Hall of Fame
Top 5 players at the end of each month will be written into the hall of fame, forever!
Feb 25
12 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (216 points, 20 wins) 2. debbitts (169 points, 2 wins) 3. macpyne (167 points, 2 wins) 4. jackcin1 (163 points, 0 wins) 5. Guff52 (152 points, 1 wins) 6. moonraker2 (136 points, 1 wins) 7. ChattieK (113 points, 0 wins) 8. rbearusa (89 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (66 points, 0 wins) 10. Chavs (59 points, 2 wins)
Jan 25
11 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (229 points, 26 wins) 2. debbitts (190 points, 2 wins) 3. jackcin1 (178 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (174 points, 2 wins) 5. Guff52 (155 points, 0 wins) 6. ChattieK (139 points, 0 wins) 7. rbearusa (131 points, 0 wins) 8. moonraker2 (122 points, 0 wins) 9. Chavs (68 points, 0 wins) 10. MingoDude (35 points, 0 wins)
Dec 24
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (209 points, 19 wins) 2. debbitts (184 points, 4 wins) 3. jackcin1 (174 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (169 points, 1 wins) 5. Guff52 (157 points, 1 wins) 6. DarthDarb (119 points, 1 wins) 7. rbearusa (109 points, 2 wins) 8. ChattieK (99 points, 0 wins) 9. moonraker2 (96 points, 3 wins) 10. Chavs (25 points, 0 wins)
Nov 24
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (173 points, 16 wins) 2. macpyne (162 points, 7 wins) 3. debbitts (157 points, 2 wins) 4. Guff52 (143 points, 1 wins) 5. jackcin1 (143 points, 0 wins) 6. moonraker2 (113 points, 3 wins) 7. rbearusa (77 points, 0 wins) 8. Chavs (16 points, 1 wins) 9. DarthDarb (15 points, 0 wins) 10. briarwoodrose (8 points, 0 wins)
Oct 24
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (182 points, 21 wins) 2. debbitts (157 points, 1 wins) 3. macpyne (156 points, 2 wins) 4. jackcin1 (147 points, 0 wins) 5. Guff52 (140 points, 2 wins) 6. moonraker2 (91 points, 1 wins) 7. rbearusa (74 points, 3 wins) 8. Chavs (23 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (21 points, 0 wins) 10. briarwoodrose (8 points, 1 wins)
Sep 24
9 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (183 points, 22 wins) 2. debbitts (161 points, 4 wins) 3. macpyne (149 points, 2 wins) 4. jackcin1 (145 points, 0 wins) 5. Guff52 (143 points, 0 wins) 6. moonraker2 (99 points, 2 wins) 7. rbearusa (62 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (49 points, 0 wins) 9. Chavs (15 points, 0 wins)
Aug 24
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (175 points, 24 wins) 2. debbitts (160 points, 3 wins) 3. macpyne (152 points, 2 wins) 4. jackcin1 (150 points, 1 wins) 5. Guff52 (131 points, 0 wins) 6. moonraker2 (85 points, 1 wins) 7. rbearusa (65 points, 0 wins) 8. Chavs (28 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (17 points, 0 wins) 10. Schnoozie (7 points, 0 wins)
Jul 24
12 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (191 points, 21 wins) 2. debbitts (166 points, 3 wins) 3. macpyne (163 points, 3 wins) 4. jackcin1 (158 points, 3 wins) 5. Guff52 (146 points, 0 wins) 6. moonraker2 (85 points, 1 wins) 7. rbearusa (60 points, 0 wins) 8. Schnoozie (36 points, 0 wins) 9. Chavs (33 points, 0 wins) 10. MingoDude (25 points, 0 wins)
Jun 24
11 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (157 points, 19 wins) 2. debbitts (142 points, 2 wins) 3. jackcin1 (141 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (136 points, 4 wins) 5. Guff52 (93 points, 0 wins) 6. Chavs (86 points, 3 wins) 7. moonraker2 (56 points, 1 wins) 8. rbearusa (49 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (25 points, 1 wins) 10. spooky (7 points, 0 wins)
May 24
12 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (198 points, 24 wins) 2. macpyne (163 points, 2 wins) 3. debbitts (160 points, 0 wins) 4. jackcin1 (153 points, 2 wins) 5. Guff52 (147 points, 0 wins) 6. rbearusa (94 points, 0 wins) 7. moonraker2 (91 points, 3 wins) 8. MingoDude (48 points, 0 wins) 9. Chavs (30 points, 0 wins) 10. MilkDrinker (16 points, 0 wins)
Apr 24
