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9 Mixed Germany quizzes and 100 Mixed Germany trivia questions.
Ein deutscher Urlaub
  Ein deutscher Urlaub    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Or, in English, 'a German holiday'. In 2016, my mum and I went to Munich for a few days. Here are some of the photos I took from that trip.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Apr 13 20
Kankurette gold member
Apr 13 20
823 plays
  Why Would You Go There?    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
This quiz looks at the reasons you might have for visiting various German cities. I will give you the name of a famous place and it is your job to match it up with the city in which it is located.
Easier, 10 Qns, mazza47, Feb 01 19
mazza47 gold member
Feb 01 19
672 plays
  German Bs   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on some of the icons, people, places and things in Germany starting with the letter B. I give you a brief description, you tell me the correct answer. The questions get progressively harder... Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, hews, Sep 02 14
4057 plays
  Multifarious German Facts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Willkommen! (Welcome) Here are some random facts about Germany. Viel Spass!
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Nov 15 19
JanIQ gold member
Nov 15 19
311 plays
  Castles in the Sky and The Ruins on the Rhine    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
On this journey we shall be travelling, on foot, northward along the eastern bank of the Rhine Gorge, from Rudesheim-am-Rhein to Koblenz. I hope that my quiz may entice you, dear reader, to visit this wonderful and mysterious region of Germany.
Average, 20 Qns, SisterSeagull, Mar 16 24
SisterSeagull gold member
Mar 16 24
349 plays
  The Great and Gruesome G- This Time in Germany    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The answer will always start with "G", like Germany. The common link is Germany. I hope you have some fun.
Average, 10 Qns, heidi66, Apr 20 13
heidi66 gold member
814 plays
  Hallo und Tschüss, Welcome to Germany    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I would like to invite you to test your knowledge about Germany in my mixed questions quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, froggyx, Feb 26 13
froggyx gold member
465 plays
  What's Germany?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are some facts about my home country - but are they well-known to the quizzing community?
Average, 10 Qns, Giina143, Feb 22 11
632 plays
  Tolles Deutschland    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I hope I didn't make this quiz too tough. If you know about the German culture, it shouldn't be too hard. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, veggirl26, Aug 28 13
2932 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In which German city will you find the famous Porta Nigra?

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Mixed Germany Trivia Questions

1. Knut was born in December 2006 and was the great attraction of the Berlin Zoo. Alas, Knut drowned in March 2011. What species of animal was Knut?

From Quiz
Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Polar bear

Knut was a polar bear. At birth he was rejected by his mother Tosca. Zookeeper Thomas Dorflein took care of him for several months, and Knut attracted large crowds - even when he was no cute cub any more, but a polar bear of over 100 kg. In March 2011 Knut suddenly had convulsions, fell into the pool and drowned. A necropsy showed no clear reason why - it was only after a while that scientists discovered that Knut had suffered an autoimmune form of encephalitis, a brain infection. The other animals were popular species in various Belgian zoos. Gust the gorilla was for many years the "star" of the Antwerp zoo. Kai Mook the elephant was an attraction in the Mechlin zoo Planckendael. And the giant panda Tian Bao was born in 2016 in the Walloon zoo Pairi Daiza.

2. As seen in the title of this quiz, what does 'Tschüss' mean in Germany?

From Quiz Hallo und Tschüss, Welcome to Germany

Answer: A farewell

Tschüss is an informal farewell, like 'see you' or 'bye'. 'Hallo' would be an example of a German greeting, and 'prosit' would be a good wish before drinking.

3. The federal state of Bremen consists of the cities of Bremen and ___.

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: Bremerhaven

Bremen alone is a free Hanseatic city (German: 'Freie Hansestadt'). Together, the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven form the federal state of Bremen.

4. What is the capital city of Germany? It was divided into two from 1948-1989 (and from 1961-89 by the Wall).

From Quiz German Bs

Answer: Berlin

Berlin is also the largest city in Europe in area - over four times larger than Paris.

5. Who wrote the poem "Der Erlkönig"?

From Quiz Tolles Deutschland

Answer: Goethe

The poem begins "Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind. Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind", which translates as "Who rides, so late, through night and wind? It is the father with his child."

6. The most northern village in Germany is List on the island Sylt. To which of the 16 states of Germany does this small village belong?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Schleswig - Holstein

List has only about 1,500 permanent inhabitants and thus is quite small. And yet it is subdivided into five hamlets. List was first mentioned as a Danish settlement in 1292 but became part of Prussia (the precursor of the united Germany) in 1864. For such a small village, List attracts quite a lot of tourists: almost 40% of the total inhabitants are tourists. One of the interesting economic ventures in List is an oyster farm - the only oyster farm in Germany. Oberstdorf in Bavaria is known as the most southern place in Germany. Selfkant in Nordrhein - Westfalen is the most western point. And Görlitz in Saxony is the most eastern city in Germany. These four rather small communities have joined (touristic) forces in the Zipfelbund. There is also the Zipfelpass: a special souvenir for those who have spent at least one night in each of these four extreme points of Germany.

