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27 Patch Adams Trivia Questions & Answers

Patch Adams
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Patch Adams, as asked by users of

There are 27 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 12 2025.
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1 What is Patch's real name?
Answer: Hunter

Patch is given his preferred moniker by Arthur Mendelsen, the scientist he meets in the psychiatric hospital. Mendelsen gives Hunter this nickname when Hunter puts a patch on Arthur's coffee cup to stop it leaking.
trivia question Quick Question
What is Patch's real name?

2 Patch is constantly accused of doing little study. What mark does Patch achieve in his biology exam?
Answer: 98

Throughout the film, Dean Walcott, Carin and his roommate Mitch question Patch's application to his studies. To be fair, Patch does spend an excessive amount of his time in medical school entertaining and mucking around with patients, especially children. However, he still manages to be constantly near the top of his class. Maybe he is just that good?
3 In the beginning of the movie, Hunter Adams commits himself to a mental institution because of depression. What is one of the things he did to help make him decide to leave?
Answer: He helped his roommate face his fear

That should have been easy. Helping his roommate face his fear and giving Rudy courage to go to the washroom made him very happy. Especially since his roommate was even afraid to leave his bed. However, if you remember, Hunter Adams did not "connect" with everyone so positively. Doctor Prack, Dean Walcott nor his roommate Mitch at the University were very open minded to humour.
4 Mitch, Patch's roommate, mentions that he was the recipient of his school's science award. Who was this award named after?
Answer: William. F. Thompson

We discover in this film that Mitch thinks very highly of himself and his ability to do well in medical school. Hence, he is constantly irked by Patch's ability to achieve better marks despite his appearing to do no study and his greater age than Mitch. When Mitch informs Patch that he received the award, Patch dryly replies, "I once drew a picture of a rabbit that got me two gold stars". Beat that! By the way, Harold. S. Charlesworth (to my knowledge) doesn't exist.
5 What was Rudy so afraid of?
Answer: Squirrels

Yep, it was squirrels...Well they were actually bad demons who took the form of vicious squirrels even though no one could see them but him. Good ol "Patch" killed them with an invisible gun and a Bazooka and cleared a wide enough path for Rudy to charge into the washroom. It was quite the scene. LOL
6 While experimenting with new emotional responses, Patch and Truman crash a convention. What kind of convention was this?
Answer: Meat Packer's Convention

Patch's belief is that you can change a person's everyday response to human interaction by changing the conditions e.g. by acting abnormal. He also beleives that this is not necessarily a bad thing. As part of their experiment in just having fun and meeting new people, he and Truman enter a Meat Packer's Convention. Here, Patch, despite having next to no knowledge of the meat industry, engages with the entire crowd and wins their support as a key speaker of the Convention (albeit improvising).
7 What did Hunter Adams leave the mental Institute to become?
Answer: Doctor

"Patch" loved reaching people and making them smile and laugh. Here's a quote from the movie... "I want to become a Doctor and help people!"
8 What is the name of Patch's roomate in the psychiatric hospital whom he helps to overcome his fear of squirrels?
Answer: Rudy

Rudy's fear of squirrels (that were imaginary) was so severe that it restricted him from even going to the bathroom. Patch helps Rudy and begins his own healing process when he plays along with Rudy's fantasy and removes the imaginary squirrels (with an imaginary bazooka!)
9 Who was the first to call Hunter Adams "Patch" in the movie?
Answer: Arthur

Arthur Mendelson says this first in the mental Institution. After Arthur watched Hunter Adams place a (tiny bandaid or a piece of white patterned tape) on his leaky old cup. Hunter Adams: "Why did you just call me Patch?" Arthur: "You fixed my cup." Arthur is also the eccentric who always held up four fingers and asked: "How many do you see"? Then he'd say: "Four? FOUR???"
10 Carin receives a messages from Larry Silver, who has been mentally unstable since his father died. She goes to check on him at his house. What happens that changes the course of her life?
Answer: Larry murders her

It is mentioned in the film that Larry has been unstable and has been a repeat-visitor to hospital after several attempts at self mutilation and suicide. Carin earlier expresses her apprehension and distrust toward Larry, but Patch tells her to be compassionate. Consequently, Patch blames himself when Larry murders Carin and then kills himself. This leads to Patch becoming disillusioned with humanity and leaving his practice.
11 After Patch left the mental Institute, what Medical College did he attend to become a Doctor?
Answer: Medical College of Virginia

