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Face/Off Movie Trivia Quizzes

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4 Face/Off quizzes and 40 Face/Off trivia questions.
  My Favourite Movie: Face Off    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on my favourite movie 'Face Off'. Have a go and enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, George7, May 08 01
9450 plays
  Face Off    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This trivia game on the great movie 'Face Off'. Enjoy...
Average, 10 Qns, DaMountain, Sep 19 04
8009 plays
  'Face Off' Rocks!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All about my all time fave film. Not hard if you've seen the film a few times!
Average, 10 Qns, duddits, Sep 13 02
4441 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you watch the movie about five times you might get the answers. Have fun.
Average, 10 Qns, AFinelli, Jun 28 06
5296 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What blood type was Castor Troy?

From Quiz "Face Off"

Face/Off Trivia Questions

1. Who played Sean Archer?

From Quiz
'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: John Travolta

'Well if you're Sean Archer....I guess I'm Castor Troy.'

2. What was Sean Archer's dead son's birthday?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: October 19, 1986

3. Why does Sean want to capture Castor?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: He killed his son

Castor was meant to kill Sean, but accidently killed his son instead.

4. Where was Archer's scar from his bullet wound by Castor?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: chest

5. What was the name of Sean Archer's son?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: Michael

He was killed by Castor Troy.

6. What medicine was Pollux Troy taking?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: Vyvax

7. What are Sean and Castor's surnames?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: Archer and Troy

Sean Archer and Castor Troy.

8. What did Castor do to his brother when he was killed?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: tied his shoe

9. What was the name of the prison Sean was sent to?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: Erewhon & erehwon

An anagram of 'Nowhere.'

10. What was Sean Archer's daughter's name?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: Jamie

11. What prison is Sean as Castor sent to?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: Erewhon

If you look carefully you can see that 'erewhon' is an anagram of 'Nowhere'.

12. Where was the bomb that Cage set?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: Convention Center

Castor's brother told Archer this in jail.

13. Including the one that was killed, how many children did Sean Archer have?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: 2

14. What was Castor Troy's son's name?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: Adam

15. When Sean interviews Dietrich, one of Castor's friends, what does he say to bring out Sean's anger?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: How's your dead son?

16. What was the name of Archer's son?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: Michael

17. What was the name of Sean's daughter?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: Jamie

'I don't think you heard me ....Jamie.'

18. What did Castor always call Pollux?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: bro

19. What is the name of Castor's brother?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: Pollux

20. What did Castors brother hate being called?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: bro

He told this to Castor when Castor called him bro at the airport.

21. What was the name of Castor Troy's son?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: Adam

'Nice looking kid.' 'Yeah, he's yours too.'

22. What did Castor always do for Pollux?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: tie his shoes

23. Where does Sean as Castor first meet Castor as Sean?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: In prison

24. What blood type was Castor Troy?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: AB

This is how Eve found out she was living with Castor Troy.

25. What is the name of Castor's son's mom?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: Sascha

'Sascha, baby. I'm Castor, that's Archer.'

26. What was Castor Troy's blood type?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: AB

27. What does Castor say to Sean a couple of times in the film?

From Quiz My Favourite Movie: Face Off

Answer: You're still not having fun

'But you're still not having fun!'

28. What was the weapon that killed the villain?

From Quiz Face Off

Answer: spear gun

He found it on the beach.

29. What was the name of Sean's wife?

From Quiz 'Face Off' Rocks!

Answer: Eve

'Eve, my one and only Eve.'

30. What was Sean Archer's blood type?

From Quiz Face/Off

Answer: O-

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