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4 Mali quizzes and 40 Mali trivia questions.
  Malik in Mali   best quiz  
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I'm taking a virtual tour of the Republic of Mali, and you're all invited to explore its geography and culture with me. Let's go!
Average, 10 Qns, malik24, Mar 02 24
Mar 02 24
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  Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets   popular trivia quiz  
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A quiz about the African country Mali, with special emphasis on its legendary city Timbuktu.
Average, 10 Qns, AlonsoKing, Dec 03 14
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  Republic of Mali    
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This quiz is all about the large, interestingly shaped, West African nation of the Republic of Mali.
Average, 10 Qns, KatieK54, Oct 18 22
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Oct 18 22
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  Know More About Mali    
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What do you know about Mali? Let's go to Mali and enjoy our stay! I'm sure we'll have a good adventure! Hurry up or we'll miss the flight!
Average, 10 Qns, me07, Mar 10 19
Mar 10 19
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Mali Trivia Questions

1. Mali, situated near Mauritania and Senegal, is located in which region of Africa?

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Malik in Mali

Answer: West Africa

Clockwise from north, Mali is a landlocked country bordered by Algeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Senegal and Mauritania. Mali is a rather large country since it is almost twice the size of the American state of Texas; it may be surprising then to find out that it is only the eighth largest country in Africa.

2. Large parts of Mali are covered by the Sahara Desert and a semi-arid zone called the Sahel. How much of Mali's territory is considered arable land?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: 3.8 %

Mali can be divided into three zones: the Sahara in the north, the Sahel in the middle and savannah in the south. About 65 percent of Mali's land area is desert or semi-desert, only 3.8 percent of Mali's area can be classified as arable land, mostly on the banks of its major rivers. The Sahara is the world's largest desert, covering over 9,400,000 square kilometres (3,600,000 sq mi). The southern fringe of the Sahara is called the Sahel, an area of transition from desert to savannah. It is a semi-arid zone with more irregular rainfall and cycles of drought than the savannah grasslands. Sahel is Arabic for 'shore'.

3. Mali is a country in _________ Africa.

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: Western

That's right! We're off to Africa again! Mali is a large country in western Africa.

4. Bamako is the capital of Mali and treasures several significant landmarks. From which language, also highly significant to Mali, is its name, which means 'crocodile river, derived?

From Quiz Malik in Mali

Answer: Bambara

Bamako's landmarks include a grand mosque, unique national museum and an extensive national library. Whilst French is the official language of Mali, Bambara is spoken by the majority of Mali as a working language. In addition, the Bambara people comprise just over a third of Mali's population. It is therefore fitting that Bamako was derived from a Bambaran word.

5. Since Mali is a landlocked and dry country, its rivers are very important for irrigation and transport. The third-longest river in Africa runs through Mali. What is the name of this river?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: Niger

The source of the Niger lies in Guinea. It runs through Guinea, Mali, Niger, along the border of Benin and through Nigeria where the delta flows into the Atlantic ocean. The length of the river is 4,180 km (2,600 mi). Only the Nile and the Congo are longer.

6. In which year did Mali became an independent nation?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: 1960

France ruled Mali from 1895 to 1959. Mali became an independent nation in 1960.

7. Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world, in part because of its landscape. Approximately what proportion of Mali's landscape is desert or semi-desert?

From Quiz Malik in Mali

Answer: Two thirds

Mali can be broken down into about three zones: an arid zone in the north, a semi-arid zone in the middle and a cultivated zone in the south which is subtropical. Mali's climate is not optimal for cultivation as most of the country experiences little to no rainfall particularly in the dry season. It was estimated in 2011 that Mali had only 5.63% of arable land and that in 2001 70% of Mali's labor force was working on subsistence farming. Therefore, with much of Mali's economy rooted in agriculture, it is not surprising that it has had a struggling financial state.

8. Mali's population consists of several sub-Saharan ethnic groups, with the exception of two nomadic northern groups. One of those are the Maurs (or Moors); which one is the other?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: Touareg

The Touareg are a Berber people who are indigenous inhabitants of the Sahara. Although they traditionally had a nomadic lifestyle, many of them live in modern cities in Mali, Niger or Algeria. They are sometimes called the 'blue people' because the blue colour of their robes and turbans rubs off on their skin. The independence of many African countries in the 1960s meant that the traditional Touareg territory became divided by the new countries. Restrictions on their nomadic lifestyle, competition for resources and desertification have led to conflicts between the Touareg and some of the new governments. In April 2012, a Touareg rebellion drove the Malian army out of the northern part of the country. The NMLA (National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad) unilaterally declared the independence of Azawad. The state of Azawad wasn't recognized by any other country in 2012. The three wrong answers are ethnic Mandé peoples.

