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The 1959 film 'Ben Hur', starring Charlton Heston as an ancient Jewish hero in a Roman world, won an astounding 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor.
7 Ben Hur quizzes and 75 Ben Hur trivia questions.
  'Ben Hur', Part I   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
One of the greatest epics in film history, the 1959 masterpiece 'Ben Hur' ranks among the greatest of Hollywood films. This quiz will be the first of several in a series covering this classic movie of redemption.
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 18 03
thejazzkickazz gold member
5949 plays
  'Ben Hur', Part V   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
This is the final installment in a five part series covering the 1959 film 'Ben Hur', one of the most celebrated films in Hollywood history. Let us join Ben Hur as he completes his quest to find his family!
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Mar 16 14
thejazzkickazz gold member
2979 plays
  'Ben Hur', Part II   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is the second installment in my series that will cover the details of 'Ben Hur', one of the greatest films of all time. I invite you to give it a try!
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, May 18 15
thejazzkickazz gold member
3607 plays
  'Ben Hur', Part III   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is the third installment in my series honoring one of the greatest stories ever told in film, 'Ben Hur'. Join Ben Hur in this quiz as he travels back to Judaea to settle a score and find his family.
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jun 27 09
thejazzkickazz gold member
2504 plays
  'Ben Hur', Part IV   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
This fourth installment in my series of quizzes based on the 1959 classic 'Ben Hur' begins with the preparations for the great chariot race. Join me for this climactic moment in the film!
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 21 03
thejazzkickazz gold member
2329 plays
  Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Eighteen year-olds are NOT supposed to like this movie, but I love it. The questions in this quiz do not follow the movie in chronological order.
Average, 10 Qns, thequoteguy, May 31 04
1632 plays
  'Ben-Hur' (1959)    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I haven't seen a 'Ben-Hur' quiz yet, so I thought I'd make one for my favorite movie. Have fun!
Average, 15 Qns, rosalita, Oct 14 21
Oct 14 21
4909 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Ben Hur returns to his family home in Jerusalem. With whom does he make first contact after he enters the courtyard of his unkept home?

From Quiz "'Ben Hur', Part III"

Ben Hur Trivia Questions

1. What is the name of Judah's sister?

From Quiz
Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?

Answer: Tirzah

Esther was the name of his slave, whom he set free and later fell in love with. Miriam was the name of his mother. Deborah was a random woman's name that I pulled from the Bible.

2. Ben Hur returns triumphantly to his homeland in Judaea, the newly-adopted son of a Roman consul. Upon his return, Ben Hur is met by one of the three wise men who witnessed Christ's birth, but which?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part III

Answer: Balthasar & Balthazar

While Ben Hur reclines luxuriously under a desert palm, Balthasar of Alexandria approaches with a query. Could Ben Hur be the wandering rabbi, spreading wisdom across the holy land? Ben Hur denies being Christ, of course, but he does prove strangely interesting to the old, wise man. Balthasar takes Ben Hur with him to meet his Arab friend Sheik Ilderim.

3. Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judea. Which area did he want to be governor of?

From Quiz Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?

Answer: Alexandria

Pontius Pilate was played by Frank Thring. His father, Frank Thring, Sr., invented the forerunner of the clapperboard, and was also big in Australian film production.

4. What is the name of the rather large, bald man that accompanies Esther to the Valley of the Lepers?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part V

Answer: Malluch

Malluch, a very large deaf-mute, was Simonides' prisonmate for a number of years. Simonides claims that Malluch is his legs (the old man has lost the use of his lower limbs), while he is Malluch's voice. Malluch helps block Ben Hur from entering the cave to see his mother and sister.

5. Just before the big chariot race Sheik Ilderim gives Ben Hur an item for luck. What is this thing that the sheik provides to his driver?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part IV

Answer: A Star of David

Sheik Ilderim provides Ben Hur with 'The Star of David. To shine out for your people and my people together, and blind the eyes of Rome!' An extraordinary show of Arab/Jewish unity, I must say.

6. According to Quintus Arrius, the new consul and Commander of the Roman fleet, what specific emotion keeps a man alive?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part II

Answer: Hate

Quintus Arrius tests Ben Hur by whipping his back. Ben Hur immediately turns toward Quintus Arrius, but does not attempt to fight back. According to Quintus Arrius, Ben Hur's 'eyes are full of hate'. This is good, according to the consul, as 'hate keeps a man alive'.

