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Master [17a]

New! Prestige System Info

Pennsylvania USA USA Look up player:
Team: The Devil's Advocates
Hobbies: Mega-bibliophile, quasi-historian, conspiracy theorist, amateur philosopher, and translator of red/false flags.
Bio: The MindWarrior occupies an estate near the 'burgh of Pitts in the land of Penn with his 2 prodigies (sons ages 25 and 28) and hellhound Mastiff mix Jasmine. While not Alexandria, the Warrior's library does include over 3000 books. Additionally, I'm an AVID collector of historical/military edged weapons. When not amassing voluminous amounts of knowledge, I toil the graveyard shift and ponder deeply. MOST importantly, I'm a DAD, an occupation like no other! ~What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others~-Confucius
Registered: Jun 03 06 ( Class 7 ) - Last Seen: Dec 07 23
Membership: Regular
game ranks Scores and Ranks

Master [17a]Prestige: 3269  (?)
Points: 1643Authoring: 6
Challenges: 1362Exploration: 0
Team Pts: 258Bonus: 0
Needs 81 more prestige for Senior Master [17b]

FunTrivia Points: 24,315,087

Point Rank: # 199 of 2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0, Yesterday: 0
MindWarrior's Team Points: 9,599,955

game ranksBadges / Challenge Awards

game ranks Quizzes & Games

Quizzes Authored: 0
Single Questions Accepted: 13

Quizzes Played: 39973
Questions Correct: 283,386 / 438,100 (65%)
Crosswords Played: Gold Member Feature
Knockout Points: 573 (goto)
Brains Collected: 41033 (info)
Monster Quizzes Taken: 3113 (46695 questions)

contest Global Challenge

Division: (1) The Newbies
Mode: Normal
Rating: 1500   Last Graduation: None
Games Played: 0
Highest reached: (10) The Immortals

FunTrivia Duel
(17542 wins)
one v one badge

game ranks MindWarrior's Team

Member of: The Devil's Advocates

The Devil's Advocates are open to ALL who share a keen interest in history, science, politics, philosophy, scientific advancements, humanities etc, etc, etc! My name is Trudie & I took over leadership earlier in 2023. Feel free to join our team & come along for the ride.

The Devil's Advocates ranked # 10 in division B of last month's Team vs Team competition.

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Leader: Pawsawhile

game ranks Quiz Playing Statistics

This is one of the many Gold Member perks. Please consider upgrading and helping to support FunTrivia!