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If you're looking for quizzes on books written by an author whose surname begins with R, and you don't see their name listed on its own, look in here!
6 R Authors quizzes and 60 R Authors trivia questions.
  We're Going on a Bear Hunt    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"We're going on a bear hunt. / We're going to catch a big one. / What a beautiful day! / We're not scared." Michael Rosen has written the words and Helen Oxenbury has provided the illustrations for this award-winning book from 1989.
Average, 10 Qns, Lottie1001, Jun 02 16
Lottie1001 gold member
349 plays
  Night of the Twisters    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's April 19, a day Dan Hatch will remember for the rest of his life as the "Night of the Twisters". What do you know about this book by Ivy Ruckman?
Average, 10 Qns, bookaddict, Jan 23 06
296 plays
  How To Eat Fried Worms    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I just finished re-reading this book by Thomas Rockwell and was surprised not to find a quiz on it. It's such a great book.
Tough, 10 Qns, bookworm78, May 17 05
433 plays
  Something Secret    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi there, this is all about "Something Secret" by Gywneth Rees. It's a great book! Please rate my quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, meggirlr, Apr 17 10
151 plays
  "Captain Mack" by James Roy    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is an easy quiz on a very good book called "Captain Mack", about an old man who still thinks he's in the war, and tries to escape from 'the enemy'. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Eema-U, Feb 22 05
137 plays
  "Space Demons" Dilemma    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Space Demons" is a book by Gillian Rubinstein. Exactly how much do you know about it?
Tough, 10 Qns, karyn-li, Dec 05 07
142 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Dr Robert Hayford buys his son a game. In what language are the instructions for this game written?

From Quiz ""Space Demons" Dilemma"

R Authors Trivia Questions

1. The first obstacle encountered by the family is grass - long, wavy grass. They can't go over it or under it, so they have to go through it. What noise do they make?

From Quiz
We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Answer: Swishy swashy!

There is a black and white drawing showing the family as they set off up the hill. A bigger girl is helping to tow a younger one; the father is carrying the baby; a boy is brandishing a forked stick; there is also a dog running along with them. "Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!" On the next (coloured) page we see the family are making their way over a hill covered in long grass with poppies and, possibly, buttercups growing in it. The father, wearing a dark blue sweater and blue jeans, is still giving the baby, wearing a pink suit, a piggyback; the black and white dog, practically hidden by the vegetation, is running ahead of him; behind are the younger girl with brown pigtails, who is wearing a blue dress, and the red-headed boy, who is wearing a red sweater and khaki shorts and carrying a forked stick; finally the elder, blonde, girl, who is wearing a white dress, black stockings and a mauve cardigan. There are some trees on the skyline, a flock of birds in the sky, and a few cottages just visible behind the hill.

2. What is Laura's babysitter called?

From Quiz Something Secret

Answer: Cheryl

Cheryl is Laura's babysitter who is supposed to put Laura to bed on time but Laura refuses. Mrs Bishop is her best friend's mum.

3. Dr Robert Hayford buys his son a game. In what language are the instructions for this game written?

From Quiz "Space Demons" Dilemma

Answer: Japanese

Andrew couldn't read the writing because it wasn't in English. He looks closer and sees it is in Japanese.

4. What did Dan and Arthur do at Mormon Island State Park?

From Quiz Night of the Twisters

Answer: Went swimming

Arthur and Dan went swimming at Mormon Island State Park. While they were getting ready to leave they saw Stacy and Ronnie Vae, Arthur's sisters, who asked them for a ride home. Dan wanted to give them a ride, but Arthur refused.

5. Which boy agrees to eat the worms?

From Quiz How To Eat Fried Worms

Answer: Billy

Tom was kept late after dinner because he wouldn't eat Salmon Loaf for dinner. Billy claimed there wasn't much he wouldn't eat, especially if he got paid.

6. What is the name of Danny's best friend?

From Quiz "Captain Mack" by James Roy

Answer: Caleb

Danny's best friend's name is Caleb Ross.

7. The second obstacle encountered by the family is a river - a deep, cold river. They can't go over it or under it, so they have to go through it. What noise do they make?

From Quiz We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Answer: Splash splosh!

