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Trivia Questions and Answers
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90 X-Men TV Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know about X-Men TV? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to X-Men TV (Television). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
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1 What is Magneto's real name?
Answer: Erik Magnus Lensherr

Dr. Nathanial Essex is Mr. Sinister's real name, En Sabbah Nur is Apocalypse's real name, and Cain Marko is the Juggernaut's real name.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
2 Which three X-Men were decorating the Christmas tree while singing "Deck the Halls?"
Answer: Jubilee, Rogue, and Cyclops

After singing "Deck the Halls", Jubilee asked Logan to help them decorate the Christmas tree. Logan refused and runs off.
    Your options: [ Jubilee, Rogue, and Cyclops ] [ Beast, Morph, and Angle ] [ Storm, Professor X, and Wolverine ] [ Jean, Gambit, and Ape ]
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
3 Who started the Institute for mutants and has the ability to read minds?
Answer: Professor Xavier

Professor Xavier started the Institute to help mutants who weren't accepted by the world. He uses it to train mutants about how to control their powers. He believes that mutants and humans can live in peace.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
4 What color was the first shot fired by the very first sentinel?
Answer: blue

The first shot fired on Wolverine was blue, but every shot after that, on the X-Men and the Brotherhood, was purple.
  From Quiz: "X-Men Evolution" - "Day of Reckoning"
5 Gambit uses cards to display his power. What kind of energy does he charge them up with?
Answer: Kinetic

He loves Rogue. He usually wears a long coat and his hair is kind of spiked up. His first name is Remy. His costume is body armour.
  From Quiz: Mutant Powers Of The X-Men
6 In what country was Magneto born?
Answer: Poland

He was born in Poland and his parents were gypsies.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
7 Which two X-Men were in the kitchen cooking Christmas dinner?
Answer: Gambit and Jean

Gambit tasted Jean's soup and thought it was bland. He wanted to add some cajun spice to it but Jean told him to stay away by forcing his hand to stay on the spice shakers. When she finally relinquished her telekinesis, Gambit fell backwards causing a pot of water to fall on his head.
    Your options: [ Gambit and Jean ] [ Wolverine and Storm ] [ Beast and Iceman ] [ Professor X and Jubilee ]
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
8 Who is the teenage leader of the team and uses optic blasts?
Answer: Scott Summers

Scott is a natural leader and takes charge of the group in most situations. Although Jean can be a leader too, she is more the voice of reason that assists Scott.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
9 Which two X-Men have the ability to read minds (telepathy)?
Answer: Professor X and Jean Grey

Professor Xavier's powers are far more advanced than Jean Grey's.
    Your options: [ Storm and Cyclops ] [ Professor X and Jean Grey ] [ Gambit and Rogue ] [ Wolverine and Magneto ]
  From Quiz: X-Men Amazing Abilities
10 Besides the News crew, who was the first person to see the mutants on TV?
Answer: Principal Kelly

The First person to see the mutants on TV was Principal Kelly, then one of Evan's skating friends, then Amanda, and last was Duncan.
  From Quiz: "X-Men Evolution" - "Day of Reckoning"
11 This X-man stores solar energy in his eyes and uses it to discharge powerful laser beams from his eyes. Who is he?
Answer: Scott

His code name is Cyclops and he loves Jean Grey. He has a device on his eyes to control the intensity of the laser beam.
  From Quiz: Mutant Powers Of The X-Men
12 What is Magneto's mutant power?
Answer: Control of magnetism

Magneto is known as "The Master of Magnetism" and he can control metal, create magnetic shields, and fly. He is also the most powerful mutant on Earth.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
13 When Beast was in his lab, what exploded causing the attack alarm to go off?
Answer: His cranberry glaze

After everyone else got to the site, Wolverine showed up and said, "Was that an attack alarm or is that asking just too much?"
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
14 Who has the ability to absorb peoples' memories?
Answer: Rogue

Rogue has to be very careful around people. Her power requires skin to skin contact, so she normally wears long clothing.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
15 What is Cyclops' power?
Answer: optic blasts

Jean Grey's power is telekinesis, Storm's power is lightning bolts and Wolverine's power is sharp claws.
  From Quiz: X-Men Amazing Abilities
16 Who blew up the sentinel with a marine grenade?
Answer: Nightcrawler

Nightcrawler teleported up to one of the planes took a grenade. Then he teleported on to the sentinel's shoulder and released the grenade.
  From Quiz: "X-Men Evolution" - "Day of Reckoning"
17 Professor Xavier has telepathic abilities. Besides reading minds, what else can he do?
Answer: Project thoughts

He was the founder of the X-Men. He does not refer to them as mutants but as gifted youngsters.
  From Quiz: Mutant Powers Of The X-Men
18 Who was Magneto's wife?
Answer: Magda

He fell in love with and married Magda long before he met Professor X.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
19 Which emergency vehicle almost crashed onto the ice rink at Rockefeller center?
Answer: Ambulance

Storm stopped the ambulance from crashing onto the ice.
    Your options: [ Ambulance ] [ Fire truck ] [ Police car ] [ Helicopter ]
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
20 Who has blue fur, a tail, and can teleport himself?
Answer: Nightcrawler