8 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (172 points, 21 wins) 2. macpyne (143 points, 3 wins) 3. jackcin1 (143 points, 3 wins) 4. debbitts (143 points, 2 wins) 5. Guff52 (134 points, 0 wins) 6. rbearusa (87 points, 0 wins) 7. MingoDude (74 points, 1 wins) 8. moonraker2 (10 points, 0 wins)
Mar 24
8 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (162 points, 21 wins) 2. macpyne (145 points, 2 wins) 3. jackcin1 (143 points, 4 wins) 4. debbitts (133 points, 1 wins) 5. Guff52 (121 points, 1 wins) 6. rbearusa (51 points, 1 wins) 7. MingoDude (44 points, 0 wins) 8. nycdmc70 (33 points, 1 wins)
Feb 24
9 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (166 points, 20 wins) 2. macpyne (146 points, 3 wins) 3. debbitts (145 points, 2 wins) 4. jackcin1 (141 points, 1 wins) 5. Guff52 (136 points, 1 wins) 6. pmarney (129 points, 2 wins) 7. rbearusa (36 points, 0 wins) 8. nycdmc70 (29 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (16 points, 0 wins)
Jan 24
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (180 points, 21 wins) 2. macpyne (160 points, 3 wins) 3. jackcin1 (160 points, 1 wins) 4. Guff52 (149 points, 1 wins) 5. debbitts (145 points, 3 wins) 6. pmarney (125 points, 0 wins) 7. nycdmc70 (44 points, 1 wins) 8. rbearusa (39 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (30 points, 1 wins) 10. moonraker2 (6 points, 0 wins)
Dec 23
8 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (185 points, 22 wins) 2. macpyne (157 points, 1 wins) 3. jackcin1 (157 points, 1 wins) 4. debbitts (155 points, 3 wins) 5. pmarney (136 points, 4 wins) 6. Guff52 (129 points, 0 wins) 7. rbearusa (52 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (19 points, 0 wins)
Nov 23
8 players played during the month.
1. debbitts (153 points, 6 wins) 2. macpyne (146 points, 3 wins) 3. pmarney (139 points, 4 wins) 4. suzypc (137 points, 15 wins) 5. jackcin1 (133 points, 1 wins) 6. rbearusa (75 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (73 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (45 points, 0 wins)
Oct 23
11 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (183 points, 21 wins) 2. macpyne (162 points, 3 wins) 3. debbitts (152 points, 2 wins) 4. jackcin1 (152 points, 0 wins) 5. Guff52 (146 points, 2 wins) 6. pmarney (136 points, 3 wins) 7. rbearusa (44 points, 0 wins) 8. Midget40 (44 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (27 points, 0 wins) 10. moonraker2 (10 points, 0 wins)
Sep 23
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (202 points, 21 wins) 2. macpyne (164 points, 2 wins) 3. Guff52 (152 points, 0 wins) 4. jackcin1 (151 points, 2 wins) 5. debbitts (147 points, 2 wins) 6. Midget40 (138 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (137 points, 1 wins) 8. rbearusa (66 points, 2 wins) 9. MingoDude (39 points, 0 wins) 10. shuehorn (11 points, 0 wins)
Aug 23
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (203 points, 19 wins) 2. Midget40 (169 points, 2 wins) 3. macpyne (164 points, 3 wins) 4. pmarney (152 points, 4 wins) 5. debbitts (151 points, 1 wins) 6. Guff52 (151 points, 1 wins) 7. jackcin1 (122 points, 0 wins) 8. rbearusa (63 points, 1 wins) 9. MingoDude (10 points, 0 wins) 10. ankitankurddit (4 points, 0 wins)
Jul 23
11 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (218 points, 24 wins) 2. debbitts (170 points, 1 wins) 3. jackcin1 (167 points, 1 wins) 4. Midget40 (166 points, 0 wins) 5. macpyne (164 points, 0 wins) 6. Guff52 (151 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (147 points, 4 wins) 8. rbearusa (43 points, 1 wins) 9. MingoDude (20 points, 0 wins) 10. witchisin13 (11 points, 0 wins)
Jun 23
11 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (212 points, 22 wins) 2. jackcin1 (161 points, 1 wins) 3. debbitts (160 points, 3 wins) 4. macpyne (160 points, 1 wins) 5. Midget40 (158 points, 1 wins) 6. Guff52 (148 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (128 points, 2 wins) 8. rbearusa (80 points, 0 wins) 9. shuehorn (34 points, 0 wins) 10. moonraker2 (5 points, 0 wins)
May 23