9. What is the capital of Mali?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: Bamako

Bamako is also the largest city of Mali.

10. Mali's troubles are somewhat ameliorated by fish, transport and irrigation procured from the third-longest river in Africa. Also the name of a neighboring country, what significant river brings a little relief to Mali?

From Quiz Malik in Mali

Answer: Niger

The 4200km Niger river's source is in Guinea's highlands and flows through Mali, Niger, Benin and Nigeria and out into the Gulf of Guinea. The middle of its flow is known as the Niger bend and was a major source of trade in the Western Saharan region of Africa. Much of Mali's population lives near this cascading force and they rely on it to survive.

11. What is the official language of Mali?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: French

French is the official language but African languages, such as Bambara and Songhai, are widely spoken in Mali.

12. The 22nd September is a day of celebration for the people of Mali following their independence in 1960. From which nation did Mali achieve independence?

From Quiz Malik in Mali

Answer: France

In the late 19th century, Mali was colonised by the French and used to be known as French Sudan. In 1960, Modibo Keita became president of a then independent Mali. In some ways, its independence was short lived, as Moussa Traore took over Mali's leadership in a coup and acted as a dictator to the country until 1991 where history repeated itself and he himself fell victim to a coup.

13. For centuries this city was a northern terminus of the trans-Sahara trade route, and the most important trade partner of Timbuktu. In 1591 CE Al-Mansour, the ruler of this city, attacked and conquered Timbuktu. Which city is this?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: Marrakech

The Malian empire went into decline from the 1370s on and was eventually absorbed into the Songhai empire. For more than a century the Songhai dominated western Africa. Timbuktu remained the central point where goods from Marrakech brought in via the Trans-Sahara trade route were exchanged with gold coming from the goldmines in the south. In 1578 CE Al-Mansour became sultan of the Saädi dynasty of Marrackech. His building projects in Marrakech and the great costs of maintaining the military made his treasury run empty. The wealth of the Songhai empire proved to be irresistible. In 1591 CE Al-Mansour invaded the Songhai empire, and although his army was vastly outnumbered he managed to defeat them in the battle of Tondibi. The Moroccans used gunpowder weapons for the first time in the region, whilst the Songhai still used conventional arms. Timbuktu, Djenné and Gao were conquered and looted. Al-Mansour used the looted riches to extend his palaces in Marrakech. Although the Saädis couldn't hang on to the conquered Malian territories for long the Songhay were never able to recover their empire. it didn't take long until formerly subjugated local powers asserted their independence. From then on, Timbuktu and the Trans-Sahara trade-route went into decline.

14. Which ancient city, often used in western literature when referring to a faraway, inaccessible place, is in Mali?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: Timbuktu

People have lived in the area since the Iron Age, and for centuries, Timbuktu was a centre of wealth and learning in thriving western African empires.

15. Not all would celebrate Mali's independence. Which nomadic tribespeople have staged numerous rebellions in Mali, often in the hopes of securing autonomy of their own?

From Quiz Malik in Mali

Answer: Tuareg

The Tuareg people comprise a significant minority of Mali's population and have rebelled against the state on numerous occasions. In 2012, they tried to obtain independence for the northern part of Mali in a region that would be called Azawad. Whilst the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad affirmed that it was independent from Mali, no foreign entity supported this claim. In 2013, the claim of independence was revoked.

16. In the early 1820s many Europeans started looking for the fabled city of Timbuktu. What sparked this sudden interest?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: The French Geographical Society offered a reward of 10,000 Francs for the first non-Muslim to visit and return from Timbuktu

The initial incentive was a reward of 10,000 Francs promised by the French Geographical Society for the first non-Muslim to visit and return from Timbuktu. Scotsman Gordon Laing was the first to attempt. In July 16, 1825 he left Tripoli (Libya), but his expedition was marred by illness and attacks from hostile Touareg tribes. Only Laing himself and one member of the expedition reached Timbuktu in August 1826. Laing had lost his right hand and was penniless when he arrived. The local ruler wasn't very welcoming either and Laing had to leave after three days. He was murdered on the way back. Frenchman René Caillié fared rather better. He had spent some time in what is now Mauritania where he learnt Arabic and converted to Islam. He dressed as a Muslim and joined a caravan in Guinea. After he arrived in Djenné he continued on the river Niger and reached Timbuktu in April 20, 1828. On the way back he again joined a caravan to cross the Sahara to Morocco. From Tangier he sailed back to France to collect his reward. The French kept coming, and in 1892 Mali became part of France's West African colony called French Sudan. Despite fierce local resistance, the French held most of the territory under control by 1905. Mali gained its independence in 1960.