The black and white drawing shows family stopped on the river bank - they are surveying the scene. The boy is holding the baby; the dog is having a drink; the elder girl has her hands on her hips; the father has his arm resting on the shoulders of the younger girl. There are several ducks swimming in the river. "Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!" On the next (coloured) page we see the family making their way across the river - the four elder people have all removed their shoes. The younger girl is carrying her brown strap shoes, and is wading across, wet up to her armpits; the father is carrying the baby on his shoulders, and carrying a pair of white trainers in his free hand; the boy is carrying a pair of blue shoes in one hand and holding onto the dog's collar with the other hand; the elder girl is at the back - she is carrying a pair of brown shoes in one hand and holding her dress up out of the water with the other hand, her stockings are draped around her neck. The ducks are keeping well out of the way.

8. What does Janice want Laura to do?

From Quiz Something Secret

Answer: Join Guides

Janice wants Laura to go to Guides with her but Laura's mum won't let her. It is only said why near the end of the book.

9. How many cigarettes did Marjorie smoke?

From Quiz "Space Demons" Dilemma

Answer: Not more than five or ten

Marjorie said "I lost count, but not than five or ten".

10. Why was Ryan having trouble sleeping?

From Quiz Night of the Twisters

Answer: He was teething

Ryan was having trouble sleeping because he was teething, so when Ryan finally does get to sleep everyone takes special care not to wake him.

11. How many worms must be eaten for the bet to be won?

From Quiz How To Eat Fried Worms

Answer: 15

Billy must eat fifteen worms in fifteen days in order to win his bet against Alan.

12. Where does Danny's new next-door-neighbor Ellie work?

From Quiz "Captain Mack" by James Roy

Answer: in a retirement villiage

Ellie works at Lady Smythe Retirement Villiage.

13. The third obstacle encountered by the family is mud - thick, oozy mud. They can't go over it or under it, so they have to go through it. What noise do they make?

From Quiz We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Answer: Squelch squerch!

The black and white drawing shows the family sitting on a fence looking at the mud. The baby and the dog are playing in it; the boy is holding a handful of mud ready to throw at a tin-can sticking out of the mud; the father is resting his elbow on his knee, and has his chin in his hand; the elder girl is helping the younger one with her shoes - whether they are being put on after the river or being removed for the mud isn't clear. "Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!" On the next (coloured) page we see the family making their way across the mud. The father is in front, holding several pairs of shoes in each hand; the boy is following behind; next comes the younger girl holding onto a post sticking up out of the mud; then comes the dog prancing along quite happily; finally the elder girl is carrying the baby. There are two snipe in the left foreground poking their bills into the mud; a seagull is perched on a post watching them; there are other gulls in the sky above. Beyond a fence and the mud we can see a green field.

14. Where did Arthur's mother find all her daughter's names?

From Quiz Night of the Twisters

Answer: In books

Arthur's mother was a big reader and got all of the names for her daughters out of books. Arthur's sisters are named Eustacia Marie, Veronica Vae, Gwyneth Elaine, Tabitha Tess, Theodosia Desiree, and Angelique.

15. How was the first worm cooked?

From Quiz How To Eat Fried Worms

Answer: boiled

The first worm (nightcrawler) was dug out of the manure pile. They boiled it.

16. Who does Captain Mack always ask Danny about?

From Quiz "Captain Mack" by James Roy

Answer: Tierney

Tierney died many years ago in the war, but Captain Mack seems to think that he is still in hiding.

17. The fourth obstacle encountered by the family is a forest - a big, dark forest. They can't go over it or under it, so they have to go through it. What noise do they make?

From Quiz We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Answer: Stumble trip!

The black and white drawing shows the family sitting down on a hillock to try and remove the worst of the mud from their feet and replace their shoes. The father is looking somewhat daunted; the boy is setting off happily waving a stick; the elder girl is pointing out which way they need to go; the younger one seems more concerned by the mud on her feet; the dog is sitting with its nose in the air. "Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!" On the next (coloured) page we see the family making their way through the tree trunks. The dog is having no trouble and is well ahead of the rest of them; the boy is holding the baby's hand to drag her along; the elder girl seems to be about to trip over a fallen branch; the younger one is hanging on to a tree trunk; the father is standing at the edge of the forest still looking a bit daunted. There are tree trunks, fat ones and thin ones, as far as the eye can see, and no sky is visible above the trees.

