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This area is dedicated to general knowledge quizzes with a Dutch slant. Themed quizzes will be found in specific categories!
8 Mixed Netherlands quizzes and 85 Mixed Netherlands trivia questions.
  A Dutch Treat   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Today the Kaffeeklatsch team is serving up a Dutch treat, but it got mixed up. Can you match the item associated with the Netherlands with its correct description?
Very Easy, 10 Qns, James25, Mar 10 17
Very Easy
James25 gold member
1479 plays
  The Netherlands in Ten Questions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
What do you know about Dutch history, geography, movies, music...? Or are these subjects all double Dutch to you?
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Jan 27 23
JanIQ gold member
Jan 27 23
180 plays
  What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 2)   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Maybe you played part 1 of these series and came back for more. Well, this one offers more questions for you to answer. Let's see if you pass this level.
Average, 10 Qns, Esther74, Dec 21 19
Dec 21 19
864 plays
  Dutch Treat    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Here is a quiz on The Netherlands. I called it Dutch Treat since it really is a treat. The quiz is a mix of history, geography and culture.
Average, 15 Qns, Angelo80, Apr 06 17
715 plays
  What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You are about to find out things that go beyond tulips, windmills and clogs.
Average, 10 Qns, esther74, Oct 09 23
Oct 09 23
1235 plays
  About the Netherlands - Fries & Herring    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the 3rd in my series about the Netherlands. (What do you know about the Netherlands part 1 and 2, preceded this quiz). This time it's all narrowed down to food. Two types of popular Dutch food, to be precise; fries and herring. Good luck to you!
Average, 10 Qns, Esther74, Apr 30 24
Apr 30 24
569 plays
  A Bit of Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A selection of The Netherland's finest! Ten questions in ten different categories.
Tough, 10 Qns, Daikenro, Nov 10 12
238 plays
  A Dutch-Angled Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's a quiz about the Netherlands- its history, geography, and culture.
Average, 10 Qns, Billkozy, Jun 01 21
Jun 01 21
159 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How many provinces has The Netherlands?

From Quiz "What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)"

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Mixed Netherlands Trivia Questions

1. The animal hospital in Pieterburen is known for treating which animals?

From Quiz
The Netherlands in Ten Questions

Answer: Seals

Pieterburen is a small village in the Dutch province of Groningen, on the shore of the Wadden Sea. As seals occasionally get astray in the Wadden Sea, Lenie 't Hart founded in 1971 a centre to rescue these animals. Since then it grew from just a day care centre to a fully equipped animal hospital, including a laboratory and a quarantine facility. Lenie 't Hart and the other directors of the Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre had serious differences, and so 't Hart left her foundation in 2014.

2. Why was the "Kettle War" of October 8, 1784 called that?

From Quiz A Dutch-Angled Quiz

Answer: The only shot that was fired hit a soup kettle

"The Kettle War" was fought between the Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire. The battle was fought at sea, and as it happens, the only "casualty" was a soup kettle. Four warships faced off on the Scheldt River, and a Netherlands ship took aim with its gun and fired only one shot which hit a soup kettle. The opposing sailors surrendered without another shot being fired.

3. What is the name for "Fries" in Dutch? (The word is similar to 'potato' in Belgium, France, and Spain)

From Quiz About the Netherlands - Fries & Herring

Answer: patat & friet & patatjes & frietjes & frieten

The word "patat" means potato, informally, in Belgium, Spain, and France (though in Spanish - patatas). But in the Netherlands, except for people of some southern provinces, everyone will automatically understand fries. One source claims the origin of fries lies in Belgium where fishermen would cut potatoes in smaller strips or fish shapes during the cold winters in which they could not fish. The first official account of fries sold in the Netherlands was in 1905 at a fancy fair in the south-west of the country.

4. For centuries, what have the Dutch had affinity with?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)

Answer: Water

For centuries The Netherlands have been known to safeguard their marine borders with the help of dykes and they have been surfacing the bottom of the sea as well. The greatest engineering projects in The Netherlands concern those designed to keep the water from exceeding the country's marine borders. Dutch engineers are very much sought throughout the world due their experience in similar projects.