17. Which religion do most of the people of Mali follow?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: Islam & Muslim

About 90% of the people of Mali follow Islam, about 9% follow indigenous beliefs, and about 1% are Christians.

18. During the golden age of the Malian empire, Timbuktu was a renowned centre of learning. What is the name of its most famous university?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: University of Sankoré

The university of Sankoré was founded in the 10th century CE and the main building was located in the Sankoré Mosque, a spectacular pyramid shaped work of architecture. During the 16th century CE the university of Sankoré was the heart of Islamic scholarship. Students travelled across the Islam world from as far as India and Persia to visit the famed school. The organization of the university of Sankoré was very different from that of European medieval universities. It had no central of administration, student registers of prescribes courses of study. Instead it was composed of many entirely independent colleges each run by a single imam and instructions were often carried out on individual basis. Courses took place in the open country yards of the mosque or in private homes. The primary focus of the university was the study of the Qur'an although many imams gave lessons in history, astronomy and logic. Scholars were encouraged to write their own books because it was profitable to do so. In the Islamic world at the time books were much more expensive than gold or slaves. Unfortunately the best scholars left the school during the Moroccan invasion of Mali in the 1590s and never returned. The University of Sankoré was never able to recover its former glory. The university of Ez-Zitouna is in Tunisia, the Sungkyunkwan university is in South Korea and the Chulalongkorn university is in Thailand.

19. What is called "The Lifeline of Mali"?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: The Niger River

The Niger River is called "The Lifeline of Mali," because it is the most valuable resource which thrives in fish, and its water is used for irrigation. Mineral resources include gold, salt, phosphate rock, iron ore, diamonds, and uranium.

20. In the Mopti region, many tourists come to admire a local tribe well-known for its colourful masks and tribal dances. What is the name of this tribe?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: Dogon

The Dogon's refusal to convert to Islam meant they had to settle in isolated and easily defensible places. Because of this isolation, they managed to preserve their unique culture from outside influence for centuries. Ironically, tourism is one of the causes why the Dogon society has undergone significant changes in modern times. The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, and the Sami of northern Scandinavia. The Bantu is an ethnic group that lives mainly in central and southern Africa.

21. What is the dietary staple in Mali?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: Millet

Rice and sorghum are the main food crops in Mali, but millet is the dietary staple. It is prepared as a dough-like substance or as porridge, and it is often served with leaf, vegetable sauce or meat.

22. With the advent of modern transport, the trans-Sahara trade route lost much of its importance. Only one commodity is routinely transported across the desert. Which commodity is this?

From Quiz Mali & Timbuktu: Legends of Gold Paved Streets

Answer: Salt

In the heyday of the trans-Sahara trade route salt, copper and dates from the Sahara and northern Africa were exchanged with products from the savannah, such as slaves, livestock, iron tools, weapons, animal hides, cloth, clay pottery, woven grass products and food. From farther south came gold and kola nuts. In modern times, the only goods that are routinely transported across the desert are slabs of rock salt brought from the Taoudenni mining centre in central Sahara 664 km (413 mi), north of Timbuktu. In hot climates like that of Western Africa, many people who rely on a diet consisting mostly on grains and vegetables have to add salt to it. Many West African societies live without refrigeration, so salt is essential for drying and preserving fish and meat. Salt production has been a major industry in the Sahara Desert since the 12th century. The salt mine of Taoudenni is a dried out ancient seabed where solid blocks are hacked out of the salt-deposits. After they are removed from the mine, the blocks are cut into large slabs and transported with camels to Timbuktu. There they are purchased by local merchants who transport it down the river Niger to the market of Mopti. There the slabs are cut into smaller pieces and distributed to markets throughout West Africa.

23. Where in Mali would you find the "Hombori Tondo"?

From Quiz Know More About Mali

Answer: South.

Mali has few mountains. Hombori Tondo is Mali's highest point. It rises 1,155 metres above sea level. Once again, I'm sorry to say, but that's the end of our trip! We'll go to Togo next, so get ready! Bye bye till then!

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Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:51 AM
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