Elder Virtuoso [18b] | Prestige: 4153 (?) |
Points: 1205 | Authoring: 354 |
Challenges: 2433 | Exploration: 0 |
Team Pts: 161 | Bonus: 0 |
Needs 157 more prestige for Grand Virtuoso [18c] |
FunTrivia Points: 13,079,358
Point Rank: # 548 of
2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0,
bwfc10's Team Points:
Division: (1) The Newbies
Mode: Hardcore
Rating: 1500 Last Graduation: None
Games Played: 0
Highest reached: (9) The Geniuses
FunTrivia Duel (14766 wins) |
Member of: Dog Park
What could be more fun than a Dog Park? Friends meet friends every day to romp and play. Occasionally, a new member joins the group - that only adds to the enjoyment and mutual successes. In our Dog Park we are a close knit group of friends seeking to rise to the top of team trivia while getting to ... (more)
Leader: ghosttowner |