5. Which Dutch province can be named in other words as "Chips Country"?

From Quiz The Netherlands in Ten Questions

Answer: Friesland

"Chips" is the English synonym for (French) fries, and "country" is of course a synonym for land. Put these two together and you get Friesland. Friesland is one of the 16 Dutch provinces, and lies in the north of the country. There are 18 municipalities in Friesland, including four of the Wadden islands: Terschellling, Vlieland, Schiermonnikoog and Ameland. The West Frisian language (related to old English) is a compulsory subject in the Friesian primary and secondary schools, but without the necessary focus on writing in Friesian. The literacy in Friesian is thus already threatened. Friesland is well known for the Elfstedentocht, a speed skating event on natural ice starting and finishing in Leeuwarden (the capital city) and visiting ten of the other cities in Friesland. Whenever the winter is severe enough to obtain a thick pack of ice on the canals, the Elfstedentocht is organized. Alas, this event is quite rare, with only fifteen events during the 20th Century.

6. In 2013, the Dutch created the first self-driving car intended for use by whom?

From Quiz A Dutch-Angled Quiz

Answer: Fish

The company called Studio Diip, based in the Netherlands, performed the miracle--that no one had wished for--and they imbued fish with the ability to drive their fish tanks around simply by looking in a certain direction. The vehicles kind of look like supermarket shopping carts with the fish tank in the cart part. Called "The Fish on Wheels" project, they used computer vision technology to actually steer the cars in whichever direction the fish were looking. The "car" runs on batteries.

7. What is the largest lake in the Netherlands?

From Quiz A Bit of Dutch

Answer: IJsselmeer

With a size of 1100 km2 the IJsselmeer is the largest lake, followed by the Markermeer with a size of 700km2. The two together used to form a bay called the Zuiderzee (South Sea) until the bay was closed off by the Afsluitdijk (Enclosure Dam) in 1932 and subsequently separated into two lakes by another dam in 1976.

8. Which Dutch pop group scored a world hit with their song called "Venus" in 1970?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 2)

Answer: Shocking Blue

Shocking Blue's song "Venus" has been covered by many artists, among which the British girl band Bananarama in the '80s and has also been remixed once in the '90s. Nirvana covered another song of theirs, "Love Buzz", on their very first album, released in 1989.

9. Which city is famous for its seaport?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)

Answer: Rotterdam

Amsterdam has a port, but is not specifically famous for it. Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe. Until 2002 it was also the busiest port in the world. Ports located in Asia have since taken over however expansion started in 2008 to accommodate the increased activity. Rotterdam airport harbours mainly cargo transshipments and depends largely on the petrochemical industry.

10. In 1588, the Dutch claimed independence during the 80-year war. Which country occupied The Netherlands and was the adversary of the Dutch from 1568 to 1648?

From Quiz Dutch Treat

Answer: Spain

It was Spain. When King Philip II of Spain decided to tax the Dutch (10%), The unruly inhabitants revolted against the Spanish. The conflict (in fact it had not been a full scale war for the whole period) grew when in 1579 the Union of Utrecht was formed. This pact between the Northern provinces implied that the committed provinces decided to rebel against the Spanish rulers. Initially the Dutch sought protection with the French and English, but decided to become independent in 1588. The Treaty of Münster was the end of the conflict and also the recognition of The Netherlands as an independent state. The Republic of The Seven United Netherlands was formed and was the first republic in the world. Today, The Netherlands are a constitutional monarchy resulting in France being the oldest (but not the first) republic in the world. Nevertheless, some claim Rome prior to Julius Caesar or even Sparta is the first republic.

11. When Napoleon's brother, Louis Bonaparte, (1778-1846) took over the Netherlands he declared himself "The King of" what?

From Quiz A Dutch-Angled Quiz

Answer: Rabbits

It was a language mistake to be honest, so we can at least credit him for not being insane. The younger brother of Napoleon took over the country in 1806 and declared in Dutch "I am the rabbit of Holland" when what he meant to say was simply "king" which should have been pronounced "koning." But instead he mispronounced it saying instead "konjin" which means "rabbit." All was forgiven though as he was known to be a good king to his subjects, even earning the epithet, "Louis the Good."

12. Of which international organisation was the Netherlands NOT a founding member?

From Quiz A Bit of Dutch

Answer: United Nations

Although the Netherlands were founding members of the League of Nations and remained a member until its dissolution in April 1946, they only joined the United Nations on 10 December 1945, 47 days after its foundation.

13. What sauce is traditionally the most common to serve children with their fries?

From Quiz About the Netherlands - Fries & Herring

Answer: Apple sauce

Since apple sauce is nice and sweet, and also healthier, this is traditionally chosen to serve with the kids' portion of fries. The Dutch also like to use apple sauce as topping for their pan cakes. And there is a traditional dinner dish that consists of sliced and boiled red cabbage, onion rings and apple sauce or apple slices mixed together.

