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Adam Sandler Trivia Questions & Answers

Sandler, Adam There are 68 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 12 2025.
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51 Finally, in this movie Adam Sandler stars with good friend Steve Buscemi and Brendan Fraser.
Answer: Airheads

Steve Buscemi appears in many of Sandler's films, having minor roles. In "Billy Madison" he played the gay assassin, in "Big Daddy" he played the tramp and in "Mr. Deeds", Crazy Eyes. This movie, Sandler, Fraser and Buscemi form a band called The Lone Rangers. The Lone Rangers have trouble getting the band famous. Their only solution is to take over the airwaves... with fake guns!
trivia question Quick Question
In 'Billy Madison', what snack food or dessert does Billy love most?

52 Ms. Lippy taught this grade in 'Billy Madison', what grade was it?
Answer: first

'Thank you very much, Ms. Lippy!'
53 'A comedy with attitude.' Which of the listed movies is the movie in which the tagline belongs?
Answer: 'Airheads'

54 In the end of 'The Wedding Singer,' who was the celebrity who was in first class with Robbie on the plane?
Answer: Billy Idol

'It's a nice day for a white wedding...'
55 When the song 'Endless Love' plays while Happy Gilmore and Virginia are ice skating, what does Happy say the song reminds him of?
Answer: His Grandma

Virginia: 'This song reminds me of the seventh grade.' Happy: 'This song reminds me of my grandmother.'
56 In 'The Waterboy', whose picture does Coach Kline have tattooed on his butt?
Answer: Roy Orbison

'My mother told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Orbison, but what momma don't know, won't hurt her.'
57 What is Bobby Boucher's girlfriend's job in 'The Waterboy'?
Answer: Astrologist

'Vickie's an astrologist.' 'Astrology is just one of the many tools of the devil.'
58 In the beginning of 'Big Daddy,' what is Sonny Koufax's job?
Answer: Toll booth worker

'You don't even have a real job. You work at a toll booth one day a week.'
59 In 'Billy Madison,' what does Billy see when he is drunk?
Answer: A Silly Penguin

'That silly penguin is back again. I got to send him back to the South Pole. Call the zoo!'
60 In 'Billy Madison,' Billy and his friends go around putting what on people's doorsteps?
Answer: Burning Dog Doo

'It's one of those flaming bags again.' 'Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!' 'Don't tell me my business, Devil Woman! Call the Fire Department! This one's out of control!'
61 In 'Happy Gilmore,' Happy sinks a hole-in-one on a par...
Answer: four

'He just got a hole-in-one on a par four. Ooh, he's a publicist's dream. A man who can drive the ball that far... he could really draw a crowd.' 'You know who else could draw a crowd? A golfer with an arm growing out of his...'
62 Happy Gilmore's mother is played by...
Answer: Lisanne Collett

'My dad worshipped hockey. My mom didn't. That's why she moved to Egypt where there's not a hockey rink for fifteen hundred miles.'
63 In 'The Waterboy,' who is Bobby's favorite wrestler?
Answer: Captain Insane-O

'How old are you kid? Eleven? Twelve?' 'I am thirty-one years old.'
64 In 'The Waterboy,' Bobby played football for what team?
Answer: Louisiana Mud Dogs

'The Waterboy's the best tackler I've seen since Joe Montana.' 'Joe Montana was a quarterback, you crazy nut.' 'I said Joe Mon-tane-ya.'
65 In 'Billy Madison,' for what grade does Billy have Ms. Veronica Vaughn as a teacher?
Answer: Third Grade

'Man, what's up with her?' 'What was that, Billy?' 'I said,'Reading is good. Can we start the story now?'
66 In 'Billy Madison,' what letter in the word 'Rizzuto' does Billy not know how to write?
Answer: Z

'Rirruto?' 'Those are 'z's.' 'They look like 'r's to me.' 'That's not fair. 'Rizzuto' is not a word. He's a baseball player. You're cheating!' 'Would you like to try the word 'buzz?'
67 In 'Billy Madison,' who plays the bus driver?
Answer: Chris Farley

'I dare you to throw your sandwich at the bus driver.'
68 Who is the star of 'Happy Gilmore,' 'Billy Madison,' 'The Waterboy,' 'The Wedding Singer,' 'Big Daddy,' and 'Little Nicky'?
Answer: Adam Sandler

Hope you enjoyed the quiz.