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48 Dodgeball Trivia Questions & Answers

Dodgeball .
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Dodgeball, as asked by users of

There are 48 questions on this topic. Last updated Feb 22 2025.
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1 Gordon proposes the idea of playing dodgeball to raise money for Average Joe's Gym. Where did he get the idea?
Answer: Obscure Sports Quarterly

While everyone is tossing around ideas like a car wash and donating blood, Gordon remembers reading about the Las Vegas International Dodgeball Open in his favorite publication. The winner's purse is exactly $50,000, just enough to pay off Peter's debt to the bank.
trivia question Quick Question
Where was the Regional Qualifying Match played?

2 What is the name of Peter LaFleur's gym?
Answer: Average Joe's Gym

The gym is going to be taken over by White Goodman if they don't raise $50,000 in 30 days. Peter LaFleur is an average person who doesn't have a goal in life. White Goodman has bought out Peter's second mortgage on the gym. Globogym is White Goodman's gym.
3 When Peter brushes his teeth, what does he wash his mouth out with?
Answer: Yoo-hoo

When he wakes up he goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a Yoo-hoo. Then, they show him brushing his teeth, and rinsing with Yoo-hoo. That must have tasted really disgusting. Mint toothpaste and chocolate milk don't mix.
4 Who plays Martha Johnstone?
Answer: Lori Beth Denberg

The former cast member of "All That" and "The Steve Harvey Show" plays the overenthusiastic, overweight cheerleader wannabe. She is credited as L.B. Denberg.
5 How much money does Peter need to pay his debt and keep the gym?
Answer: $50,000

The prize money from the dodgeball tournament is enough for him to keep his gym.
6 What is Globogym's motto?
Answer: "Here at Globogym we're better than you and we know it."

At the very beginning of the movie, Globogym's commercial is on Peter's TV while he is asleep on the couch. We hear the motto at the end of the commercial.
7 Owen is involved with this voicemail dating service. How long has it been since he's gotten a call?
Answer: 2 months

Owen is very depressed, and Peter trys to cheer him up by saying that there is someone out there for everyone, and sometimes there are two people for one person. He calls that the jackpot.
8 According to Dodgeball All-Star, Patches O'Houlihan, "Dodgeball is a sport of_______." What three things does he mention?
Answer: Violence, exclusion, and degradation

Hank Azaria plays the young Patches to a tee, in a dodgeball training filmstrip from the '50s. He advises little Timmy to choose the bigger, stronger players to be on his team at school, so they can all gang up on the weaker kids. Poor Winston!
9 What sport had Kate played for eight years?
Answer: Softball

This revelation causes Dwight to believe she is a lesbian.
10 What is the name of the Girl Scout who fails the drug screening, allowing Average Joe's to win by default?
Answer: Bernice

She is much taller than the other Girl Scouts in her troop and has very hairy arms and a mustache. When she starts crying, you can hear how deep her voice is. The officials found traces of a beaver tranquillizer in Bernice's blood and by default, Average Joe's wins and goes on to compete in Las Vegas.
11 In one of the dodgeball matches, who says "Joanie loves Chachi." to Justin, and then hits him with a ball?
Answer: White Goodman

White says this after Amber declares to Justin that she loves him. Justin starts to say it back when he is hit by White. This happens in the final game.
12 Who is the owner of Globo Gym?
Answer: White Goodman

White is also a client of Globo Gym. In the commercial at the beginning, it shows White when he was very fat. Now that he is the owner, he is in very good shape.
13 What is written on the side of the treasure chest that is brought to Peter at the end of the tournament?
Answer: Deus Ex Machina

The dictionary definition of this reads: "any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve any insoluble difficulty". The phrase basically means that the gods step in to settle disputes between people at unexpected times. "Deus ex Machina" was the name of the crane used to lower the gods onto the stage of the ancient Greek theatre. In the modern theatre, "deus ex machina" basically means an easy answer to a problem, which is what the treasure chest is. Peter's bet on the dodgeball match increased his cash flow so much that he is able to buy the controlling stock of Globo-Gym. The other phrases mean "In many, one", "Buyer, beware", and "Always wear underwear".
14 Which member of the team believes he is a pirate?
Answer: Steve

Steve even makes a deal to split his treasure with Peter when he finds it.
15 What was the name of the cheerleader that Justin has a crush on, and also ends up with at the end of the movie?
Answer: Amber

At the end of the movie we see Justin and Amber together.
Question Reference: Quiz: Dodgeball.
16 In Las Vegas, what drink does Kate bring to Justin after their first day of competition?
Answer: Virgin Daiquiri

Technically, Justin is still in high school and too young to drink.
17 Who came up with the idea to play dodgeball?
Answer: Gordon

Right when they were about to give up raising money to save Average Joes, Gordon read about it in the "OSQ", "Obscure Sports Quarterly", and everyone agreed to play.
18 How did Gordon meet his wife?
Answer: Mail Order Bride

She is his second wife and she doesn't like Gordon very much.
19 What does Pete call the financial records that he stores in his closet?
Answer: keepers

Pete never really filed them. They're just all piled up in his closet.
Question Reference: Quiz: Dodgeball.
20 What sign falls on Patches and kills him?
Answer: Luck of the Irish

This happens after the team makes it into the finals and they go to celebrate. Someone is putting the sign up and only one bolt is in when the cable snaps. Patches is a seven time ADAA Dodgeball winner and Average Joe's coach.
21 What is White reading when Kate sees him the second time?
Answer: Burklyn's Dictionary

White likes to break a mental sweat, too. He reads this hoping to impress Kate, but it doesn't work. Kate is grossed out at him. When he says that they should date, Kate throws up in her mouth.
22 What is Me'Shell's last name?
Answer: Jones

Me'Shell Jones (Jamal Duff) is White Goodman's consigliere. A consigliere is like an advisor who personally handles every aspect of another person's life. This is certainly how one would describe Me'Shell, since he seems to exist only to do White's bidding.
23 Where is the dodgeball tournament held?
Answer: Las Vegas

The high school cheerleading competition is also held there.
24 The five D's of dodgeball are mentioned repeatedly throughout the movie, and they are always mentioned in the same order. What is the order that the five D's of dodgeball are mentioned?
Answer: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge

They are always mentioned in this order. The first time the five d's are mentioned is when the guys from Average Joe's Gym were watching a movie about how to play dodgeball.
Question Reference: Quiz: Dodgeball.
25 How does Pepper Brooks describe the Dodgeball Dancer's routine?
Answer: Good, clean, family fun

It is anything but! The dancers are wearing skimpy costumes and dancing quite provocatively while Pepper watches with a big grin. Cotton, played by the very funny Gary Cole, also seems truly entertained as he describes what he is seeing to the viewers of ESPN-8 "The Ocho".