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Exalted Dean [16e]

New! Prestige System Info

Ontario Canada CA Look up player:
Team: Dream Weavers
Hobbies: reading, Middle Ages, foreign languages, history generally, teaching people about stuff.
Bio: I am wryly humorous, and mostly harmless. I get lots done, but not what I am supposed to do. I am the Lucky Number and the Barrel Rider!... er, wait... no, that was definitely someone else! I like to read and play games, and I am thrilled to find some use for the tidbits of information that I have buried in my brain (like so many nuts, of dubious quality, stored by squirrels for the winter). If you have digested all this, then I guess you like to read too!
Registered: Nov 01 08 ( Class 15 ) - Last Seen: Dec 14 24
Membership: Regular
game ranks Scores and Ranks

Exalted Dean [16e]Prestige: 3144  (?)
Points: 1039Authoring: 12
Challenges: 1537Exploration: 365
Team Pts: 191Bonus: 0
Needs 56 more prestige for Master [17a]

FunTrivia Points: 9,723,515

Point Rank: # 813 of 2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0, Yesterday: 0
Eruditio's Team Points: 5,283,983

Featured Awards

badge badge

game ranksBadges / Challenge Awards

game ranks Quizzes & Games

Quizzes Authored: 3
Go to Eruditio's Author Page
Eruditio's Authoring Art Gallery

Single Questions Accepted: 6

Quizzes Played: 327
Questions Correct: 2,682 / 3,720 (72%)
Crosswords Played: Gold Member Feature
Knockout Points: 733 (goto)
Brains Collected: 13622 (info)
Monster Quizzes Taken: 1364 (20460 questions)

contest Global Challenge

Division: (6) The Smartypants
Mode: Hardcore
Rating: 1653   Last Graduation: Oct 13 24
Games Played: 90
Highest reached: (10) The Immortals

FunTrivia Duel
(3624 wins)
one v one badge

game ranks Eruditio's Team

Member of: Dream Weavers

This team is fun, serious, silly, supportive and more! Our team message board has many great games to play! Fun is the focus of this team. To be part of this team it would be best for you to show your team spirit by participating often in "team" quizzes that appear on the home page as well as pa ... (more)

Dream Weavers ranked # 4 in division C of last month's Team vs Team competition.

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Leader: Qmel

game ranks Quiz Playing Statistics

This is one of the many Gold Member perks. Please consider upgrading and helping to support FunTrivia!