7. On which day do Germans celebrate German Unity Day?

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: 3rd October

On 3 October 1990, Germany was officially reunified by the signing of the so-called 'Einigungsvertrag' (Treaty of German Unification), so it was decided that henceforth 'German Unity Day' should be celebrated on this date. From 1954 to 1990, the Federal Republic of Germany's national holiday had been 17 June, commemorating an uprising of East German workers against the government in (East) Berlin in 1953. Before that, the FRG had 6 September as the national holiday, commemorating the date of the first assembly of the German Bundestag in 1949. The German Democratic Republic had 7 October as the national holiday from 1950 to 1989, commemorating the founding day of the GDR in 1949.

8. Which tennis player won the Men's Wimbledon Singles Title in the years 1985-86 and 1989?

From Quiz German Bs

Answer: Boris Becker

Becker also won an Olympic Gold Medal in the 1992 Men's Doubles tournament.

9. Where was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born?

From Quiz Tolles Deutschland

Answer: Salzburg

He was born in Austria, but many people think of him as a German composer.

10. In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, which led soon to the reunification of East and West Germany. What is the German name for this non-violent revolution?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Die Wende

After World War II, Germany was divided into four occupation zones. The French, British and American occupation zone rapidly fused into the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (German Federal Republic), but the Russian occupation zone (Deutsche Demokratische Republik - German Democratic Republic) stayed apart for many years. Distrust between East and West grew so high that it led to the closure of the borders by way of the Iron Curtain and (in Berlin, an enclave in West Germany) the erection of the Berlin Wall. 1989 saw the end of all this and the start of the event called "Die Wende" (literally: "the turning point"). Hungary and Czechoslovakia relaxed the border controls, and an opposition party in East-Germany rapidly assembled 100,000 members and more. Weekly protest marches in various East-German cities were supported by the Church, and the government hesitated to oppress these movements, fearing a condemnation by the Polish Pope John Paul II. On the evening of November 9, 1989 the East German government held a press conference that was live broadcast all over Germany. At the end of this press conference the spokesman (Gunter Schabowski) misinterpreted the new legislation and bluntly stated that East German people could ask for a permit to travel towards West Germany "sofort" - instantaneously. Large crowds crossed the borders and were welcomed by West Germans. Die Wende continued: the Berlin Wall was demolished in the following weeks, the communist government of East Germany resigned, the exchange rate between East German mark and West German mark was fixed at 1 to 1, and finally on October 3, 1990 the two German countries were reunited into one. Der Dolchstoss was the nickname militarist Germans gave to the Treaty of Versailles. Literally it means "the stab with the dagger". Das Turmerlebnis (literally "the towering event") refers to the decisive moment when Martin Luther broke with the Roman Catholic Church and started a new version of Christian belief. Der Kulturkampf ("the cultural war") refers to the later part of Bismarck's rule in Prussia at the end of the Nineteenth Century. After having reunited the hundreds of small German states under Prussian control, Bismarck decided to get rid of all internal forces that might cause a splitting. The Roman Catholic Church was a specific target.

11. What do Germans call their constitution?

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: Grundgesetz

The Grundgesetz, or Basic Law, was from the beginning devised to be the constitution of ALL Germans, West and East. The aim of German reunification was expressed in the preamble. Well, in the end, the fathers of the Grundgesetz proved quite right, it appears. In 1990, the text of the preamble was changed to express that the aim had been achieved.

12. Which composer's works included the "Moonlight Sonata", the opera "Fidelio" and the "Eroica" symphony?

From Quiz German Bs

Answer: Beethoven

Beethoven's hearing began to deteriorate when his career was well underway, although he composed some of his best work while profoundly deaf. His 9th and final symphony (elements of which seem to be obligatory in most classic compilations) includes the choral finale "Ode to Joy".

