72. The French philosopher famous for the statement, "I think; Therefore, I am," tried to explain inner processes like day dreaming. He thought of them as a higher level of mental self-awareness. Who was this highly influential person?
From Quiz Famous Daydreams
Rene Descartes
Many talk about visual imagery. Our ability to "see" images in our daydreams-to visualize both known and the unknown on our own is a direct link to human creativity. To get the idea of visual imagery, try this simple exercise: stop for a second and visualize exactly where you bed is in your bedroom.
Notice what you've done-you've seen the bed in the bedroom from within it as you know it, left and right, window and door, or you've seen the bedroom from the outside. You are doing this viewing without literally seeing the object.
Rene Descartes was a formidable seventeenth century mathematician, scholar, and philosopher who came to believe that the only thing provable is that we can be conscious of things. After him, countless minds have tried to understand just what consciousness is.