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Senior Scholar [13c]

New! Prestige System Info

Moose Meadow,Connecticut USA USA Look up player:
Team: None.
Hobbies: Enigmas. I'm pondering one at this moment: If I tie buttered toast to the back of my cat, drop him...then what?
Bio: I don't have a photograph. I'd give you my footprints, but they're upstairs in my socks. "Being insane helps", said the starfish to the carrot. Deadlines amuse me. If you want to make God laugh..make plans. "The trouble with the rat race is even if you win, you're still a rat". "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." ~ Susan B. Anthony "I have often been asked, 'What do you do now that you're retired?' Well...I am fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whiskey into urine. It's rewarding, uplifting, satisfying and fulfilling. I do it every day and I really enjoy it." Appropriated for the cause from Ennerdale "An apple is an excellent thing - until you have tried a peach".
Registered: Sep 04 13 ( Class 32 ) - Last Seen: Dec 19 24
Membership: Regular
game ranks Scores and Ranks

Senior Scholar [13c]Prestige: 1537  (?)
Points: 884Authoring: 3
Challenges: 543Exploration: 107
Team Pts: 0Bonus: 0
Needs 53 more prestige for Elder Scholar [13d]

FunTrivia Points: 7,046,375

Point Rank: # 1,152 of 2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0, Yesterday: 0
Clay0111's Team Points: 0

game ranksBadges / Challenge Awards

game ranks Quizzes & Games

Quizzes Authored: 0
Single Questions Accepted: 10

Quizzes Played: 140
Questions Correct: 1,106 / 1,555 (71%)
Crosswords Played: Gold Member Feature
Knockout Points: 717 (goto)
Brains Collected: 680 (info)
Monster Quizzes Taken: 2553 (38295 questions)

contest Global Challenge

Division: (2) The Graduates
Mode: Normal
Rating: 1523   Last Graduation: Aug 01 24
Games Played: 11
Highest reached: (7) The Brainiacs

FunTrivia Duel
(9931 wins)
one v one badge

game ranks Clay0111's Team
Not a member of a team.
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