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Established Adept [11b]

New! Prestige System Info

Lagos, Nigeria country Look up player:
Team: The Astute Achievers
Hobbies: I love music, ping-pong, reading almost anything and Jesus
Bio: "A man's life is made up of seconds and minutes- those he cherished and those which perished"; "If you have a map, you can go beyond what you see, if you think higher, you will go beyond what your map says"; "Only the helpful are needful, the needful might not always be helpful"; "What doesn't help will always be a boring story;" "The more time you wait, the more steps you'll have to take" #AstuteAlways.
Registered: Dec 30 18 ( Class 45 ) - Last Seen: Feb 05 24
Membership: Regular
game ranks Scores and Ranks

Established Adept [11b]Prestige: 765  (?)
Points: 295Authoring: 6
Challenges: 339Exploration: 55
Team Pts: 70Bonus: 0
Needs 35 more prestige for Advanced Adept [11c]

FunTrivia Points: 784,729

Point Rank: # 7,124 of 2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0, Yesterday: 0
Adedayo24's Team Points: 722,625

game ranksBadges / Challenge Awards
Basics (26) - Rainbow (6) - Community (5) - Hourly (22) - Daily (10) - Casual (13) - Scavenger (1) - Map Room (0)
Recent Wins badge badge badge badge badge badge badge badge

game ranks Quizzes & Games

Quizzes Authored: 2
Go to Adedayo24's Author Page
Adedayo24's Authoring Art Gallery

Single Questions Accepted: 4

Quizzes Played: 542
Questions Correct: 3,754 / 5,855 (64%)
Crosswords Played: Gold Member Feature
Knockout Points: 20 (goto)
Brains Collected: 380 (info)
Monster Quizzes Taken: 207 (3105 questions)

contest Global Challenge

Division: (1) The Newbies
Mode: Normal
Rating: hidden   Last Graduation: None
Games Played: 0
Highest reached: (5) The Nimble Noggins

FunTrivia Duel
(34 wins)
one v one badge

game ranks Adedayo24's Team

Member of: The Astute Achievers

If you are looking for a team for competition, friendship or fun, then this team is CERTAINLY for you! Whether you are interested in playing trivia to relax your self, or you are the astute knowledge guru who wants to achieve, conquer and dominate the site, or you are the one who chats away the cloc ... (more)

The Astute Achievers ranked # 50 in division D of last month's Team vs Team competition.

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Leader: Adedayo24

game ranks Quiz Playing Statistics

This is one of the many Gold Member perks. Please consider upgrading and helping to support FunTrivia!