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Cocktail Movie Trivia Quizzes

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4 Cocktail quizzes and 45 Cocktail trivia questions.
  "Cocktail"...The Movie   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
I noticed there were no quizzes about this classic Tom Cruise here's the first!
Easier, 10 Qns, baumsquad, Apr 15 14
6398 plays
  Cocktail   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I love Tom Cruise, or at least Tom Cruise from the 80s to mid 90s. This quiz is all about one of his most underrated roles.
Average, 10 Qns, ajislm, Jan 23 06
3488 plays
  "Cocktail" The Movie    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Cocktail" is one of my all-time favorite movies. Enjoy it.
Difficult, 10 Qns, jennsboybrad, Aug 04 06
3518 plays
  Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"    
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 15 Qns
Here is some trivia about the film that made Tom Cruise a star. It's not too hard and not too easy. Good luck and have fun.
Tough, 15 Qns, diamondjim68, Apr 12 06
4813 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What drink is Doug mixing when Brian walks in to ask about a job?

From Quiz ""Cocktail" The Movie"

Cocktail Trivia Questions

1. Where is Tom Cruise's character, Brian, returning from at the start of the movie?

From Quiz

Answer: Army

The movie starts with him on a bus returning home from the Army. Then it goes into a long string of scenes where he is interviewing for different jobs. He ends up going to college because he doesn't have the education to get a job that he wants.

2. The song playing during Brian's bus ride is __________.

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: Wild Again

It is performed by Starship and appears on the soundtrack.

3. Which character did Tom Cruise play?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Brian Flanagan

Tom plays struggling college student turned superstar bartender, Brian Flanagan.

4. How much did Uncle Pat charge Brian for his beer?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: $1.00

Uncle Pat didn't believe in giving things away because it is no way to get rich.

5. What is the name of the diner where Jordan works?

From Quiz Cocktail

Answer: Jerry's

When they're on the beach together in Jamaica, Jordan tells Brian that her "obsession" is drawing, but she waits on tables at Jerry's diner.

6. Uncle Pat says the yuppies described Brian's mother's furniture as _______.

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: quaint

Rob Dean, who has a versatile filmography dating back to 1976, plays the no-nonsense Uncle Pat. He contributed to such movies as "The Fugitive", "Rudy", "The Client", "Eye for an Eye", and "Chain Reaction".

7. Which branch of the military was Tom Cruise's character headed home from?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Army

After leaving the army, young Mr. Flanagan heads home to New York to find a job.

8. What did the last interviewer say to Brian?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: You should go to college.

Brian went on interviews at advertising agencies and other top dollar offices. He as turned down because of lack of education and experience.

9. When Brian breaks up with Bonnie, he tells her he moved all of his stuff out of her place, but he left a can of what in her fridge?

From Quiz Cocktail

Answer: Spam

Brian ends up with Bonnie in Jamaica after Doug bets him that he could land a rich chick. The next day Brian goes looking for Jordan, but she has left. He decides to cut his losses and head back to New York with Bonnie. Since she's a rich, successful woman, he thinks she can help him get somewhere. They finally break up when he realizes that she is just stringing him along, he isn't going to gain anything, and he really doesn't like her. Before leaving, he tells her, "I left a can of Spam in your refrigerator, I hope your Brewers Yeast doesn't take it personally".

10. Who hired Tom's character as a part-time bartender?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Douglas Coughlin

Douglas was played magnificently by Bryan Brown.

11. How did Brian's professor react when he insulted him?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: He threatened to flunk him.

The professor criticized his paper on owning his own bar.

12. What is the name of the restaurant/bar where Brian meets Doug for the first time?

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: T.G.I. Friday's

Just before Brian stops to check out the 'Help Wanted' sign in the window, the camera pans downward, and T.G.I. Friday's can be seen very briefly on the awning.

13. After quitting his job with Douglas, which tropical island did Tom's character move to?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Jamaica

He heads to Jamaica because the pay is good and the work is easier.

14. What drink did that snotty customer ask Brian for on his first night?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: Martini

Brian asked him, "What's in that?".

