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Scholar [13a]

New! Prestige System Info

GO PHILLIES,Pennsylvania USA USA Look up player:
Team: Poetic license
Hobbies: Avid Phillies Fan, Love movies, antiques and the Sixties. I collect Animation Art. I am a former semi-pro catcher.
Bio: I am an ADULT, I have but two rules, have a laugh and learn something. (RIP-LOS)-------GO PHILLIES---2008 WORLD CHAMPIONS-------I am a former radio DJ from 1969 - 1975, so that's where my musical 'expertise' lies. My on-air name 'White Rabbit' was from the Jefferson Airplane song of the same name and I always lived by the line in the song; "FEED YOUR HEAD". In my earlier years I probably fed it with the wrong stuff...but, after I survived that, I realized that it also meant seek knowledge. This website teaches me something every day I play it. Enjoy...Feed YOUR head.
Registered: May 28 07 ( Class 10 ) - Last Seen: Jan 15 17
Membership: Regular
game ranks Scores and Ranks

Scholar [13a]Prestige: 1372  (?)
Points: 515Authoring: 180
Challenges: 519Exploration: 0
Team Pts: 158Bonus: 0
Needs 58 more prestige for Established Scholar [13b]

FunTrivia Points: 2,387,842

Point Rank: # 3,186 of 2,384,223 players
Points Today: 0, Yesterday: 0
maskman22's Team Points: 3,635,027

game ranksBadges / Challenge Awards
Basics (33) - Rainbow (19) - Community (13) - Hourly (21) - Daily (14) - Casual (24) - Scavenger (20) - Map Room (0)
Recent Wins badge badge badge badge badge badge badge badge

game ranks Quizzes & Games

Quizzes Authored: 60
Go to maskman22's Author Page
maskman22's Authoring Art Gallery

Single Questions Accepted: 3

Quizzes Played: 4859
Questions Correct: 41,286 / 51,326 (80%)
Crosswords Played: Gold Member Feature
Knockout Points: 310 (goto)
Brains Collected: 860 (info)
Monster Quizzes Taken: 117 (1755 questions)

contest Global Challenge

Highest reached: (7) The Brainiacs

FunTrivia Duel
( wins)

No progress made in FunTrivia Duel.

game ranks maskman22's Team

Member of: Poetic license

We are a global team of adults, spanning four continents. We can be serious...we can be lighthearted...we can be bawdy...we're here for fun and friendship. If you like to play games and have conversations on message boards, then we're the team for you. If we sound interesting just contact one of us ... (more)

Poetic license ranked # 0 in division D of last month's Team vs Team competition.

* Invite Only

Leader: rainier26

game ranks Quiz Playing Statistics

This is one of the many Gold Member perks. Please consider upgrading and helping to support FunTrivia!