14 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (244 points, 24 wins) 2. Midget40 (185 points, 1 wins) 3. jackcin1 (178 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (177 points, 1 wins) 5. debbitts (173 points, 1 wins) 6. Guff52 (163 points, 0 wins) 7. TimBentley (160 points, 3 wins) 8. pmarney (156 points, 1 wins) 9. rbearusa (102 points, 0 wins) 10. MingoDude (63 points, 0 wins)
Apr 23
13 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (249 points, 16 wins) 2. TimBentley (216 points, 10 wins) 3. macpyne (185 points, 0 wins) 4. pmarney (174 points, 3 wins) 5. debbitts (174 points, 1 wins) 6. jackcin1 (172 points, 0 wins) 7. Midget40 (169 points, 0 wins) 8. Guff52 (162 points, 0 wins) 9. witchisin13 (82 points, 0 wins) 10. rbearusa (61 points, 0 wins)
Mar 23
13 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (238 points, 19 wins) 2. TimBentley (208 points, 9 wins) 3. debbitts (181 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (175 points, 0 wins) 5. Midget40 (173 points, 1 wins) 6. jackcin1 (168 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (155 points, 0 wins) 8. pmarney (148 points, 1 wins) 9. rbearusa (66 points, 0 wins) 10. MingoDude (17 points, 0 wins)
Feb 23
15 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (242 points, 20 wins) 2. TimBentley (203 points, 5 wins) 3. debbitts (185 points, 0 wins) 4. jackcin1 (174 points, 0 wins) 5. macpyne (172 points, 0 wins) 6. pmarney (171 points, 3 wins) 7. Guff52 (166 points, 0 wins) 8. Midget40 (166 points, 0 wins) 9. rbearusa (59 points, 0 wins) 10. moonraker2 (40 points, 0 wins)
Jan 23
13 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (260 points, 18 wins) 2. TimBentley (222 points, 8 wins) 3. jackcin1 (193 points, 0 wins) 4. debbitts (191 points, 0 wins) 5. macpyne (185 points, 0 wins) 6. Midget40 (177 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (174 points, 2 wins) 8. moonraker2 (164 points, 2 wins) 9. Guff52 (141 points, 0 wins) 10. rbearusa (58 points, 1 wins)
Dec 22
12 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (279 points, 20 wins) 2. TimBentley (245 points, 9 wins) 3. debbitts (206 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (200 points, 0 wins) 5. jackcin1 (198 points, 0 wins) 6. Midget40 (197 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (190 points, 2 wins) 8. Guff52 (172 points, 0 wins) 9. rbearusa (158 points, 0 wins) 10. moonraker2 (147 points, 0 wins)
Nov 22
14 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (285 points, 19 wins) 2. TimBentley (226 points, 7 wins) 3. Midget40 (213 points, 1 wins) 4. debbitts (212 points, 0 wins) 5. macpyne (210 points, 0 wins) 6. rbearusa (184 points, 0 wins) 7. Guff52 (180 points, 0 wins) 8. pmarney (172 points, 1 wins) 9. jackcin1 (168 points, 0 wins) 10. moonraker2 (163 points, 2 wins)
Oct 22
14 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (319 points, 20 wins) 2. TimBentley (272 points, 10 wins) 3. debbitts (237 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (200 points, 0 wins) 5. rbearusa (195 points, 0 wins) 6. jackcin1 (192 points, 0 wins) 7. Guff52 (191 points, 0 wins) 8. Midget40 (175 points, 1 wins) 9. pmarney (172 points, 0 wins) 10. moonraker2 (104 points, 0 wins)
Sep 22
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (219 points, 19 wins) 2. TimBentley (195 points, 6 wins) 3. jackcin1 (172 points, 0 wins) 4. debbitts (171 points, 1 wins) 5. macpyne (166 points, 0 wins) 6. Guff52 (156 points, 0 wins) 7. rbearusa (131 points, 1 wins) 8. pmarney (120 points, 3 wins) 9. witchisin13 (50 points, 0 wins) 10. MingoDude (39 points, 0 wins)
Aug 22
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (229 points, 19 wins) 2. TimBentley (198 points, 8 wins) 3. macpyne (172 points, 1 wins) 4. debbitts (168 points, 1 wins) 5. jackcin1 (163 points, 1 wins) 6. Guff52 (162 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (156 points, 1 wins) 8. witchisin13 (106 points, 0 wins) 9. rbearusa (46 points, 0 wins) 10. MingoDude (31 points, 0 wins)
Jul 22
