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22 How to Train Your Dragon Trivia Questions & Answers

How to Train Your Dragon
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to How to Train Your Dragon, as asked by users of

There are 22 questions on this topic. Last updated Oct 11 2024.
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1 In the beginning of the movie Hiccup explains the different dragons that come to Berk. He says the ultimate prize is the Night Fury. What three things does he say to describe why the Night Fury is the ultimate prize?
Answer: "This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and... never misses."

Hiccup says this during the opening dialogue in the movie. He also says the Deadly Nadder would get him noticed. The Gronckle is tough it would definitely get him a girlfriend. Only the best Vikings go after the Monstrous Nightmare and the Hideous Zippleback Exotic - two heads twice the status.
2 "My village. In a word, 'sturdy.' It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new." Who said this at the beginning of the movie?
Answer: Hiccup

The opening scene in "How to Train Your Dragon" showed the village of Berk and the main character, Hiccup, giving a voice over about the the Viking home. It showed the irony of the fact that the village itself was very old, but each building was new. He mentioned this in reference to the dragons constantly burning all of their homes to the ground when they attacked.
3 The hero of the story's name is Hiccup. Why was he called that?
Answer: Vikings believe that a hideous name would frighten off gnomes and trolls.

Hiccup tells us this in his voice over at the beginning of the film, when he is introducing himself and his people, and describing the place where they live. He finds it ironic because anything not frightened by the Vikings' nature wouldn't be worried about a name.
At a later point in the movie, while talking to Hiccup's father, Gobber points out that trolls do exist and they are notorious for stealing left socks.
4 The village is beset by all kinds of dragons. Which dragon is considered the ultimate prize, because no one has ever seen one, much less killed one?
Answer: the Night Fury

While the "Dragon Manual" has drawings and descriptions of many different types of dragons, the page for the Night Fury is blank. No one has ever been known to see this dragon because it is so fast and never misses its target.
Without the strength needed to pick up the normal arsenal of weapons, Hiccup has invented a catapult-type machine that throws a set of bolas. The first time he uses it he hits another Viking, but the second time he hits a Night Fury. The problem is, no one believes him.
5 Finish this line from the movie. "Then there's the __________. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire." Which dragon was Hiccup referring to in this statement?
Answer: Monstrous Nightmare

Hiccup had always longed to go into battle and kill a dragon. He knew that his life would get better and he might even get a date with one of the girls. He explained in his voice over how impressive killing a specific dragon would be.

"A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronkles are tough; taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. A Zipple-Back? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status. Then there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. We call it the Night Fury. This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and...never misses. No one has ever killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm gonna be the first." He then proceeded to take his bola shooting weapon and shoot down the Night Fury.
6 Hiccup's father, Stoick, is the leader of the village. Part way through the movie, he takes the fighters away on a quest. What are they looking for?
Answer: the dragons' home

The dragons' raids have severely depleted their food supply. Stoick decides that he has to try and deal with the dragons once and for all by destroying them at their source, even if 'some of them won't come back'. He doesn't get a lot of volunteers at first, until he says that those left behind can look after Hiccup. More enthusiasm is shown for the trip after that. Before he goes, he gives permission for Hiccup to begin dragon training with the other youths. Ironically, Hiccup is no longer interested in learning to kill dragons.

7 When the teenagers get their first lesson in dragon training, Gobber ask them what's the first thing they are going to need. What is the first thing that they need?
Answer: A shield

First Hiccup replies with "A doctor". Then Fishlegs says "Plus 5 speed". And Astrid replies with "A shield". Then Gobber explains that a shield is their most important equipment. If they had to choose between a sword or a shield, to take the shield.
8 "Alright, those who stay will look after Hiccup." Which Viking said this in "How to Train Your Dragon"?
Answer: Stoick

Stoick the Vast was chief of the Viking tribe and was also Hiccup's father in the movie. All throughout the movie, Stoick was obsessed with finding the dragon's lair. He gathered all of the village together and said, "One more search before the ice sets in." Then he asks the Vikings, "Now who's with me?" When he got no response, he said this line and everyone raised their hands. They would rather go on a dangerous dragon hunt than stay behind and keep Hiccup out of trouble.
9 Convinced that he has downed a Night Fury, Hiccup searches until he finds the dragon. The dragon is trapped in some sort of gorge or canyon. It is trying desperately to fly out but cannot. What stops it from flying out?
Answer: It is missing part of its tail fin.

Hiccup watches the dragon's frustration as it tries to fly out of the gorge. It reaches a certain height and then spirals out of control. Hiccup's initial sketch of the dragon shows it with two flaps (for want of a better word) at the end of its tail. He them rubs one of these out. Later in the film we see him sketch in the second flap, as he understands that there should be two. He then makes a prosthetic flap, which he is able to control from the dragon's back, which allows it to fly.
10 "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." Which Viking teen said this before the dragon training began?
Answer: Astrid

The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were talking about how the wanted to have a few battle scars to show off after their training. Tuffnut said he wanted some "serious burns," while Ruffnut said she wanted some "mauling, like shoulder or lower back." Astrid then jumped in and said, "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." Hiccup, who was standing behind the group chimed in and said sarcastically, "Yeah, pain... love it." Soon after, the teens began their training under the watchful eye of Gobber.
11 Hiccup names the dragon Toothless, because it has retractable teeth, and they soon become good friends. How does this relationship help him back at the village?
Answer: His new understanding of dragons gives him insight on how to befriend them in dragon training.

