Location: |
Team: | The Cat People | ||
Hobbies: | Brushing cat hair off my clothes. | ||
Bio: | "What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents." Robert Kennedy ...................... "All facts are useful. It's just the context that shifts." Vincent Nigel Murray .................. "The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat." Albert Einstein | ||
Registered: | Apr 05 13 ( Class 31 ) - Last Seen: Dec 17 24 | ||
Membership: | |||
Exalted Master [17e] | Prestige: 3815 (?) |
Points: 1369 | Authoring: 0 |
Challenges: 2071 | Exploration: 152 |
Team Pts: 223 | Bonus: 0 |
Needs 135 more prestige for Virtuoso [18a] |
FunTrivia Points: 16,870,124
Point Rank: # 365 of
2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0,
MiraJane's Team Points:
Oct 20 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Team Heroes |
Aug 05 24 | 1 prestige | Prestige for FT points |
Jun 30 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Monster Quiz |
Jun 20 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Obscurity |
Apr 08 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Chat Board Participation |
Apr 05 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Daily Challenge Completion |
Feb 24 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Who am I? |
Feb 12 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Piece of Cake |
Feb 12 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Who's the Smartest? |
Feb 06 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Who's the Smartest? |
Jan 31 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in FunTrivia Duel |
Jan 20 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Fifty-Fifty |
Jan 16 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Fifty-Fifty |
Jan 03 24 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Monster Quiz |
Dec 25 23 | 1 prestige | Exploration discovered in Team Heroes |
Division: (1) The Newbies
Mode: Normal
Rating: 1500 Last Graduation: None
Games Played: 0
Highest reached: (10) The Immortals
FunTrivia Duel (12853 wins) |
Member of: The Cat People
We are a collection of individuals who see in ourselves the embodiment of the feline family.
We are friendly and curious, willing to offer a friendly paw and a purr to those who recognize
as we cats do, that coming together for a mutual cause and companionship, as well as a saucer of milk is reaso ... (more)
Leader: WesleyCrusher |