13. In which German novel are the protagonists the Germans Hans Castorp and Joachim Ziemssen, the Italian Lodovico Settembrini, the Jew Leo Naphta, the Russian Clawdia Chauchat and the Dutch Mynheer Peeperkorn?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Der Zauberberg

All these novels were written by the German author Thomas Mann (1875-1955), who also wrote the novella "Der Tod in Venedig" (1912, "Death in Venice"). He won the Nobel prize for literature in 1929. In "Der Zauberberg" (1924, "The Magic Mountain") we meet the aforesaid characters: all admitted to the Berghof, a sanatorium in Switzerland because of lung diseases (mostly tuberculosis). Castorp wants to visit his cousin Ziemssen, but shortly after arriving in the Berghof, he is diagnosed with tuberculosis. Castorp and the other patients have lengthy discussions about seemingly superfluous themes, but each character is likened to a certain idea or ideology. For instance Settembrini is likened to humanism, while Naphta embraces communist ideas. "Buddenbrooks" (1901, translated with the subtitle "Decline of a Family") follows four generations of the family Buddenbrook. "Doktor Faustus" (1947) is a transposition of the famous Faust legend to the German Nazi empire. Characters are Adrian Leverkühn (a modern Faust) and his college friend Serenus Zeitblom, the narrator of the story. "Lotte in Weimar" (1939) retells Goethe's story "Das Leiden der jungen Werther" (1774, "The Sorrows of Young Werther"). But it is Charlotte Kestner née Buff who plays the main role, and not her young lover Johann Wolfgang von Goethe whom she meets again after having married someone else.

14. Idiomatically speaking, in Germany 'Du sollst den Tag _____ ' means 'don't count your chickens before they are hatched'. Please finish the German phrase.

From Quiz Hallo und Tschüss, Welcome to Germany

Answer: ... nicht vor dem Abend loben

Yes, in Germany they say 'Du sollst den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben' (you shouldn't praise the day before the evening), which is equivalent to the English saying 'don't count your chickens before they are hatched'.

15. In which city did Charlemagne reside?

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: Aachen

Charlemagne became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in 800 AD. In Aachen Cathedral you can see Charlemagne's shrine and bust, among other things. For the French, Aachen is 'Aix-la-Chapelle', while the Dutch spell it 'Aken'.

16. In which city did Martin Luther post his 95 Theses?

From Quiz Tolles Deutschland

Answer: Wittenberg

Luther posted his 95 Theses on a cathedral door.

17. Who played the roles (among others) of Abigail Chase, Bridget von Hammersmark and Queen Marie Antoinette?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Diane Kruger

Diane Kruger was born in Germany as Diana Heidkruger in 1976. She studied ballet, but had to quit because of an injury. In 1992 she took up modelling, but stopped this part of her career when she turned to acting in 2002. Diane Kruger speaks fluent French and English, and she has a triple nationality: German (by birth), French and American. Her first main role was Helen in Wolfgang Petersen's epic "Troy" (2004). In 2005 and 2007 she played the museum curator Abigail Chase in "National Treasure" and "National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets". One of her most remarkable roles was Bridget von Hammersmarck in "Inglourious Basterds" (2009). In the French production "Les adieux à la reine" (2012, "Farewell , My Queen") Kruger played queen Marie-Antoinette, but it was Léa Seydoux who played the main role: a servant to the queen, specialized in reading to her. Kirsten Dunst (born 1982) is American-German. She played Marie-Antoinette in the eponymous 2006 movie by Sophia Coppola. Michèle Morgan (1920-2016) was a French actress. She played Marie-Antoinette in "Marie-Antoinette, reine de France" (1956). Norma Shearer (1902-1983) played the role of Marie-Antoinette in 1938 ("Marie Antoinette").

18. How many federal-states (Bundesländer) are there in Germany?

From Quiz Hallo und Tschüss, Welcome to Germany

Answer: 16

The sixteen states are: Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thüringen.

19. Germany shares its largest lake with Switzerland and Austria. What's the name of this lake?

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: Bodensee

The Bodensee covers an area of 536 kms² (207 square miles). It is one of the largest lakes in Europe.

20. Which widely exported German beer was first brewed in Bremen in 1873 and traditionally appears in a green bottle?

From Quiz German Bs

Answer: Beck's

Beck's appeared at World Exposition in 1876 and was for many years the most recognised German beer worldwide.

21. Who is known for his preludes and fugues in "Das Wohltemperierte Klavier"?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Johann Sebastian Bach

"Das Wohltemperierte Klavier" ("The Well-Tempered Clavier") is a set of two books, both containing 24 preludes and fugues for organ - one in each key. Bach published a first book in 1722 and a second one in 1742. His influence on later musicians through these books is undeniable. JS Bach was born in 1685 and died in 1750. He created over 1,000 compositions, many of them for keyboard (harpsichord, clavichord or organ). Telemann (1681-1767) was another prolific German composer. He is best known for his table music: chamber music designed to play while a banquet is served. Pachelbel (1653-1706) intended to leave a collection of music spanning all keys. His Canon in D is still well known. Händel (1685-1759) was a prolific composer born in Germany. He settled in England in 1712, where he created most of his compositions. The best known of his works are compositions for full orchestra, choir and solo vocalists: oratorios, cantatas and operas.