Although Beast has blue fur, he can not teleport himself. Kurt also has acrobatic abilities.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
21 What is Mystique's power?
Answer: shape-shifting

Mystique can alter her molecular structure allowing her to take the form of anyone she pleases.
  From Quiz: X-Men Amazing Abilities
22 Who said "Scott got us into the cerebro room just in time"?
Answer: Cannonball

Jean went over to hug Scott and then Scott went over to the "Professor". Next to Jean were the new recruits and Cannonball says to Jean "Scott got us into the cerebro room just in time."
  From Quiz: "X-Men Evolution" - "Day of Reckoning"
23 Who has the ability to move objects with telekinetic energy?
Answer: Grey

Jean is Scott's girlfriend.
  From Quiz: Mutant Powers Of The X-Men
24 Where did Magneto first meet Professor X?
Answer: In a hospital overseas

They were both working in the same hospital and they used their powers secretly to heal as many patients as they could.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
25 Which two Morlocks climbed out of the cab of the ambulance?
Answer: Ape and Annalee

Callisto was at the Morlock Tunnels looking after Leech, who was gravely ill. Marina was also with Callisto, sitting in a corner of a room. Spike doesn't join the Morlocks until the "Evolution" series.
    Your options: [ Ape and Annalee ] [ Leech and Marina ] [ Callisto and Marina ] [ Jamie and Spike ]
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
26 Who has the ability to heal?
Answer: Wolverine

Wolverine's real power is to heal himself at an accelerated rate. Since he can heal himself, it is almost impossible to tell how old he is. He has adamantium claws, which could be mistakened for his real power.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
27 Which X-Man can charge animate and inanimate objects with kinetic energy?
Answer: Gambit

Gambit uses playing cards as his weapons which explode on impact once charged.
    Your options: [ Rogue ] [ Gambit ] [ Jean Grey ] [ Cyclops ]
  From Quiz: X-Men Amazing Abilities
28 Who was the last mutant to be taken by the sentinel?
Answer: Beast

First Blob was taken, then Spyke. Then Rogue and Shadowcat, but Shadowcat fazed through the green rock and escaped. Last was Beast.
  From Quiz: "X-Men Evolution" - "Day of Reckoning"
29 Why is Storm given such a name?
Answer: She has the ability to control the forces of nature

You should see the movie. Her eyes become completely white and she looks so scary.
  From Quiz: Mutant Powers Of The X-Men
30 Which X-man was called to come to the Morlock Tunnels with his medical kit?
Answer: Beast

Until Beast could get there, Wolverine was the only thing keeping Leech alive. Also, Beast is the only X-Man with medical training.
    Your options: [ Beast ] [ Jean ] [ Rogue ] [ Cyclops ]
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
31 What is Storm's ability?
Answer: Ability to manipulate the weather

Storm can use any kind of weather she wants. Things such as rain or fog are used for cover, while more dangerous things such as lightning and wind are used for attacks. She also uses wind to fly.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
32 Which X-Man has control over magnetic fields?
Answer: Magneto

Quicksilver can move at incredible speeds, Scarlet Witch uses dark magic and Spyke can shoot spikes from his body.
    Your options: [ Quicksilver ] [ Magneto ] [ Scarlet Witch ] [ Spyke ]
  From Quiz: X-Men Amazing Abilities
33 Besides having superhuman strength, Beast also possesses which ability?
Answer: Extraordinary agility

Beast is actually Dr. Hank McCoy who mutated later on. He was a scientist.
    Your options: [ Can change colour ] [ Can break buildings ] [ Extraordinary agility ] [ Can fly ]
  From Quiz: Mutant Powers Of The X-Men
34 What does Magneto look like?
Answer: Shoulder-length white hair and blue/gray eyes

Magneto is very striking looking with his shoulder-length white hair and blue/gray eyes. He also looks much younger than he is.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
35 What item did Marina show Jubilee while Leech was recovering?
Answer: The Christmas tree

After that, Marina asked Jubilee to stay for Christmas dinner.
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
36 Who says, "thanks guys" while getting ready to drive a police car?
Answer: Nightcrawler

When Jean gets thrown into the police car, Nightcrawler teleports into the car and says to the policemen "thanks guys".
  From Quiz: "X-Men Evolution" - "Day of Reckoning"
37 What was the name of Magneto's orbiting facility?
Answer: Asteroid M

Magneto built Asteroid M as a haven for mutants to live in, free from humanity's cruelity. It also served as a base of sorts.
  From Quiz: Magneto Knowledge
38 Why did Storm relinquish her position as leader of the Morlocks?
Answer: She had not been a good leader to them.

Callisto was the original leader of the Morlocks.
  From Quiz: "X-Men" Christmas Special
39 Whose abilities are telekinesis and telepathy?
Answer: Jean Grey

Jean has both abilities. Telekenesis allows her to pick up objects with her mind. Telepathy probes the minds of others. Her telekenesis gives her the ability to fly.
  From Quiz: 'X-Men Evolution' Characters
40 What can Jubilee create?
Answer: pyrotechnics (fireworks)

She can blind, stun or burn enemies with her powers.
  From Quiz: X-Men Amazing Abilities
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
X-Men TV Quizzes