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El Dorado Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 El Dorado quizzes and 35 El Dorado trivia questions.
  John Wayne's El Dorado    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
As you can tell I'm a big Wayne fan. See how many of these questions you can answer.
Average, 15 Qns, Genoyce, Sep 12 16
4098 plays
  El Dorado   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
John Wayne Western: I don't like westerns, but I love El Dorado. I blame my mother for making me watch it with her.
Average, 20 Qns, Marvingirl, Sep 11 16
4672 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who played the bartender at Jason's bar?

From Quiz "John Wayne's El Dorado"

El Dorado Trivia Questions

2. What actor plays the sheriff of El Dorado?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Robert Mitchum

3. What jobs are Thornton and McLeod up for?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Help Jason wage a range war

4. Name the actor who plays the MacDonald son that Cole accidentally shoots?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Johnny Crawford

Johnny Crawford was a Musketeer and played 'The Rifleman's' son on the series with Chuck Connors.

5. Thornton meets a young man who calls himself Mississippi. What is Mississippi's real name?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Alan Bedillion Trehern

'Well no wonder they call him Mississippi.'

6. What was Cole's horse's name?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Cochise

Cole calls him Cochise when he falls off on the way back to El Dorado after he finds out about J.P. being a drunk and needing help.

7. What actor plays Mississippi?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: James Caan

8. Who does Cole take Mississippi to buy a gun from?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Swede Larsen

The man who played him was a artist by the name of Olaf Wieghorst who did the still life paintings at the beginning of the movie.

9. What causes the pain that paralyzes Thornton's right arm and hand?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: A bullet lodged in his back

10. What type of gun did Mississippi buy?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: sawed off double barrel shotgun

11. Who gave Mississippi his hat?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Johnny Diamond

12. What makes Mississippi want to 'ride, boldly ride'?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: A poem

13. Who played the bartender at Jason's bar?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: John Mitchum

John Mitchum also wrote ' America, Why I Love Her' which Wayne recorded. He was also in 'Chisum' (1970) with Wayne as Baker the deputy sheriff. He is also Robert's brother.

14. What can Mississippi NOT do?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Shoot

15. Who played Bull the Deputy?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Arthur Hunnicutt

16. What is the name of Cole's love interest?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Maudie

17. Who played Alan Bedillion Treherne?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: James Caan

This was one of Caan's earlier movies.

18. Why has the Sheriff, JP Harrah, drunk himself into incompetence?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: A woman broke his heart

19. What did Bull do when there was trouble in town?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Blew his bugle

20. What is the regular deputy's name?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Bull

21. What is Joey short for?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Josephine

22. What was the deputy's former occupation?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Indian Fighter

23. Who played Jim Pervis, Bart Jason's foreman?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Jim Davis

Jim Davis is best remembered for playing Jock Ewing on DALLAS from 1978-81 when he passed away. He has been in the following films with {Wayne;} Big Jake as the head of the lynching mob and Rio Lobo as San Timoteo.

24. When JP sees that Cole has returned, he says 'What are you doing here?' Cole replies, 'I'm looking at a tin star with a _____________'?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: drunk pinned on it & drunk pinned to it

25. Who played Nelse McLeod?

From Quiz John Wayne's El Dorado

Answer: Christopher George

Christopher was in the following Wayne movies: 'The Shootist'(1976) in flashbacks, 'The Train Robbers' (1973) as Calhoun, 'Chisum' (1970) as Dan Nodeen, his wife Linda Day-George was in this film too, 'In Harms Way' (1965) a sailor. On researching him, I found out that he is Vanna White's uncle.

26. Some of Jason's men charge through El Dorado shooting and shouting. Cole and Mississippi confront them. What 'fool thing' does Mississippi do?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Dives under charging horses

'A man can't shoot if his horse is jumping and a horse won't step on a man.'

27. Luke McDonald dies early in the film. Another McDonald child is shot and another is kidnapped. Which ones?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Jarod and Saul

28. What is Jason's first name?

From Quiz El Dorado

Answer: Bart

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