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The Miserable Mill Trivia Quizzes

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After Aunt Josephine was eaten by leeches in the third book, the Beaudelaire orphans find themselves living with (and working for) the owner of Lucky Smells Lumbermill.
3 quizzes and 40 trivia questions.
  Lemony's Definitions 4   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
This is my fourth quiz on the funny way Lemony Snicket defines words. They are straight from 'Book the Fourth: The Miserable Mill'. Happy quizzing!
Easier, 10 Qns, perfectangel13, Jun 04 07
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  The Miserable Mill    
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 15 Qns
The Baudelaires arrive in Paltryville and at the bottom of the street there is a building in the shape of an eye... this can only mean Count Olaf.
Average, 15 Qns, funkyduncan, Jun 02 05
1873 plays
  A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"    
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 15 Qns
"The Miserable Mill" is the fourth book in Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events". Be warned: this quiz contains spoilers, hypnosis, quacking, raisins and forty-five incorrect answers.
Average, 15 Qns, AdamM7, Dec 30 14
259 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What does Foreman Flatucono do to Klaus for a second time in chapter 8?

From Quiz "The Miserable Mill"

The Miserable Mill Trivia Questions

1. How do the Baudelaire's get to Paltryville?

From Quiz
The Miserable Mill

Answer: by Train

After getting off the train to Paltryville the Baudelaires notice a sign made of chewing gum letters and a building in the shape of an eye.

2. Chapter Two is no better for the Baudelaires, but they are not the subject of this question. Snicket tells us in this chapter that a woman once sent him a two-hundred page book explaining what?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: Why she could not marry him

The book, brought to him by a flock of carrier pigeons, is another small insight into Lemony and Beatrice's relationship. It is very briefly mentioned again in "The Beatrice Letters", a supplementary work to the series. Meanwhile, the Baudelaires meet Phil and get a bad first impression of their new home, after learning they will be forced to work in the mill.

3. "The word 'ocular,' you might not know, means '_______,' but even if you didn't know this you could figure it out from the cover."

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: related to the eye

Ocular comes from the Latin word oculus, which, of course, means eye. An oculist is an eye doctor and ocular nerves surround the eye, helping it rotate.

4. What is the name of the mill?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Lucky Smells Lumbermill

At Lucky Smells the Baudelaires find a typed note that tells them to work in the mill.

5. In the third chapter, the Baudelaires meet a horrible foreman, whose name is an anagram of a character we know. What was the foreman called?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: Flacutono

Foreman Flacutono's name isn't just alliterative; it's also an anagram of "Count Olaf". While some clever readers may have worked this out, the Baudelaires don't realize this and are forced to endure a long day working for this man. (The other answers, for anyone interested, were anagrams of "Beatrice", "Lemony" and "Fernald", the last being the real name of the hook-handed man.)

6. "And I simply cannot describe the grotesque and unnerving sight--the words 'grotesque' and 'unnerving' here mean '_______'--of poor Phil's leg."

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: twisted, tangled, stained, and gory

Klaus Baudelaire brought down the stamping machine on Phil's leg, mangling it. But it wasn't his fault; he was hypnotized by Dr. Orwell the oculist, who was in cahoots with Count Olaf.

7. What does Foreman Flacutono do?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: clangs pots together

The clanging of pots is described as a cacophony. This is what wakes them up every morning in the lumbermill.

8. The high point of Chapter Four is the Baudelaires' consumption of a peach. The low point involves the discussion they have when meeting their guardian, usually known as "Sir". What odd quality does Sir have?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: A cloud of smoke around his head

Their guardian is male, short and constantly smoking a cigar; it has been suggested by fans that the cloud of smoke around his head is a disguise. As no-one can pronounce his name, he is called "Sir". In conversation with the Baudelaires, he refuses to compromise and tells the children they must continue working in the mill, under such harsh conditions, in return for food and shelter. His business partner Charles protests, but the most helpful thing he manages to do is to offer the Baudelaires a peach.

9. "Within days of the orphans' arrival at a new place, Count Olaf and his nefarious assistants--the word 'nefarious' here means '_______'--are usually on the scene, sneaking around and committing dastardly deeds."

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: Baudelaire-hating

The word nefarious comes from the Latin word nefas, which means crime. Ne- means not and -fas means divine law. Some synonyms for nefarious are villainous, wicked, evil, immoral, and scheming.

10. What is the owner of the lumbermill known as?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Sir

No one can pronounce his name so everyone calls him Sir. He has a cloud of smoke where his head should be.

11. The fifth chapter shows the Baudelaires getting used to the gruelling routine of working in the mill. It also contains a nasty trick used by the foreman that causes what?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: Klaus's glasses to break

Phil's left leg is broken in a later chapter, while the other two Baudelaires remain unharmed. Klaus, whose eyewear now resembles a sculpture called "Twisted, Cracked and Hopelessly Broken", is forced to go to an optometrist. Snicket briefly mentions breaking a Gypsy fortune-teller's crystal ball after being tripped by a police officer; avid fans may notice this could be a reference to Madame Lulu, who later appears in "The Carnivorous Carnival".

12. "'You KNOW our names,' Violet said curtly, a word which here means '_______.'

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: tired of Count Olaf's nonsense

Even though the Baudelaires know that Shirley is really Count Olaf, Olaf still pretends he is Shirley. The word curt means short and abrupt in a rude way.

13. What does Foreman Flatucono do to Klaus?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Trips him

He trips Klaus and breaks his glasses. Klaus has to have them repaired... at great expense.

14. "And Charles started to raise his hand to make a point, but he knew it would be bootless, a word which here means '_______.'"

