Delta fraternity, making Kent a 'legacy', or automatic member (well, sort of...if you're not a total closet case...like Fred!)
14"Every Halloween, the trees are filled with underwear... every spring, the toilets explode."
Answer: Dean Wormer
"You're talking about Delta, sir," Greg Marmalard said after that. Greg and Wormer were in Wormer's office. Wormer told Greg to find him a way to revoke Delta's charter.
19Who tells a little kid to get off of a mailbox, because it's government property?
Answer: Hoover
When the guys are preparing to sabotage the parade, Hoover - in dark glasses and a trenchcoat - gets a kid off the mailbox so he can have a prime seat.
20"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no!"
Answer: John "Bluto" Blutarsky
"Germans?" (Otter) "Forget it-- he's rolling." (Boon) All the Deltas were moping around depressed because Wormer had just expelled them all, after seeing their grades. But... "Not me! I'm not gonna take this!" Bluto shouted. The Pearl Harbor reference was part of his spiel.
24Who is the first Delta House 'Animal' to meet and greet Larry and Kent?
Answer: Bluto
Great scene: Kent asks Bluto 'Excuse me sir, is this the Delta House?' Bluto, who was relieving himself at the time, turns around, proceeds to pee on their shoes, and responds to Kent 'Sure. C'mon in.'