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70 Death Note Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know about Death Note? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Death Note (Television). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
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1 What color shirt did L wear?
Answer: white

L wore a white shirt in every scene he was in. He wore the same clothes everyday. (He had several pairs of the same shirt and pants. He didn't just go without changing his entire life.) The other part of his outfit was a pair of blue jeans. L didn't wear socks or shoes.
  From Quiz: L Lawliet
2 When Light brings L inside from the rain, L proceeds to rub Light's feet in appreciation. When Light dries the other's hair, what does L reply with?
Answer: "I'm sorry."

Once Light Yagami brings L, or Ryuuzaki, inside, Light rests on the staircase, and L proceeds to rub the other's feet in appreciation. Light leans down and brushes the wet hair out of L's eyes and says, "You're still wet." L replies a few moments later, and says, "I'm sorry."
  From Quiz: How Well Do You Know "Death Note"?
3 What did Light hide in a potato chip packet when L put surveillance cameras in his room?
Answer: A miniature LCD TV

Light hid the LCD TV in the packet so that he could continue killing criminals, but the two who died were only minor criminals.
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
4 What is the main character's full name?
Answer: Light Yagami

Light originally finds the Deathnote as a senior in high school. Sayu is Light's younger sister, Soichiro is his father and the head of the Kira task force, and Sachiko is Light's mother.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
5 What was the name of the organization in the United States that was investigating Kira?
Answer: S.P.K.

Even though in the episode "Comrade" L asked Light to replace him if he would die, L's true successors were between two orphan boys from the orphanage Watari owned, Wammy's House located in Winchester, England, named Mello and Near better known as N. The Japanese police did give Light the title of L just to keep the world thinking that L was still alive. L did not decide between which one would replace him before he died. N and Mello decided to investigate Kira separately. Mello used the American mafia in attempts to steal the death note from the Japanese police. N however created an American organization called the S.P.K., Special Provision for Kira, it had both F.B.I. and C.I.A. agents working together to apprehend Kira.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 27-37
6 Light Yagami was the first human in the anime to obtain a death note. Which shinigami dropped the death note he found?
Answer: Ryuk

Light Yagami first saw the death note fall from the sky while he was in class. He picked up the notebook after class and thought it was a joke that it had powers that could kill people. He was curious to see if it actually worked. He saw a criminal's face and name on the news and wrote his name in the death note. The death note worked and Light realized that with this power, he could make the world a better place by killing more criminals. People have been noticing the pattern of recent criminal deaths, most of them died from heart attacks, and people have concluded that this was done by one person. They gave that person a name, Kira, which was Japanese for the word killer. Many were thankful for Kira while others are in fear of him.
    Your options: [ Rem ] [ Sidoh ] [ Gelus ] [ Ryuk ]
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 1-25
7 What did L tell the Japanese Task Force to call him?
Answer: Ryuzaki

When L and the Task Force met for the first time, the Task Force referred to L by the only name they know him by: L. For safety reasons involving keeping his identity a secret, he told them to call him Ryuzaki from now on. He won the name "Ryuzaki" when he beat Beyond Birthday. (When L won detective wars, he claimed the detectives' titles.)
  From Quiz: L Lawliet
8 What is the favorite food of Light's Shinigami, Ryuk?
Answer: Red apples

Light and Ryuk both discover that red apples are pure heaven for the Shinigami. According to him, apples from the human world are much better than the ones in the Shinigami Realm!
  From Quiz: How Well Do You Know "Death Note"?
9 What colour is usually associated with the Shinigami Eyes?
Answer: Red

This is sometimes shown in the anime.
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
10 Where was the transaction for the death note and Sayu Yagami suppose to take place?
Answer: Los Angeles

Mello and the American mafia originally had the director of the Japanese police captured but he died while he was being held captive, Light killed him with the death note. The mafia then abducted Souichiro Yagami's daughter and Light's sister, Sayu. Souichiro was the only member of the Japanese police to fly to Los Angeles. The flight landed at an unknown location before landing in Los Angeles. That was where the transaction successfully occurred. Mello acquired a death note and Souichiro had his daughter returned safely. When Mello first received the death note, he used it to kill the majority of N's S.P.K. members and some of his own mafia members who had betrayed him. The members of the Japanese police involved in the Kira case eventually flew to Los Angeles as well in search for Mello.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 27-37
11 Who is second Kira?
Answer: Misa

