10. The Aztec culture was present in Mexico for many years and made significant scientific progress. Which culture, generally recognized for being one of the first to use 0 (zero) as a numeral, has inhabited Guatemala for many years?
From Quiz Why Worry About Guatemala?
Native Americans are a great part of Guatemala's population. Many Mayan families, however, are very poor and have very little land ownership. In fact, land distribution is a major problem in the country as Ladinos, descendants of Spaniards, are the rich landowners who own haciendas and lots of other fertile lands.
Mayans have been very affected by this, as they often feel Mayan and not Guatemalan, feeling there is no support from their country. The Civil War, that started in 1960 and ended in 1966, was a conflict that involved the Guatemalan government and Mayans. The military overthrew a leader that favored land reform, then installed a series of military leaders. Many Mayans were killed in the process, and their land taken away from them.