7. Upon which U.S. Civil War General's work is the story behind the film 'Ben Hur' based?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part I

Answer: Lewis Wallace

Lew Wallace was a General from Indiana who fought for the Union side during the U.S. Civil War. He wrote his very popular novel 'Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ' in 1880, and is now more well-known for it than for his exploits during the war. During his lifetime, he saw his book become a very popular stage hit, but never saw it come to life in the cinema (he died in 1907).

8. What actress played Esther?

From Quiz 'Ben-Hur' (1959)

Answer: Haya Harareet

Haya Harareet was born in Haifa, Palestine.

9. What was Judah's number while he rowed on the Roman galley?

From Quiz Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?

Answer: XLI

Quintus Arrius referred to Judah by his number, until the consul was told his name.

10. Ben Hur and Esther venture to an apparent sermon upon a mount, given by Christ. Which very devout character of the film meets with the two of them near a stream across from the mount?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part V

Answer: Balthasar

Balthasar, played by Finlay Currie, is the chief conduit between Ben Hur and Christ during the film. Incidentally, Currie also plays the narrator early on in the film. As many of you realized (and recognized from one of the earlier quizzes), Balthasar is one of the three wise men of Christian lore who see Christ in the manger at Bethlehem.

11. Ben Hur's chariot is lined up one away from the late arriving chariot of his rival Messala. What sort of chariot is the dastardly Messala riding?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part IV

Answer: Greek

The meaning of this becomes readily apparent when the camera focuses on the wheels, which contain a protuding set of blades, perfect for chopping up the spokes of the wheels on other chariots. One may ask, isn't this against the rules? But Sheik Ilderim has made clear that in the arena, there are no rules...

12. Finish this key quote from Quintus Arrius: 'Now, listen to me, all of you. You are all condemned men! We keep you alive to serve this ship. So, _______________'

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part II

Answer: Row well, and live!

I think this could possibly be the most memorable line from the film, it's so simple and yet encapsulates Ben Hur's life for over three years in the Roman galley. Quintus Arrius is a ruthless but reasonable cog in the Roman machine.

13. 'Ben Hur' was nominated for 12 Oscars, and won 11 times! In which category did the film fail to win an Academy Award?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part I

Answer: Best Screenplay

While William Wyler won for Best Director, Charlton Heston and Hugh Griffith won for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, respectively. Karl Tunberg failed to win for his screenplay, and there is an interesting story behind why this is so. Apparently, Wyler had difficulty finding a quality screenplay, and sifted through over 40 before finally settling on Tunberg's. Wyler thought the screenplay, based on Wallace's book, of course, still needed much fine tuning, so he selected Gore Vidal to improve the quality of the dialogue. After disagreements on tone and style between Wyler and Vidal (Vidal insisted on creating a homoerotic air between the Ben Hur and the Messala characters), Wyler turned to Christopher Fry, who completed the screen writing. Unfortunately, the studio failed to recognize either Fry or Vidal's work, and gave the credit solely to Tunberg. Wyler protested and lobbied for Fry, but the die had already been cast.

14. What did Sheik Ilderim name his horses after?

From Quiz 'Ben-Hur' (1959)

Answer: Stars

15. After a turn around the track, the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate announces the place of origin of each driver. How many chariot teams are there in total at the beginning of the race?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part IV

Answer: 9

The chariot teams are from: Alexandria, Messina, Carthage, Cyprus, Rome, Corinth, Athens, Phrygia and Judaea. Naturally, Ben Hur is the Judaean driver, and Messala is the Roman driver. The race begins with the dropping of a white cloth by Pontius Pilate (played by actor Frank Thring).

16. Ben Hur returns to his family home in Jerusalem. With whom does he make first contact after he enters the courtyard of his unkept home?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part III

Answer: Esther

The beautiful Esther has remained in the family home, never having married her fiance in Antioch. Her father Simonides has been kept in prison all the while that Ben Hur has been gone. The elderly steward has just been released prior to Ben Hur's return home.

17. Quintus Arrius tests the mettle of his rowers by putting them through a rigorous regimen of rowing speeds. What is the top rowing speed for this ship?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part II

Answer: Ramming speed

The order of speeds that he commands are: battle speed, attack speed and ramming speed, respectively. Torpedo speed is a figment of my imagination, but it sounds wonderful, doesn't it? We later discover that the rowing sequence was all a test to see if Ben Hur is as resilient as he seems.