Misa is given her Death Note by Rem. A Shinigami died for Misa, so Rem decided the Shinigami's Death Note belonged to her.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
12 Who was the first detective involved in the Kira case?
Answer: L

L went by many different names such as Ryuzaki, Hideki Ryuga, and Geraldo Coil and his true name was never revealed. L was considered to be the best detective in the world and he rarely reveals his face to anyone and will only work on cases that interest him. L had some unique tendencies such as he was always seen eating sweets and drinking tea. L was willing to risk his life in order to capture Kira.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 1-25
13 Who was L's butler/caregiver/handler?
Answer: Watari

Watari took L to one of his many orphanages. The one he took L to was an orphanage for gifted children called The Wammy's House. He taught the already highly intelligent and powerful L how to be a detective. He later decided on the path he would follow with L. Watari then served as a sort of butler to L later when L was solving the Kira case, bringing him sweets, sniping from a helicopter like a total boss, acting as security for the Task Force headquarters, that sort of stuff. Watari's real name was Quillsh Wammy. He died right before his beloved L.
  From Quiz: L Lawliet
14 Who is the Shinigami that fell in love with Misa, a human, and what happened to him?
Answer: Gelus, he died

Rem, Misa Amane's Shinigami, explains that when Shinigami in the Shinigami Realm, fall in love with Humans from the Human World, they die. Gelus watched Misa nearly get killed, so, being in love with her, he wrote the murderer's name in his Death Note. Shortly after, Rem watched Gelus disintegrate into sand.
  From Quiz: How Well Do You Know "Death Note"?
15 Which Shinigami, out of the options below, likes chocolate?
Answer: Sidoh

Rem died saving Misa's life and Ryuk likes apples. Indeed, Mello likes chocolate, but Mello is a human.
    Your options: [ Sidoh ] [ Ryuk ] [ Rem ] [ Mello ]
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
16 What is the name of the shinigami that Light meets in episode 1?
Answer: Ryuk

Ryuk is introduced shortly after Light finds the notebook. He greatly enjoys apples and even goes into withdrawal if he goes for to long without one.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
17 Who told Mello that one of the rules in the death note he acquired was fake?
Answer: Sidoh

The death note that Mello acquired from the Japanese police originally belonged to the shinigami Sidoh, this was the same death note that Ryuk dropped in the human world and that Light found. Sidoh first saw Ryuk and asked for the death note back but Ryuk no longer had it. When Light found out the address Mello and his members were residing, Sidoh found out and went to Los Angeles to get his death note back. Mello and the mafia members were first scared of the shinigami and attempted to kill Sidoh but they were unsuccessful as shinigami can not die from being shot at. Sidoh then told Mello about the rules of the death note and that two rules written in the notebook were fake. The rules that were fake were "If the owner of the Death Note does not kill within thirteen days of the last entry, he or she will die" and "If the Death Note is burnt, destroyed, or otherwise damaged in any way, all those who have touched that Death Note will die." These were the rules Light told Ryuk to write down before he relinquished ownership of his death note four years ago. These fake rules convinced L that Light was not Kira then. This was very valuable information for the Kira investigation that Mello learned from Sidoh. He later on told N that two rules in the death note were fake.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 27-37
18 How does Light find out there is a second Kira?
Answer: Second Kira makes an announcement on public TV

Second Kira (Misa) sends an envelope filled with videotapes to a public TV station. The TV station decides to play the tapes to gain viewers.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
19 When making a deal for shinigami eyes, what must a human give up?
Answer: Half of their life span

With the power of the shinigami eyes, that person can see any person's real name and life span by just looking at their face. However a person with the shinigami eyes can not see their own life span or any life span from someone else with a death note. This power makes using the death note much easier, however it comes at a heavy cost, half of their own life span.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 1-25
20 What is L Lawliet's cover name as he is known by at the Task Force Headquaters?
Answer: Ryuzaki