It is said that Hunter Adams went to school there in the late 60's and early 70's.
12 Complete Patch's phrase: "If you treat a disease, you win or you lose. If you treat a _____, I guarantee you, you win no matter what the outcome."
Answer: person

Patch's philosophy, in reality as well as the film, is one of humanitarian care for the person. His belief is that a doctor should offer friendship and support as well as medical care. His superiors regard this deeper association with patients as degrading and destabilising to their lofty position. However, Patch's ability to use humour, friendship and trust to treat his patients never fails to improve their quality of life, regardless of their medical status.
13 What did "Patch" do very often, even during class?
Answer: Visited patients

He loved making those patients laugh, especially those young kids in the Pediatric area. :)
14 What is the name of the free hospital that Patch, Carin and Truman establish together (and it still exists)?
Answer: The Gesundheit Institute

The Gesundheit Institute is located in rural West Virginia and was begun in 1980. The facilities continue to grow. Patch created this hospital (both in the movie and in reality) to help relieve the pressure on patients who could not afford expensive health insurance, or who were waiting too long for consultation in over-crowded hospitals. Its main aim is to heal suffering with humour.
15 There was one patient who at first hated "Patch". What was his room number?
Answer: 305

This guy didn't only hate "Patch" at first but everyone else too, though "Patch" was the only one who made him smile after a lot of effort. Except his kids and wife of course :)
16 After the inquiry into Patch's expulsion from medical school, the head of the panel suggests that Dean Walcott himself practice a little _____.
Answer: excessive happiness

Patch's student record (which he steals from the head office, not the best way to avoid expulsion!) mentions that Dean Walcott finds Patch unfit for medical duty because Patch is "excessively happy". However, it is this liveliness that marks Patch as a great and effective doctor.
17 What was the name of the patient in this room?
Answer: Bill Davis

Hunter Adams: "Who's in there?" Nurse Joletta: "That Mr. Davis." (please correct me if I'm wrong about this).
18 What non-comformist attire does Patch wear under his robe at graduation?
Answer: Nothing

True to both his humorous nature and his disregard for the stale, conformist attitudes of his superiors, Patch graduates wearing his robe, his mortarboard and his bare skin underneath.
19 What was the song that he liked "Patch" to sing?
Answer: Blue Skies

Blue Skies, smilin' at me. Nothin' but Blue Skies, do I see. Blue birds, singin' this song. Nothin' but blue birds, all day long.
20 As far as the movie suggests, who gave Dean Walcott the impression that Hunter Adams was cheating in his classes?
Answer: Mitch

Mitch quotes: "I see how much you study, or should I say, don't study." This is when Hunter confronts Mitch after being warned to stay out of the Hospital. Needless to say, Hunter was not pleased and he was pretty certain that it was not Carin or Truman.
21 "Patch" and his friends threw a surprise birthday party for one of the students. Who was the Student?
Answer: Carin

If you guessed Carin, you're right. The really cute blond whom Patch claimed his love for. He quotes in the movie: "I have a crush on you."
22 What was Carin's last name?
Answer: Fisher

Her first and last name were said twice, maybe three times throughout the entire movie.
23 Hunter Adams decided to risk everything by using a friend's home, with permission of course, as a walk-in clinic. What was this "Institution" named?
Answer: Gesundheit

It's written that "The Gesundheit Institute" was formed after Hunter Adams graduated, but in the movie it had begun to be formed prior to his graduation. With his friends' help of course. :)
24 "Patch" to Carin: "We'll use _______ to heal pain and suffering!"
Answer: Humour

Hunter had gotten Carin to write everything down one night and she was in her pajamas. "Patch" told her. "We'll use humour to heal pain and suffering."
25 Sadly, Carin was murdered by a patient who visited the new forming "Medical Institute." What name did the killer go by?
Answer: Larry

Larry's name was said a number of times. Hunter first saw Larry as he was being rolled into the hospital. "You'll be fine Larry!" A Doctor commented as he watched Larry roll by. Then at The Gesundheit Institute he introduced himself as Larry.