14. The Dutch word "gezellig" is unique and can not be translated with a single English word to reflect the exact meaning of it. It's used when in good company and having a good time. What mix of words mentioned below describe the Dutch word best?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 2)

Answer: cosy / enjoyable / fun

The letter 'g' is pronounced as an airy sound from the back of the throat. This pronunciation of the letter 'g' is specific to the Dutch language and also the Hebrew and Arabic languages.

15. In 2012, the city of Hague built a bridge that cost $176,000. What was the purpose of the bridge?

From Quiz A Dutch-Angled Quiz

Answer: To lead squirrels across a busy highway

The bridge was built between Haagse Bos Forest and Oosterbeek Park (Aha, forest? Park? I see what's happening here) and its purpose was to provide squirrels a safe way of scurrying across a busy highway between those two locales. Did it work? Not really. The squirrels stuck to their tried and in many cases not so true routes. I don't know who counted, but it was stated that only three squirrels used the bridge in 2014, and then only two in 2015.

16. What is the name of the Dutch national anthem?

From Quiz A Bit of Dutch

Answer: Wilhelmus

The Dutch national anthem consists of 15 stanzas and is an acrostic. Taking the first letter of each stanza spells Willem van Nassov (William of Orange), (Willem van Nazzov in the modern Dutch spelling of the anthem). Even though the national anthem consists of 15 stanzas, it is common practice to only sing the first stanza.

17. The name of which "King of fries", with first name 'Bram', comes to mind when mentioning the city of Rotterdam?

From Quiz About the Netherlands - Fries & Herring

Answer: Bram Ladage & Ladage

Bram Ladage started in Rotterdam but now has 26 sales points all over the country. Bram Ladage has existed for over 40 years already. Ladage snack bars always use freshly peeled and cut potatoes. This is healthier than the factory produced fries, and tastes better. The fries are also baked in pure liquid soy oil, which is also healthier than other types of frying oil.

18. How many provinces has The Netherlands?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)

Answer: Twelve

For a long time The Netherlands used to have eleven provinces, however there are now twelve because of the artificially created province of Flevoland, which was drained from the sea.

19. What is the highest hill in the Netherlands (not taking in account overseas territories such as the Dutch Antilles)?

From Quiz The Netherlands in Ten Questions

Answer: Vaalserberg

The Vaalserberg (literally: Vaals Mountain) is situated in the Dutch province Limburg, exactly at the border with Belgium (more specifically the Walloon part) and Germany. The top thus is also named the drielandenpunt (tripoint). As that location also was the border with Neutral Moresnet up to 1919, the road to the top is named the Viergrenzenweg (quadripoint way) in Dutch, while the French and German translations only refer to three borders. After the Dutch Antilles lost their relative autonomy within the Netherlands in 2010, the highest point of the Netherlands is considered to be the Mount Scenery (reaching 887 m) on the island Saba. The Brandberg is the highest elevation in Namibia, at 2 573 m. The Julianatop is the highest point in Suriname, at 1 280 m. The highest mountains in South Africa are the Drakensberg Mountains, with as peak the Mafadi at 3 451 m.

20. In 1945 what did Princess Juliana of the Netherlands send to Canada?

From Quiz A Dutch-Angled Quiz

Answer: 100,000 tulips

After Canada had helped liberate the Netherlands in World War II, Princess Juliana bestowed Canada, with the gift that keeps on giving, 100,000 tulip bulbs, and the country continues to give Canada 10,000 tulips every year in gratitude. Several Dutch royal family members had fled the country when Germany invaded the Netherlands. When they returned to their homeland they started this tradition.

21. The oldest university in the Netherlands was founded in 1575. Which university is that?

From Quiz A Bit of Dutch

Answer: Leiden University

Leiden University was founded in 1575 by William, Prince of Orange as a reward for fending off Spanish attempts to capture the city during the Eighty Years' War. The University of Amsterdam was founded in 1632, Utrecht University in 1636 and Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1913.

22. Traditionally, what kind of packaging do the Dutch have for a portion of fries?

From Quiz About the Netherlands - Fries & Herring

Answer: Pointy paper bag

The pointy bag was mainly meant as practical. One can tear off pieces from the top of the bag to have better access to the fries lower in the bag, and it keeps the fingers cleaner.