Deciding to uncover his true identity to a group of strong-willed officers, they team up, and L declares that no one shall name him by his real name, but in fact a cover name.
  From Quiz: How Well Do You Know "Death Note"?
21 What happens to Ryuk if he is deprived of apples for too long?
Answer: He twists up like a pretzel and does headstands

Shinigami can only die if they save a human's life, like Rem and Gelus did.
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
22 What is the name of the second Kira?
Answer: Misa Amane

Misa has an obsession with Kira because Kira is responsible for killing the criminal who murdered Misa's parents. Misa is also the first person to discover that Light is truly Kira.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
23 What was the name of the Sakura TV show that focused on the idolization of Kira?
Answer: "Kira's Kingdom"

Hosted by Demegawa, "Kira's Kingdom" was a tacky television program that was only interested in making high ratings and profits. Light was disgusted by this show and was worried that this show would repel people away from Kira and his message. He did use this to his advantage however. Light leaked out information about the S.P.K.'s location to Sakura TV. Demegawa then broadcasted from New York City, the location of the S.P.K. headquarters, and urged Kira supporters to destroy everyone inside the building. Light hoped that the Kira supporters would chase N out of the building and that Misa, using her shinigami eyes, would find N on television and then kill him. N and the S.P.K. escaped from the angry mob unharmed.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 27-37
24 What was the name of the F.B.I. agent who spied on Light because he was suspected as Kira?
Answer: Raye Penber

L hired twelve F.B.I. agents to investigate all immediate family members of the Japanese police investigating Kira. Kira started to kill criminals whose names were not broadcasted from the media, L suspected that Kira had obtained information from the police so he hired his own team to investigate the families of the Japanese police.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 1-25
25 Whose arms did L die in?
Answer: Light's

When the heart attack hit, L dropped his spoon and fell off his chair and onto the floor. Before L hit the floor, Light rushed forward and caught him...kinda. Anyway, L looked up at Light's triumphantly smiling face and realized, as he had suspected all along, that Light is Kira. (That was also pulled from the manga.) Then L tragically died in Light's, Kira's, arms, the arms of his enemy, the enemy who had now won.
  From Quiz: L Lawliet
26 Who are the two kids that grew up in Wammy's House and were competing to become L's successor?
Answer: Mello and Near

Mello and Near are introduced into the plot, by Wammy, of Wammy's House, informing the two that L had died. Thus started the ultimate battle between Mello and Near to find, catch, and kill the perpetrator: Kira.
  From Quiz: How Well Do You Know "Death Note"?
27 What is Near always shown to be doing?
Answer: Twiddling his hair and playing with toys

He is always playing with some kind of toy, like darts, matches, and dice.
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
28 How did the FBI agent who was following Light die?
Answer: He set the agent up so he could view his badge

The agent's name was Raye Penber. Light found out his name by making a criminal attempt to hijack a bus that Light, his girlfriend, and Raye were on. When the criminal pulls a gun on the driver Raye shows his badge to Light and tells him to let him handle the situation. Later, Raye dies of a heart attack due to the notebook.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
29 How did N and his team in New York City escape from the angry mob of Kira supporters?
Answer: They threw money off the top of their headquarters

When the thousands of angry Kira supporters charged at their headquarters, N and his team knew they had to think of a plan quickly to escape. N was prepared for this moment and decided to use his inheritance he received from L and throw it out of the top of their building. The plan worked and the Kira supporters along with Demegawa were focused on the cash falling from the sky rather than the S.P.K. N and the S.P.K. members then put on police uniforms and escaped from the mob without anyone noticing.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 27-37
30 What does Mikami say when he kills someone with the Death Note?
Answer: Sakujo

Sakujo was made famous from Mikami maniacally screaming it as he killed with the Death Note.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
31 How many members of the Japanese police remained part of the investigation after the deaths of the twelve F.B.I. agents that were hired by L to investigate Kira?
Answer: Six

