How long did Mercedes wait after Edmond went to prison before she married Fernand?
2What island do Edmond and Fernand take their ill captain, seeking medical assistance?
Answer: Elba
This is where Napoleon was exiled. To prevent him from being rescued the British would shoot anyone who came ashore, which explains Edmond and Fernand's little adventure.
3Who does Edmond Dantes have a private conversation with on Elba?
Answer: Napoleon
Napoleon asks Edmond to deliver a letter to an old friend, but to tell no one that he has been given the letter. The letter contains information about Napoleon's captivity on Elba, and Edmond is arrested for treason because he is carrying it.
5Who said this to Edmond: "In life we are kings or pawns"?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte
When Napoleon asked Edmond why he and Fernand exchanged the king chess piece, Edmond told him it signifies being the king of the moment. To which Napoleon responds that the world is made up of either kings or pawns.
This was said to Mercedes when Edmond met her and Fernand at the rock. He was excited for he had just been made captain because of his actions while the former captain was ill. In this scene you also begin to see more of how Fernand really feels about Edmond.
7What happens to Edmond Dantes when the ship's owner learns that Edmond forced a detour to Elba?
Answer: He was given his captain's papers.
Edmond actually gets promoted for making the decision to get help for his sick captain. Danglars, the first mate, was reprimanded for trying to stop Dantes from making port at Elba.
9What are the missing words?
Edmond: "Why?!"
Fernand:"Because you're the son of a _______, and I'm not supposed to ________ to be you!"
Answer: clerk want
This is one of my favourite quotes in the movie. It shows how much Fernand is consumed by jealousy. So much so that he sends Edmond to the Chateau d'If.
10What is the real reason that Villefort burnt the letter that Napoleon gave Edmond?
Answer: To cover for a family member
The letter was written to Monsoir Clarion, Villefort's father. Edmond was unaware of the contents of the letter, for he could not read and Napoleon lied to him, assuring him that the contents were innocent.
13How many beatings did Edmond receive while at the Chateau d'If?
Answer: 14
It is customary that every new inmate gets a beating on his first day by the warden, and one whipping every year on the date of their imprisonment so that they can keep track of the time.
14Who said, "In the end treason is a matter of dates."?
Answer: Clarion
He said this when his son was confronting him, in his hope for the return of the Emperor Napoleon. Since he was one of Napoleon's agents, he was seen as a threat to Villefort and his status.
I love the comment the Priest makes, "But have you named them yet?" This was said just after the Priest dug into Edmond's cell. Edmond had been placed in this cell after being accused of treason.
19When the priest discovered plant roots in the tunnel, how much longer did he say it would take before they could escape?
Answer: Months
The digging process takes so long because Edmond and the priest need to hide the dirt in the toilet bucket so that they don't get discovered. It is amazing that they are so close to escaping, but it would still take months.
20In one shot we are able to read the letter from Villefort to Mercedes stating that Edmond is dead, what day was this letter written? (It seen in the top right hand corner.)
Answer: September 20th
September 12th is when Edmond was wrongly accused of treason and murder.
23How long has Abbe Faria (the Priest) been a prisoner at Chateau d'If?
Answer: 11 years
Five of those years he spent digging the tunnel that he thought would lead him to the outer wall, but instead led to a friend. He was in prison because Napoleon believed he knew where the treasure was on Monte Cristo, so he put him in there to refresh his memory.