18. Who is Janice's new friend at Guides?

From Quiz Something Secret

Answer: Helen

Laura doesn't like Janice and Helen being such good friends. Janice says that if Laura doesn't come to Guides, Helen will be her partner for the annual sausage sizzle.

19. Who is Mario's brother?

From Quiz "Space Demons" Dilemma

Answer: John

Mario and John's last names are the same.

20. What comic strip did Dan read while he waited for Arthur to catch up on their bike ride home?

From Quiz Night of the Twisters

Answer: Peanuts

Dan turned the corner onto Sand Crane Drive way ahead of Arthur. As he turned the corner the comic section of the newspaper got caught, so he read "Peanuts" while he waited for Arthur to catch up.

21. What did the boy eating worms plan to buy with his winnings?

From Quiz How To Eat Fried Worms

Answer: minibike

Mike Cunningham's brother was selling his minibike before he went away to college in the fall. The thought of the bike helped Billy get through the third worm.

22. Who is the school bully?

From Quiz "Captain Mack" by James Roy

Answer: Shaun

You would never see Shaun without Grant, as Grant is like Shaun's 'sidekick' bully.

23. The fifth obstacle encountered by the family is a snowstorm - a swirling, whirling snowstorm. They can't go over it or under it, so they have to go through it. What noise does it make?

From Quiz We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Answer: Hoooo woooo!

The black and white drawing shows the family standing in the middle of the countryside looking at a big black storm cloud. The boy is hanging onto the father's left leg; the younger girl is holding his right hand; the dog is cowering behind the three of them; the elder girl is standing just in front of them, holding the baby tightly. "Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!" On the next (coloured) page we see the family making their way through the snow. The father is at the front, holding the hand of the younger girl; the elder girl, still holding the baby, is behind them; the boy is at the back, with his head bent against the force of the snowstorm; the dog is prancing along beside them.

24. Where are Laura and Mum shopping when Laura goes into a daydream waiting in a queue?

From Quiz Something Secret

Answer: Sainsbury's

Mum makes Laura queue for Rory's bacon as she hates queuing. Laura goes into a daydream and is at the front of the queue in no time.

25. What did the players have to do to get inside the game?

From Quiz "Space Demons" Dilemma

Answer: Hate each other and themselves

The key words of this book are: "respond to hate".

26. Why did Dan's mom leave before the storm?

From Quiz Night of the Twisters

Answer: To warn Mrs. Smiley

Dan's mom left to warn Mrs. Smiley because she wasn't answering her phone. Dan's mom was worried Mrs. Smiley had her hearing aid turned down and didn't know about the storm.

27. When Joe was telling his story about his mother fainting and his father's anger regarding eating worms, what did the boys do to cover their laughter?

From Quiz How To Eat Fried Worms

Answer: pretended to have sneezing fits

Joe and Alan were trying to scare Billy out of eating the worms, but they kept laughing, pretending to sneeze. Alan said it was hay fever.

28. Whom did Danny see at the supermarket with his mother and brothers?

From Quiz "Captain Mack" by James Roy

Answer: Shaun

Shaun made a fool of himself in front of Danny by fumbling a tub of yoghurt that was passed like a football to him.

29. The sixth obstacle encountered by the family is a cave - a narrow, gloomy cave. They can't go over it or under it, so they have to go through it. What noise do they make?

From Quiz We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Answer: Tiptoe!

The black and white drawing shows that the family have reached the sea. There is a small sailing boat on the sea, and a few rocks sticking out of it. On the shore there is a cave entrance surrounded by a few more rocks. The father and the elder girl are peering at it from the left; the dog is standing somewhat unhappily behind them; on the right the boy is standing on a rock and peering in; the younger girl is leaning on a rock and looking at the baby who is pulling the back of the hem of her dress. "Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!" On the next (coloured) page we see the family make their way gingerly into the cave. The dog is in front; the boy is just behind, one hand is on the dog's back, the other holds his forked stick; next comes the father with the younger girl clutching him around the waist; behind them are the elder girl holding the hand of the baby who appears to be pulling backwards.

30. Who is Mum's best friend?

From Quiz Something Secret

Answer: Marla

Mum and Marla are best friends and Marla knows all about Kathleen's death. Mum thinks Marla is the only person she can listen to and take advice from.

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