18. At the beginning of the film we see a Roman legion marching toward Jerusalem. A change in command for the Roman troops in Judaea has been ordered by the Emperor. Who will be the new commander of the garrison?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part I

Answer: Messala

Messala, played by Stephen Boyd, will be the young and ambitious new commander of the Roman legion in Jerusalem. It so happens that Messala is an old friend of our hero, Judah Ben Hur. Soon after Messala accepts command from the battle-weary Sextus, he meets with his old friend...and the rivalry begins!

19. How many chariots were in the race?

From Quiz 'Ben-Hur' (1959)

Answer: 9

20. How many times must you ride around the course to win a race at the Circus Maximus?

From Quiz Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?

Answer: Nine

Oddly enough, there were nine competitors as well.

21. Ben Hur is summoned for a meeting with the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. What is offered to the former upon his visit with the governor?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part V

Answer: Roman citizenship

Nothing so spectacular as a governmental or military position, at least not at this time. Ben Hur is offered simply his Roman citizenship, as the son of Quintus Arrius. He decides to turn down this offer from Pontius Pilate, and returns the ring provided to him by the elder Arrius as a sign of his adoption. Ben Hur decides to once again become a common dweller of Judaea, and perhaps a champion of the Jewish cause.

22. What item, formerly owned by Esther, has Ben Hur kept in his possession during his entire absence from Judaea?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part III

Answer: Ring

Esther gave Ben Hur her 'slave ring' when she announced to him her intention to marry. Ben Hur promised to wear the ring until he met the woman he would marry. He never removed the ring, suggesting that he just might have intentions with Esther...ahem!

23. When the line of slaves was being lead through the town of Nazareth, who stopped to give Judah a drink of water, despite the commands of the Roman guards?

From Quiz Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?

Answer: Jesus Christ

Later in the movie, although not described in the Bible, Judah offers Christ a drink before the Messiah is led to be crucified.

24. Just prior to making his shocking reappearance before his old rival Messala, Ben Hur provides a magnificent gift. What weapon does Ben Hur give to his erstwhile friend?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part III

Answer: A dagger

Messala originally believes that the gift is from Quintus Arrius the Younger, a man he has never met. He is correct about the name, but indeed he has met Young Arrius, it is his old rival back from the slave galley, Ben Hur! The shocked look on Messala's face is priceless. Ben Hur demands that Messala find his mother and sister and return them to their family home...the plot has thickened!

25. The galley in which Ben Hur rows enters into battle with pirates. The ship is destroyed, but Ben Hur is able to escape. How is Ben Hur able to evade the chains?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part II

Answer: Quintus Arrius orders his chain unlocked

Quintus Arrius apparently admires Ben Hur's faith and steadfastness, and hence orders his chain to be released. When the ship is rammed, he is easily able to escape, and in the meantime he helps several other prisoners escape their bonds by killing the guard and taking his keys.

26. Ben Hur lives in Jerusalem in a stately home with which two relatives?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part I

Answer: Mother and sister

Ben Hur's sister is called Tirzah (played by Cathy O'Donnell, sister-in-law of Wyler) and his mother is Miriam (portrayed by Martha Scott).

27. Quintus Arrius was a high-ranking Roman official. What was the real name of his adopted son, Quintus Arrius the Younger?

From Quiz Have You Seen 'Ben-Hur'?

Answer: Judah Ben-Hur

Arrius was on a Roman galley when he met Judah, who was then known simply as 'XLI'. When Judah saved his life, he adopted him and Judah took on his name.

28. During the great race, how many total chariots are destroyed and/or riders taken out of commission?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part IV

Answer: 6

This is an area of discontinuity in the film. A total of six riders, including Messala, are taken out during the race. This means that only three riders should have finished the competition. Oddly enough, however, a total of four drivers are shown finishing the race. Another driver is added to the scene after the third chariot is taken out for some reason. Odd.

29. Ben Hur demands the return of his mother and sister during his visit with Messala. Miriam and Tirzah are very much alive in the dungeon of the prison, but they have contracted what horrible disease?

From Quiz 'Ben Hur', Part III

Answer: Leprosy

The jailer and Messala's lieutenant Drusus discover that Miriam and Tirzah have contracted leprosy. Rather than be returned to Ben Hur, they are to be banished from the city and their cell 'burned out'.

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