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Elder Philosopher [15c]

New! Prestige System Info

Heemskerk, Netherlands Look up player:
Team: Atheist Quizzers
Hobbies: Riding my bike, birds, sports (almost everyone and in a passive way), jigsaw puzzles, cryptic crosswords.
Bio: On the borders of the IJ-river in a city built on stakes, that's where I was born. In a sleepy town halfway Alkmaar in the north and Haarlem in the south, between the polders in the east and the dunes (and the sea beyond) in the west, that's where I live. As to where I will breath my last breath, I can not inform you.
Registered: Feb 14 03 ( Class 2 ) - Last Seen: Dec 21 24
Membership: Regular
game ranks Scores and Ranks

Elder Philosopher [15c]Prestige: 2470  (?)
Points: 1152Authoring: 171
Challenges: 702Exploration: 228
Team Pts: 215Bonus: 2
Needs 30 more prestige for Grand Philosopher [15d]

FunTrivia Points: 11,950,218

Point Rank: # 626 of 2,384,223 players
Points Today: 2288, Yesterday: 2648
Jaydel's Team Points: 6,657,409

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Quizzes Authored: 53
Go to Jaydel's Author Page
Jaydel's Authoring Art Gallery

Single Questions Accepted: 1

Quizzes Played: 38761
Questions Correct: 293,236 / 432,079 (68%)
Crosswords Played: Gold Member Feature
Knockout Points: 0 (goto)
Brains Collected: 11519 (info)
Monster Quizzes Taken: 2696 (40440 questions)

contest Global Challenge

Division: (9) The Geniuses
Mode: Normal
Rating: 1561   Last Graduation: Oct 03 24
Games Played: 1024
Highest reached: (9) The Geniuses

FunTrivia Duel
(2300 wins)
one v one badge

game ranks Jaydel's Team

Member of: Atheist Quizzers

Agnostic, antitheist, apatheist, atheist, freethinker, humanist, ignostic, nontheist, secular, skeptic, and theological noncognitivist quizzers UNITE - you have found your team and a home!

Atheist Quizzers ranked # 24 in division C of last month's Team vs Team competition.

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Leader: Lascaux

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