Location: |
Team: | Just for Teens | ||
Hobbies: | I Don't come on FT as much as I used to. But I still enjoy it and am looking forward to doing more quizes soon! | ||
Bio: | Im just another student who hates science & complains about PE. Im an alto & Gemini whos biggest fears are fire & heights. My goals change day to day, but I still know what I want. I like making decision when I dont have to. I rarely paint my nails, but love curling my hair. I own too many lip glosses, and not enough jeans. I LOVE hardwood floors & new notebooks. Surprises stress me out. My best friends are pretty awesome, and slightly crazy. Im constantly jealous of people with curly hair & blue or green eyes. My hair rarely stays in place because its just straight. I get tired of hot weather easily, but will put up with the pouring rain any day. Im the kind of girl who believes all pictures look better in black & white. I take photographs that turn out complex, but only consist of me messing around & the looking through a lens. | ||
Registered: | Jan 09 07 ( Class 9 ) - Last Seen: Jan 30 09 | ||
Membership: | Regular | ||
Initiate 1st class [2b] | Prestige: 26 (?) |
Points: 25 | Authoring: 0 |
Challenges: 1 | Exploration: 0 |
Team Pts: 0 | Bonus: 0 |
Needs 4 more prestige for Neophyte 2nd class [3a] |
FunTrivia Points: 5,750
Point Rank: # 316,107 of
2,391,250 players
Points Today: 0,
feel_the_rain's Team Points:
Member of: Just for Teens
A group for teenagers
Leader: Terry |