Piece of Cake - Rules and Game Details
Schedule: A new game starts :30 minutes past each hour.
Difficulty level: Easier
Number of questions: 10
FunTrivia Points Awarded: This game awards your score divided by 12 points as bonus FunTrivia
Points each hour. Bonuses (*): +150 for winner, +100 for 2nd, +75 for 3rd, +50 for 4th & 5th, +30 for 6th-10th.
A total of 4
Challenges can be completed here...
Speed Demon - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to players scoring at least 5 winner points in the Easy Game. You earn winner points by having the highest score in any division. Win Div 1 and earn 1 point. Win Div 2, 2 points, etc.
- Winners So Far: 46895. Last
The Biggest Slice - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to the player in the hourly easy game with the highest score across ALL divisions, in an hour where at least 80 people play.
- Winners So Far: 361. Last
Achievement: Easy Game - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to every player scoring 10/10 within 40 seconds.
- Winners So Far: 25051. Last
Monthly Winner: Easy Game - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded at the end of each month in the Easier Hourly Game. It is awarded to the top 10 ranked players who have not yet earned this badge.
- Winners So Far: 1917. Last