1Who drives the car on the way to football tryouts?
Answer: Roy Lee
The first time we see Homer, O'Dell and Roy Lee, they are going to football tryouts, we see that Roy Lee is the driver of the car. After football tryouts, we see Roy Lee and Homer pushing the car and O'Dell driving it.
How many miles is it from the coal company's property to Snakeroot, where the rocket boys' launch site is?
2"Coal mining is your life, not mine. I'm never going down there again. I'm gonna go into space."
Answer: Homer
When Homer and Quentin went out to find the missing rocket, he missed work, and his father confronted him later that day, telling him that he would have to work the "night owl" shift. And that was when Homer said, "Coal mining is your life, not mine. I'm never going down there again. I'm gonna go into space."
In real life, there were six boys - Homer, Quentin - who were combined with Billy Rose, in the movie - Roy Lee, and O'Dell - who was combined with Sherman.
6When the three boys (Homer, Roy Lee, and O'Dell) are looking at the newspaper that has an article about the new satellite, Sputnik. Roy Lee says "Let 'em have outer space. We got ______." What did they have?
Answer: Rock 'n Roll
Roy Lee leaves after that and so does O'Dell, but Homer stays and finishes looking at the article. Roy Lee said this because he was not particularly interested in outer space. He was talking to Homer, O'Dell, Ike, and the store owner.
7"If you don't, I'll leave you. I'll find work. I'll do whatever it takes to get away from here. I'll live in a tree to get away from you. Don't you think I won't."
Answer: Elsie
Mr. Bolden needed to get into the machine shop so that he could help Homer, whose rocket supplies were stolen at the National Science Fair. But in order for Mr. Bolden to get into the machine shop, the miners' strike had to end, so Elsie went down to talk to her husband about it. She convinced him by saying that she would leave him if he didn't do anything about the strike. He asked where she would go, and she replied, "Myrtle Beach."
11When Roy Lee is giving Homer dating advice, while everyone else is looking for Sputnik, what movie does Roy Lee tell Homer to take the girl to?
Answer: Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
He says "Take her to a movie...somethin' scary like 'Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man'." Homer doesn't exactly know how to date girls or get girls to like him. Roy Lee thinks that he knows everything about that so he is going to give Homer advice.
12"That's a great idea. Four unidentifiable high school students lost their lives early this morning when their toy rocket exploded."
Answer: O'Dell
The rocket boys couldn't seem to get their rockets to stop blowing up. Quentin concluded that they needed to get some other liquid to use, and Roy Lee suggested gasoline. This is when O'Dell said this line, as if quoting a newspaper. After this line, Homer suggested alcohol.
16When Homer decides to build a rocket, what does he use to fuel his first one?
Answer: The Powder from 30 Sky Rockets
Roy Lee and O'Dell ask him how high he thinks it will go. Homer tells them about three or four miles since he has the powder from 30 sky rockets in it. He fires the rocket and what happenes? It blows up the fence.
20When Miss Riley mentions the science fair, Roy Lee says "Science fairs are for ______." Who are science fairs for?
Answer: Geeks
After he says this he says "No offense, Quentin.", because Quentin entered into the science fair the year before. After Miss Riley mentions the science fair, Homer decides to ask further questions about it, and he ends up wanting to enter it. He eventually does and wins at the National Science Fair.
21"I heard you met your big hero. Didn't even know it."
Answer: John
When Homer came back from the National Science Fair, he made a trip to the mine and told his father that they were shooting off their last rocket that day. When he was walking away, his father said this line, and Homer explained that Dr. Von Braun wasn't his real hero.
23Who did Homer recruit to be a rocket boy, after his first rocket failed?
Answer: Quentin
Homer threw away his social life to talk to Quentin, the school nerd - and genius. Homer later regained his social life after their rockets flew - because of Quentin.
25What causes the boys to put the big part of the track back?
Answer: They hear a train coming.
They try to stop the train but then find out that it is going the other way. They feel stupid after that because the train has two ways of going and it goes the other way. They are pulling up pieces of the track because they need money for their rockets.