During dragon training, the trainees are given various tasks that involve subduing or eluding different types of dragons. Understanding that they are not killers by nature, Hiccup is able to subdue them with touch and tickles, making him the star of training. All the other kids, who previously shunned him, want to sit beside him during meals.
He actually graduates at the top of his class, winning the distinction of being able to kill his first dragon in front of everyone. The only problem is, he no longer wants to kill a dragon.
12 What is the main color of the Hideous Zippleback that they train with and in the end of the movie Ruffnut and Tuffnut ride to Dragon Island?
Answer: Green

The Hideous Zippleback shown in the movie that Ruff and Tuff ride is mostly green. The Monstrous Nightmare is mainly red. The Deadly Nader is mostly blue with some white on her. Toothless is black, and the Gronckle is a brownish color.
13 "The sun was in my eyes, Astrid! What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I could do that." Which Viking teen said this to Astrid during a training battle with a deadly Nadder?
Answer: Snotlout

Snotlout always thought of himself as a "ladies' man" and tried on a number of occasions to win over Astrid. During this scene he pushed Astrid out of the way and threw his weapon at the Nadder but missed it by several feet. Astrid gave him a look and he said this line in response. Snotlout never did win Astrid's heart, but he did his best at every turn.
14 Suspicious of his sudden success in dragon training, Astrid follows Hiccup and finds Toothless. Hiccup ends up taking her for a ride on Toothless. What do they discover on that ride?
Answer: The place where the dragons take their plundered food

During their ride, they get caught up in a flock of dragons that are all returning to an island. Once there, the dragons fly into a cave where they drop the food they have been carrying down a hole. Astrid makes a comment about how their stolen food is being wasted, just before they see a dragon drop a very small amount of food down the hole. An enormous dragon's head pops up and eats the dragon that did not bring enough food.
Hiccup realizes that the dragons are only stealing livestock from the village in order to feed this massive dragon and avoid being killed themselves.
15 "It's time everyone knew. Drag me back. Go ahead, here we go. OW! Why would you do that?" Which Viking said this very painful line?
Answer: Hiccup

Hiccup was trying to find a clever lie to tell to Astrid so she wouldn't find out about Toothless. He took her by the hand and began leading her away when she twisted his hand to the point that he fell to the ground saying this line. She found out about Toothless anyway, but Hiccup and Toothless convinced her that dragons were cool. They took her for a ride during which she showed a romatic interest in Hiccup. She even kissed him at the end of it!
16 Returning from an unsuccessful attempt to find the dragons' home, Stoick is amazed to find that his son has become such a success at dragon training. What does he give Hiccup, as a token of respect and pride?
Answer: a helmet

The helmet is a metal cone with horns attached. Stoick informs Hiccup that it was once half of his mother's breastplate and Stoick is wearing the other half, as a way of keeping her close. Hiccup looks less than thrilled with this fact and thanks his father for the breast... ah, hat.
17 "Lead us home... devil." Which Viking said this in "How to Train Your Dragon?"
Answer: Stoick

The Vikings had captured Toothless after he had saved Hiccup from a Monstrous Nightmare. Stoick then used Toothless to lead him to the dragon's nest. Before they set sail, Stoick said this line to Toothless and even though Toothless couldn't move or make any sound, he was not happy and showed it.
18 Out of the teenagers training with Gobber for dragon training, which of the six have dark colored hair and not blonde?
Answer: Hiccup and Snotlout

In the movie there are only two of the six teenagers shown who don't have blonde hair like the rest. Hiccup and Snotlout are the only two who have dark colored hair.
19 Which character said the following line in the movie? "Uh, this thing doesn't have a blind spot!"
Answer: Fishlegs

While the Vikings tried to escape from The Green Death, the big dragon who ate all of the food (and the other dragons on occasion), the teen Vikings tried to find a way to defeat it. Hiccup told Snotlout and Fishlegs to "hang in it's blind spot, make some noise, keep it confused." Fishlegs did his best to make sure the monster didn't see him, but it had several extra sets of eyes. Fishlegs, unsure of what to do next, said this line.
20 How is the monster dragon finally brought down?
Answer: Toothless shoots a fireball down its throat.

Earlier, in dragon training, Hiccup had mentioned that dragons weren't fireproof on the inside. This observation was made when one dragon reacted poorly to a small fireball being shot down its throat. Hiccup remembers this and has Toothless aim a huge fireball down the monster's throat, which brings it down.
21 "What? What is it with you? Is it always gonna be this way 'cause... I could get used to it." Which character was Hiccup speaking to when he said this?
Answer: Astrid

After the battle with the Green Death, and once Hiccup had recovered from his injuries, he walked out to the village and saw all the Vikings and dragons getting along. He said, "I knew it... I'm dead." Stoick then came up to him and said, "Haha, no but you gave it your best shot." Later in the scene, Astrid came up to him and punched Hiccup in the arm and said, "That's for scaring me." Hiccup said this line and Astrid then interrupted his sentence by kissing him. Then he said, "I could get used to it." Astrid had shown a romantic interest in Hiccup when he and Toothless took her for a ride earlier in the movie. She showed her love for him in front of the village at the end of the movie. Not a bad way to end if you're in Hiccup's position!
22 Which part of his body does Hiccup lose in the battle?
Answer: his left foot

We get a sense that something is wrong when Stoick thanks Toothless for saving his son and Gobber chimes in with "Most of him."
When Hiccup gets up out of bed, he finds that his left foot has been replaced with a metal peg, which Gobber says he made for him. Gobber says that he hopes that Hiccup likes it and Hiccup, forever the tinkerer and inventor, replies that he will probably make some alterations of his own.