Originally there were one hundred forty one members of the police that were investigating Kira, many were scared that their lives would be in danger if they continue to investigate him so they resigned from the Kira case. The members that stayed in the Kira case were Chief Souchiro Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, Mogi, Ukita, and Ide, Ide however leaves the task force soon after everyone else because he did not trust L not because of the deaths of the F.B.I agents. Chief Yagami did report to L telling him that there were six members of the police that chose to stay in the Kira investigation. L then told Yagami that everyone must be able to trust him in order to remain in the Kira Investigation, when the six discussed Ide said that he could not trust L and chose to leave the taskforce from there.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 1-25
32 Which episode did L die in and what did he say he can hear in that episode?
Answer: "Silence" (25), a bell

The episode began with the sound of bells and images of a stained glass window and an annoying kid crying and stuff. Then it switched back to the present. L walked into the room Watari was in. Watari sensed something is wrong and asked L what's wrong. Later, Light found L standing on the roof alone in the rain. L explained that he could hear a bell. Light told L he didn't hear anything. L seemed a little surprised and told Light that they're louder than usual and they're quite distracting. He said he thinks it might be a wedding or something, but what I think is that he knew all along he was about to die. Finally, as L lay dying in Light's arms, we see the same images from the beginning of the episode and we hear bells. Then L dies.
    Your options: [ "Silence" (25), a bell ] [ "Ally" (18), cying ] [ "Execution" (17), screams ] [ "Rebirth" (1), a bell ]
  From Quiz: L Lawliet
33 What is Mello's real name?
Answer: Mero Mihael Keehl

Light finds out about Mello's real name by his father telling him after he made a deal with Light's Shinigami, Ryuk, to get the Shinigami eyes.
  From Quiz: How Well Do You Know "Death Note"?
34 What was Near playing with when he was called to Roger Ruvie's office?
Answer: A puzzle with a capital L in the corner

Near finished the puzzle in Roger's office, and he tipped it out of the frame all over the carpet. The puzzle was not revealed in the office until he finished it.
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
35 What was the name of the inside man in the Yotsuba group?
Answer: Renji Namikawa

Kida is the one who hires and pays for Eraldo Coil. Hatori is killed by the Yotsuba Kira. Takahashi is careless and tends to speak before he thinks.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
36 Light told Misa Amane to relinquish ownership of her death note, who did Light decide to give the death note to, thereby becoming the new Kira?
Answer: Teru Mikami

Mikami grew up believing that everyone was either good or evil. He felt that he should confront and eliminate evil so that the good shall prosper. Mikami viewed Kira as a god and was willing to do anything he said. Light noticed him on television and thought that Mikami was the perfect choice to be the next Kira. Kiyomi Takada, a news reporter for NHN and Light's former girlfriend from college, was chosen by the media as Kira's official spokesperson. Light initially did not like that idea but he used it to his advantage and told Takada that he was Kira and that she should be "goddess of the new world". The three of them worked together but it was Mikami who was the owner of the death note.
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 27-37
37 Who is the first person Kira kills?
Answer: A man taking hostages in a school building

Light first tests his killing power on a man assaulting a girl on the street. He didn't think it would actually work, but if it did, he wanted to make sure he killed someone evil.
  From Quiz: "Death Note"
38 What name did L tell the Japanese police to refer him to?
Answer: Ryuzaki

The police and Ryuzaki met every week in a hotel room. In order to remain discrete, the hotel location switched every week. Ryuzaki demanded that there would be no records of any of their meetings and that included written notes. Ryuzaki said "everything must be recorded by memory".
  From Quiz: "Death Note" (US) Episodes 1-25
39 Who did L always call an idiot?
Answer: Matsuda

Throughout the anime, L said the line "Matsuda, you idiot." But he wasn't not the only person to say it, though he said it more than anyone else. Light yelled "Matsuda, you idiot!" after Matsuda shot him in the hand in the last episode.
  From Quiz: L Lawliet
40 What is L usually eating?
Answer: Some sort of sweet food

L is a human, so he has to eat! He only eats sweet foods like fruit. Therefore, pizza is out. Beyond Birthday eats strawberry jam, but L likes whole strawberries.
  From Quiz: The Basics of "Death Note"
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Death Note Quizzes