22. On our journey we shall be passing many old buildings, some inhabited and some total ruins. Known in German as a 'Schloß' or 'Schloss', many of us refer to these buildings as palaces but what does the word 'Schloss' more accurately mean?

From Quiz Castles in the Sky and The Ruins on the Rhine

Answer: Castle, Keep or Chateau

There are a total of forty seven castles and ruins along the banks of the Rhine between Rüdesheim-am-Rhein and Koblenz. The term Schloss denotes a building more like a French chateau, a large, grand house with a lesser degree of fortification than a castle. The most accurate name for the more heavily defended castle-type building is 'Burg'. A very heavily defended building should be described as a 'Festung' or fortress. If the building in question is at the pinnacle of a hill or mountain then it is often referred to as a 'Stein' or 'Fels'.

23. Which German won an Oscar in 1980 (for Best Director Foreign Language Film)?

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: Volker Schlöndorff

The title of book (by Günter Grass) and film is 'The Tin Drum'. In German it is 'Die Blechtrommel'.

24. Which iconic symbol of Berlin was first built in 1791 and closed to traffic from 1961 until 1989?

From Quiz German Bs

Answer: The Brandenburg Gate

The "Brandenburger Tor" is 26 meters high and 65 meters in length.

25. Who was certainly not into retiring, as he was Chancellor of West Germany from his 73rd until his 87th birthday?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Konrad Adenauer

In 1949, West Germany adopted the form of a federal state with a President (mostly for ceremonial functions) and a Chancellor (the real head of the government). The first Chancellor was Konrad Adenauer. Born in 1876, Adenauer had already held several political functions (including the position of Mayor of Cologne from 1917 until 1933). In 1949, Adenauer's party the CDU ("Christlich-Demokratischer Union") became the largest party in the first post-war elections in West Germany. The Bundestag (federal parliament) chose Adenauer as the first chancellor. He remained in function until 1963. Ludwig Erhard (1897-1977) succeeded Adenauer for one term, until 1966. The third Chancellor was Kurt Kiesinger (1904-1988), again for one term only. Willy Brandt (1913-1992) was Chancellor from 1969 until 1974. He was followed by Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015), who stayed in office from 1974 until 1982.

26. This New German Wave (Neue Deutsche Welle) singer was born Gabriele Susanne Kerner on 24th March 1960. She is better known by what name?

From Quiz Hallo und Tschüss, Welcome to Germany

Answer: Nena

In 1983, Nena reached international stardom with her song '99 Luftballons' ('99 Air Balloons', but it was renamed '99 Red Balloons' in the English version). Jasmin Wagner, aka Blümchen, is also a German singer. However, as she was born in 1980, she would have been too young at the time of the New German Wave, which started sometime in between the late 1970s and the beginning of 1980s; it reached its peak around 1981-1982, and gradually ended around 1984.

27. The famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe lived from ___.

From Quiz What's Germany?

Answer: 1749 to 1832

Goethe was born in Frankfurt/Main, and died in Weimar. His most famous piece of work is, presumably, the drama 'Faust'.

28. Which former left-wing German Chancellor signed the Moscow Treaty with Leonid Brezhnev in 1970 and was in power from 1969-1974?

From Quiz German Bs

Answer: Willy Brandt

Willy Brandt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 for efforts to reconcile West Germany with the Eastern Bloc.

29. Who wrote the poem which Beethoven used in his Ninth Symphony?

From Quiz Tolles Deutschland

Answer: Schiller

30. Who is one of the patron saints of Germany?

From Quiz Multifarious German Facts

Answer: Saint Boniface

Saint Boniface (675-754) was born in England as Winfrid. He became a priest and started missionary work in Friesland (Frisia) and the northern parts of Germany around 716. Boniface is best known for his courage to chop down the oak dedicated to Donar, the father of the Germanic gods (similar to Odin in Norse mythology and Jupiter in Roman myth). The Germanic tribes were convinced that this oak was protected by their supreme god himself, and anyone who dared touch it would die instantaneously. But Boniface took up his axe, started chopping at the tree, and (according to the hagiography dedicated to Boniface) a strong gust of wind did the rest: the tree fell down, split in four parts that formed a cross. In 754 Boniface and his companions were attacked by a wandering gang, and he gladly welcomed death at their hands. Saint Boniface is remembered on June 5, the day he died. Other patron saints of Germany include Saint George (who also patronizes England), Saint Nicholas (also the patron saint of Greece and Russia) and Saint Michael (also the patron saint of Belarus and Vatican City). Saint Casimir is one of the patron saints of Poland. Saint Joseph is one of the patron saints of Belgium. And Saint Florian is one of the patron saints of Austria.

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:51 AM
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