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17 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Trivia Questions & Answers

Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, as asked by users of

There are 17 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 14 2025.
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1 Benjamin Button was born on November 11, 1918, "an especially good night to be born". What historic event occurred on that day?
Answer: The Great War (World War I) ended

The Great War ended on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month with the signing of the armistice treaty between Germany and the Allies. The movie depicted the people of New Orleans celebrating in the streets with revelry and fireworks.
In contrast to this and despite the propitious timing of his birth, Benjamin came into the world under unusual circumstances - he was born with the physical infirmities of an 80-year-old man, and aged backwards as he grew up. The movie was based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was in turn inspired by the following quote from Mark Twain: "Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18."

The other answers: The Red Sox won the World Series on September 11, 1918; Woodrow Wilson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919; and the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 lasted until June 1920.
2 What is so odd about the baby born at the beginning of the movie?
Answer: He is old.

Benjamin's father races across town to see his newborn son. He arrives at the house and finds out that his wife will die from child birth. He is not pleased with the way his son looks though, so he drops him off at a nursing home to be cared for. A doctor eventually examines the child and diagnoses him with cataracts, osteoporosis, and other ailing diseases.
3 When is Benjamin born?
Answer: The end of World War 1

There are fireworks going off in the street as Benjamin's father races across town. Everyone is celebrating that the war is over and parading in the streets. An unseen narrator is telling us the date and filling you in as to what is happening. It is supposedly a very lucky day to be born. Most of the people are drinking a few brews, also.
4 While he is still young (technically), Benjamin meets a young girl at the nursing home. Her grandmother lives in the home, and she visits most weekends. She befriends Benjamin, and they fall in love as the story progresses. What is her name?
Answer: Daisy

They often spend time together during the night while everyone else is sleeping. Daisy recognizes that Benjamin is "different", and she falls in love with him too. Benjamin often speaks of her "beautiful blue eyes".
5 What is the name of Benjamin's childhood love, and eventually his wife?
Answer: Daisy

Daisy has red hair and blue eyes. She is very beautiful and also has a very polite nature. She grows up to become a very successful ballerina until a tragic car accident ends her career. Benjamin first meets her when Daisy's grandma introduces them. It is love at first sight.
6 When Benjamin is about 18 years old, he leaves the nursing home to become a sailor on a tugboat. During his time as a sailor, Benjamin is forced into the Navy after World War II begins. What event makes Benjamin and the other sailors enter the war?
Answer: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is attacked while Benjamin and the rest of the crew are in Russia. Their boat is enlisted into the Navy, and soon they are attacked themselves by a submarine. Most of the other sailors die, but Benjamin lives and returns to his home.
7 What is Benjamin's first real job?
Answer: Tugboat worker

This scene takes place early in the morning at the harbor. Benjamin is sitting on the wharf with various other people from the nursing home. One of the captains is missing one of his shipmates and needs a replacement. Benjamin sees this as an opportunity to see the world so he takes the job.
8 Who is the captain of the tugboat that Benjamin works on?
Answer: Captain Mike

Captain Mike (we never find out his last name) is the captain of the tugboat Destiny. He is a reddish-brown haired Irishman, who is a very eccentric man. Although, he is quite odd, he has a kind heart. He hires Benjamin and they quickly become friends. In fact, the first day that they meet, Captain Mike invites Benjamin to go to a brothel with him.
9 Where does Benjamin meet Elizabeth Abbot?
Answer: Russia

While Elizabeth is a British woman, she and her husband have been stuck in Russia for quite awhile because of her husband's job. Her husband is a spy for the British government and is working on an assignment. She and Benjamin begin an affair while he and his tugboat crew are working in the Russian seas.
10 A few years later, Benjamin again returns to visit Daisy. By this time, she has remarried so Caroline would have a father. What is the name of her new husband?
Answer: Robert Williams

Robert Williams is a nice man who takes good care of Daisy and Caroline. Caroline meets Benjamin while he is visiting Daisy, but she does not realize that he is her true father. Later, Daisy goes to Benjamin's hotel room, and they spend the night together.
11 Elizabeth leaves Benjamin a note after she leaves. What does it say?
Answer: "It was nice to have met you."

After their affair has been going on for several months, Benjamin goes to Elizabeth's room one night, only to find that she has left a note on her door. A few days later, Captain Mike enlists them in the Navy and they leave Russia on a war path against the Japanese.
12 As Benjamin continues aging, his body gets younger. Soon, he is an old man in the body of a child. He suffers from dementia, and he does not remember Daisy. Still, she takes care of him until his death. What are they doing when Benjamin dies?
Answer: Daisy is rocking Benjamin in a chair.

By this point, Benjamin has the body of a baby. While Daisy is rocking Benjamin in a chair one day, he looks into her eyes and she can tell that he remembers her. Then, he closes his eyes and passes away.
13 Mr. Daws, one of the residents in Nolan House, used to take Benjamin to Poverty Point to watch the boats on the Mississippi River. What did Mr. Daws repeatedly tell Benjamin (and presumably everyone else he met) throughout the movie?
Answer: That he'd been struck by lightning seven times

Mr. Daws had been struck by lightning seven times - once while repairing a leak on a roof, once while crossing the road to get his mail, once in a field while tending to his cows, once while sitting in his truck just minding his own business, once while walking his dog down the road, and on two other occasions. Although the running "lightning" gag was primarily utilized for comedic effect in the film, it was also the source of an important life lesson to Benjamin. Despite all the travails of old age that Mr. Daws was burdened with, he had come to regard being struck by lightning in a positive light. As he explained to Benjamin in the film, "God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive".

The other answers were references to other characters in the movie. Elizabeth Abbott, the woman Benjamin met in Murmansk, was the oldest woman to swim the English Channel. Ngunda Oti, the pygmy who befriended Benjamin, had been married five times and had previously lived in a monkey house in Philadelphia.
14 The story is being told through the diary of Benjamin and the memories of Daisy as she is on her deathbed. What event is occurring while Daisy is recounting the story?
Answer: Hurricane Katrina

Daisy is in a hospital in New Orleans. She is dying, and her daughter is reading Benjamin's diary to her. Caroline never knew about Benjamin, so the story is a major surprise for her. Daisy and Caroline are watching news reports about the hurricane and are constantly receiving updates from nurses.
15 Mrs. Maple, another of the residents of Nolan House, was always dressed in diamonds and fine clothing. With her passing, Benjamin learned what it meant to miss somebody. She also taught Benjamin how to play which musical instrument?
Answer: The piano

"It's not about how well you play, it's about how you feel when you're playing," Mrs. Maple explained to Benjamin during his lesson. She must have taught him well, because even when Benjamin was exhibiting signs of senile dementia towards the end of his life, he could still remember how to play the piano. As Benjamin put it in the film, Mrs. Maple was an example of "how sometimes the people we remember the least make the greatest impression on us".
16 As Daisy dies in her hospital bed, the hurricane is blowing strong rains against the window. She watches the rain, and she sees something that is an important symbol throughout the story. What does she see?
Answer: Hummingbird

She sees a hummingbird fluttering outside her window before she dies. Throughout the movie, the hummingbird was seen by Benjamin, and was compared to him because both are different from most others of their kind. The hummingbird represents Benjamin, and it is the last thing Daisy sees before dying.
17 What song is playing during the scene when Daisy and Benjamin first buy their house?
Answer: The Twist

This is played after they buy their new home. They watch it on the television set in their bedroom while doing various other activites. The only other furniture that you see is the mattress on which they sleep. The song was originally released in 1959 by Hank Ballard and the Midnighters. It was popularized in 1960 by Chubby Checker.