15. What actress plays Jordan?

From Quiz Cocktail

Answer: Elisabeth Shue

This was a pretty big role for Elisabeth Shue. At this time she had only a few credits under her belt. She had a small part in "The Karate Kid", and then her first real lead in "Adventures in Babysitting". It was after "Cocktail" that she got her role as Jennifer Parker in the second and third installments of "Back to the Future" opposite Michael J. Fox.

16. What was the first 'Coughlin's Law' mentioned in the movie?

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: "Something different is always something better."

'Something different is always something better' is Doug's comment on Brian's job search during their conversation when they first meet. 'Never tell tales...' barely gets out of Doug's mouth before Brian decks him at The Cell Block after Doug made a pass at Coral to get his money back. 'Never show surprise...' is actually recited by Brian at the beach bar in Jamaica when Doug vacations on his honeymoon. And 'Bury the dead...' is written in Doug's tear jerking letter to Brian following his suicide.

17. Which character, played by Elisabeth Shue, did Tom's character fall in love with?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Jordan Mooney

Elisabeth Shue plays Jorday Mooney, a young, beautiful, rich girl who aspires to be an artist.

18. What poem did the yuppie guy recite?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: The Bottom Line

After that, Brian made up a poem about mixology.

19. What is the name of the reporter that Brian starts dating while working for Doug?

From Quiz Cocktail

Answer: Coral

When Brian tells Doug about his new relationship with Coral, Doug is skeptical. He bets Brian $50 that Coral will be in the sack with some other guy before the week is out. Doug ends up being the guy that Coral sleeps with. Doug tells Brian he had to make his money back, and that he did him a favor.

20. What drink is Doug mixing when Brian walks in to ask about a job?

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: Red Eye

Recipe for Red Eye: 3/4 bottle of beer/lager, 1 oz. vodka (optional), tomato juice, and one egg raw. Do not stir.

21. Who did Tom's character cheat with?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Bonnie

Jordan actually catches Brian taking Bonnie home after a night of partying. Bonnie is played by Lisa Banes.

22. Who was Brian's girlfriend before he met Jordan?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: Coral

Coral was played by Gina Gershon. Jordan was played by Elizabeth Shue.

23. What does Doug call his sayings?

From Quiz Cocktail

Answer: Coughlin's Law

Throughout the movie, Doug constantly gives these little tidbits of advice, or words of wisdom, which he calls "Coughlin's Law". One of them is "Never tell tales about a woman. No matter how far away she is, she'll always hear you".

24. According to Doug, a star never pukes or passes out in public, but what is allowed?

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: Falling down stairs

Doug falls down the stairs following their rendition of 'Chantilly Lace' by The Big Bopper.

25. After returning to New York, Tom's character moved out of Bonnie's apartment and started looking for Elisabeth Shue's character. Where did she work?

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: A diner

Although her father owns half of Manhattan, Jordan works as a waitress at a local diner.

26. How did Jordan spook Brian?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: She told him she was pregnant.

She spooked him again later when she told him they were expecting twins.

27. Brian hops on the bar at The Cell Block and offers a poem. Before he begins he describes himself as The Last _______.

From Quiz "Cocktail" The Movie

Answer: Barman Poet

The Last Barman Poet's poem states: "I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make. America's getting stinking on something I stir or shake. The sex on the beach, the schnapps made from peach, the velvet hammer, the Alabama slammer, the orgasm, the death spasm, the Singapore sling, the ding-a-ling. America, you're just devoted to every flavor I've got. But if you want to get loaded why don't you just order a shot?"

28. Which character said "the luck is gone, the brain is shot, but the liquor we still got?"

From Quiz "Cocktail"...The Movie

Answer: Douglas

Douglas says this to Brian the night he commits suicide aboard his yacht. Douglas had seemed very depressed and mentions that he is deeply in debt and "doesn't have a pot to pee in."

29. Why wouldn't Brian make out with Kerri?

From Quiz Tom Cruise and "Cocktail"

Answer: She was his best friend's wife.

It is very uncool to do that.

30. What is the name of Jordan's friend who Brian helps get an ambulance for, when Brian and Jordan meet in Jamaica?

From Quiz Cocktail

Answer: Dulcy

Dulcy has a few key moments in the movie after this. She is the one who tells Brian in Jamaica that Jordan has gone back home. She is also the one who ends up revealing that Jordan's family lives on Park Avenue.

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