Location: |
Team: | The Wild Mutant Noggins | ||
Hobbies: | |||
Bio: | OK, this guy goes into a bar. No, wait, he doesn't do that yet. Or maybe it's a grocery store. OK, it doesn't matter. Let's say it was a bar. He's somewhere in the vicinity of a bar, right? So anyway, there's this dog and he says something odd, I don't remember, but this other guy says, um, well I forget, but it was funny. -------15.73 (January 10, 2011; level 53)------- 學而時習之,不亦悅乎? | ||
Registered: | Dec 20 09 ( Class 19 ) - Last Seen: Jan 18 17 | ||
Membership: | Regular | ||
Established Challenger [9b] | Prestige: 382 (?) |
Points: 196 | Authoring: 18 |
Challenges: 117 | Exploration: 0 |
Team Pts: 51 | Bonus: 0 |
Needs 38 more prestige for Advanced Challenger [9c] |
FunTrivia Points: 347,921
Point Rank: # 11,645 of
2,391,250 players
Points Today: 0,
GuruOfTrivia's Team Points:
Highest reached: (2) The Graduates
FunTrivia Duel ( wins) |
No progress made in FunTrivia Duel.
Member of: The Wild Mutant Noggins
Yes, the New York Times says that "The Wild Mutant Noggins are truly the best team out there." Time magazine calls us "the team of the year." We say we are a group of fun loving trivia players. A quick note: Daily participation in team games (Team vs Team & Team Heroes) is not required. Try to pl ... (more)
Leader: mehaul ![]() |