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (218 points, 19 wins) 2. TimBentley (194 points, 9 wins) 3. debbitts (175 points, 1 wins) 4. jackcin1 (172 points, 1 wins) 5. macpyne (162 points, 0 wins) 6. pmarney (148 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (146 points, 0 wins) 8. witchisin13 (146 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (5 points, 0 wins) 10. yitz420 (5 points, 0 wins)
Jun 22
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (211 points, 16 wins) 2. TimBentley (184 points, 11 wins) 3. debbitts (165 points, 1 wins) 4. macpyne (160 points, 0 wins) 5. jackcin1 (159 points, 0 wins) 6. Guff52 (154 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (131 points, 2 wins) 8. witchisin13 (75 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (38 points, 0 wins) 10. cubswin2323 (13 points, 0 wins)
May 22
8 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (198 points, 19 wins) 2. TimBentley (178 points, 9 wins) 3. debbitts (156 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (155 points, 1 wins) 5. jackcin1 (149 points, 0 wins) 6. pmarney (140 points, 2 wins) 7. Guff52 (127 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (5 points, 0 wins)
Apr 22
9 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (184 points, 17 wins) 2. TimBentley (172 points, 9 wins) 3. debbitts (166 points, 2 wins) 4. macpyne (148 points, 1 wins) 5. jackcin1 (146 points, 0 wins) 6. pmarney (145 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (134 points, 0 wins) 8. Chavs (6 points, 0 wins) 9. MingoDude (5 points, 0 wins)
Mar 22
8 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (212 points, 22 wins) 2. TimBentley (183 points, 7 wins) 3. debbitts (167 points, 0 wins) 4. jackcin1 (163 points, 1 wins) 5. macpyne (162 points, 0 wins) 6. pmarney (155 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (130 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (42 points, 0 wins)
Feb 22
9 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (179 points, 13 wins) 2. TimBentley (174 points, 13 wins) 3. debbitts (151 points, 0 wins) 4. jackcin1 (139 points, 1 wins) 5. macpyne (139 points, 0 wins) 6. Guff52 (126 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (121 points, 1 wins) 8. MingoDude (22 points, 0 wins) 9. ankitankurddit (4 points, 0 wins)
Jan 22
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (202 points, 17 wins) 2. TimBentley (185 points, 10 wins) 3. debbitts (168 points, 1 wins) 4. macpyne (157 points, 0 wins) 5. jackcin1 (149 points, 0 wins) 6. Guff52 (142 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (138 points, 2 wins) 8. MingoDude (55 points, 1 wins) 9. ankitankurddit (5 points, 0 wins) 10. Atieno (4 points, 0 wins)
Dec 21
9 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (210 points, 22 wins) 2. TimBentley (186 points, 5 wins) 3. debbitts (172 points, 1 wins) 4. jackcin1 (162 points, 1 wins) 5. macpyne (160 points, 1 wins) 6. pmarney (159 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (153 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (36 points, 0 wins) 9. Atieno (5 points, 0 wins)
Nov 21
8 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (194 points, 13 wins) 2. TimBentley (180 points, 12 wins) 3. macpyne (157 points, 1 wins) 4. debbitts (155 points, 2 wins) 5. pmarney (147 points, 2 wins) 6. jackcin1 (140 points, 0 wins) 7. Guff52 (128 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (66 points, 0 wins)
Oct 21
9 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (211 points, 20 wins) 2. TimBentley (187 points, 9 wins) 3. debbitts (177 points, 1 wins) 4. macpyne (158 points, 0 wins) 5. jackcin1 (155 points, 0 wins) 6. pmarney (146 points, 1 wins) 7. Guff52 (142 points, 0 wins) 8. MingoDude (52 points, 0 wins) 9. OswaldEllie (4 points, 0 wins)
Sep 21
10 players played during the month.
1. suzypc (204 points, 18 wins) 2. TimBentley (178 points, 8 wins) 3. debbitts (159 points, 0 wins) 4. macpyne (152 points, 0 wins) 5. Guff52 (151 points, 0 wins) 6. jackcin1 (150 points, 0 wins) 7. pmarney (146 points, 4 wins) 8. MingoDude (46 points, 0 wins) 9. Catreona (16 points, 0 wins) 10. OswaldEllie (10 points, 0 wins)