23. Which countries border The Netherlands?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)

Answer: Germany and Belgium

There is Germany in the east and Belgium in the south. To the west there is the North Sea that separates the UK from The Netherlands. And Denmark borders with Germany.

24. The modern Netherlands were formed in 1830. Which event marked the beginning of today's Netherlands in geographical terms?

From Quiz Dutch Treat

Answer: The separation of Belgium from The Netherlands

In 1830, Belgium separated from The Netherlands (later also Luxembourg became independent). This event, the Belgian Revolution, mainly happened for economic reasons, but religion and nationalism also played a role. The country has been occupied by Nazi Germany and huge pieces of land have been taken from the sea.

25. Why was 1581 an important year for the Netherlands?

From Quiz The Netherlands in Ten Questions

Answer: Act of Abjuration

The Battle of Heiligerlee in 1568 is generally considered the start of the Eighty-Years War, which opposed a number of Dutch noblemen to the Spanish King Philip II (1527-1598). The latter ruled the Low Countries (today's area of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) with a certain disdain, and with the determination of eradicating all Protestants in the territory. To do as he sought, he needed a relatively large army, paid by (for that time) heavy taxes. William of Orange (1533-1584) called upon several other Dutch noblemen to join forces, and as negotiations did not relieve the tensions, many Dutch noblemen took up arms. A Dutch army invaded Friesland and defeated the local governor appointed by King Philip II in the Battle of Heiligerlee. This was the start of the Eighty Years War, in which both sides committed many atrocities. In 1579 the provinces that now are part of Belgium, signed the Union of Arras (a pledge to King Philip II), and most of the other provinces signed the Union of Utrecht (a military confederation). In 1581 the Dutch provinces convened the Act of Abjuration, in which they declared unilaterally their independence from Spain. Battles with mixed outcome succeeded one another, but, in 1609, the Spanish King Philip III and the leaders of the Dutch Confederation signed the Treaty of Antwerp, a truce for twelve years. After this truce, the atrocities started again. It was only the Peace of Munster in 1648 that ended the war and by which Spain acknowledged the Dutch independence.

26. What trained animals are used by a special Dutch police force to help capture criminals?

From Quiz A Dutch-Angled Quiz

Answer: Rats

In Rotterdam of the Netherlands, an elite squad of sewer rats, and we're talking actual rats here, not human movie gangster "you dirty rat" types, but no it's an actual group of rats that are used because of their sense of smell. Starting in 2013, the rats have been used to pinpoint illegal contraband using their olfactory expertise. They are said to have 95% accuracy, and can do it amazingly quickly--in about two seconds.

27. In 1913 the Nobel Prize for Physics went to a Dutchman for his research on behaviour of materials at temperatures near absolute zero and the development of a technique to liquefy helium. Which physicist are we talking about?

From Quiz A Bit of Dutch

Answer: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes was a physics professor at Leiden University, specialising in experimental physics. It was in Leiden that Kamerlingh Onnes built a cryogenic lab where he eventually succeeded to liquefy helium in 1908. Three years later he made the discovery that pure metals become superconductive at extremely low temperatures. Many instruments used in his research are still visible in the lab, now named in his honour, and the Boerhaave Museum, also in Leiden.

28. When you order a "Patatje speciaal" in the Netherlands, you get a portion of fries accompanied with a sauce, that is a mix of mayonnaise, curry sauce or ketchup, and what other ingredient?

From Quiz About the Netherlands - Fries & Herring

Answer: Onion

The Dutch have a wide range of mixed sauces that one can choose to accompany their portion of fries. There is also a sauce based on peanut butter, that is mixed with mayonnaise and/or ketchup or onion.

29. What is a "Frikandel"?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 2)

Answer: It's a type of skinless deep-fried sausage

It's sometimes served with a bun and it's known in Belgium and Germany too. It is made of a mixture of pork, beef, chicken and horse meat. The spelling until 2005 used to be FRIKADEL, without the 'N". A Frikandel Speciaal, is the deep-fried sausage cut open lengthwise and usually containing a mix of onion, mayonnaise and ketchup.

30. The Netherlands has how many islands, off the north coast of its mainland?

From Quiz What Do You Know About The Netherlands? (Part 1)

Answer: Five

The isles are situated in the north and consist of: Texel, Vlieland, Terschelling, Ameland and Schiermonnikoog. They are part of the Frisian Islands (west) -- the remainder of the Frisian Islands to the east belong to Germany and Denmark.

This is category 19340
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:51 AM
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