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: useless and worthless

Even though Charles is Sir's business partner, he is very timid and because of this, he is treated like a servant. Sir says to Charles,"You're my partner! Your job is to iron my shirts and cook my omelettes, not boss me around!" Some other synonyms for bootless are futile, pointless, and in vain.

15. The seventh chapter, helpfully illustrated by a pair of shoes, contains two supposed accidents. The latter causes all three Baudelaires to go and visit a doctor. What is her name?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: Dr. Orwell

The doctor's first name is later revealed to be Georgina; her name is a reference to George Orwell, the author of a novel called "Nineteen Eighty-Four". (Careful readers may have noticed the incorrect answers to this question were character names from Orwell's book.) The two supposed accidents were Phil's left leg being broken by a stamping machine, and Foreman Flacutono causing Klaus to break his glasses again.

16. "Grateful that she could skip that daunting first paragraph--the word 'daunting' here means '_______'--she flipped through "Advanced Ocular Science" until she reached 'Hypnosis and Mind Control.'"

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: full of incredibly difficult words

Violet was having a hard time trying to figure out the wordy sentences of the book. This was usually Klaus's job, but Klaus had been hypnotized and Violet and Sunny were trying to figure out how to get him out of his sleepy state. Daunting, in other instances, can mean frightening, discouraging, and intimidating.

17. What item of clothing does Klaus forget to put on in chapter 7?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: His shoes

He wasn't told to put on his shoes by someone who knew the command word so he didn't put them on.

18. "'Let's not split hairs,' the foreman said, using an expression which here means '_______.'"

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: argue over something that's not at all important

But the argument was very important. The foreman was trying to force Klaus to chop Charles with the lumber sawing machine. The foreman said it was going to be an "accident" and Violet argued he was doing it on purpose.

19. What does Foreman Flatucono do to Klaus for a second time in chapter 8?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Trips him

Foreman Flatucono trips Klaus up again and Klaus breaks his glasses again and he sees the eye doctor again but this time Violet and Sunny go to.

20. The ninth chapter of the novel begins with a futile (a word here meaning "pointless") argument with Olaf, and ends with a memorandum sent by Sir threatening what?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: To place the Baudelaires under Olaf's care

Foreman Flacutono told Sir that the Baudelaires caused an accident in the mill, which destroyed a valuable string machine and injured an employee. Sir says that if the Baudelaires cause another accident, they will be placed under the care of "Shirley", who has told Sir she would be happy to adopt children. Meanwhile, Klaus was hypnotized again by Dr. Orwell, who is working with Olaf to try and steal the Baudelaire fortune.

21. "Up, up, the blade inched until it was only a hair's breadth--the expression 'hair's breadth' here means '_______'--away from Charles's foot."

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: a teeny-tiny measurement

Charles was tied to a log which was in the path of the lumber sawing machine. Violet was caught between Shirley (Count Olaf) and Foreman Flacutono and Sunny was in a sword/teeth fight with Dr. Orwell. It was up to Klaus to save Charles, even though he had just come out of his hypnotic state.

22. What is the real identity of Shirley?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Count Olaf & Olaf

Shirley's disguise consists of a pair of tights, some sensible beige shoes, make up, a wig and a nameplate.

23. In Chapter Ten, the Baudelaires try to convince Sir that Shirley is Count Olaf in disguise, but he doesn't listen. Charles listens to them, and says he will try to do what?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: Give them raisins

Sir refuses to let the Baudelaires call Mr. Poe, worried about the cost of the telephone call, and does not believe that Shirley is Count Olaf. Charles fails to offer anything useful, but the library he set up in the lumbermill offers something very useful in the next chapter.

24. "And, of course, all three orphans were still shuddering from how Dr. Orwell had met her demise, a phrase which here means '_______.'"

From Quiz Lemony's Definitions 4

Answer: stepped into the path of the sawing machine

Demise means death. In law, it means the transfer by will or descent. The word comes from Old French dimis, which means 'to release'. All of the word origins and synonyms came from and Thank you for playing my quiz! Please rate it on your way out!

25. Why do Violet and Sunny visit the boss in chapter 10?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: They don't want to live with Shirley

They don't want to live with Shirley because she is really Count Olaf.

26. Although Klaus is the expert on books, another character is forced to research in the library during Chapter Eleven as Klaus is hypnotized. Who spends the night reading "Advanced Ocular Science"?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: Violet

"Advanced Ocular Science" contains thirteen chapters - a recurring theme within the series. According to the book's contents page, it contains 133 pages on "Winking Problems" and 103 pages on "Itchy Eyelashes", but only 32 pages discussing "Nearsightedness and Farsightedness". More useful to Violet is the twelfth chapter on "Hypnosis and Mind Control".

27. What book do Violet and Sunny read in chapter 11?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Advanced Ocular Science

Violet and Sunny read "Advanced Ocular Science" to find out about hypnosis and how to stop it.

28. Chapter Twelve contains the climax of the book, in which Charles is tied to a log and nearly killed by the sawing machine. However, the character to die is Dr. Orwell. How does she die?

From Quiz A Miserable Quiz on "The Miserable Mill"

Answer: She steps in the path of the sawing machine

Klaus, under the control of Foreman Flacutono, is forced to operate the sawing machine and use it to kill Charles. Violet and Sunny arrive in time to work out that the word "lucky" will make Klaus do whatever they say, and "inordinate" de-hypnotises him. When Sir arrives, Dr. Orwell takes a step back in surprise and is killed by the sawing machine. Meanwhile, another fascinating insight into Snicket's life is offered when he talks briefly about having a swordfight with a television repairman.

29. Who is tied to the log in chapter 12?

From Quiz The Miserable Mill

Answer: Charles

Klaus is hypnotized and Foreman Flatucono, Shirley and Dr Georgina Orwell are telling him to push the log towards the saw. Charles is tied to this log.

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