8. With a land area of almost 310,000 square miles, Mozambique is marginally smaller than Pakistan and half the size of Iran. If Mozambique were a U.S. state, where would it rank in terms of size?
From Quiz The Republic of Mozambique
Second, smaller only than Alaska
With an area of just over 660,000 sq miles, Alaska is more than twice the size of Mozambique. The second-largest U.S. state, Texas, covers just under 270,000 miles, so Mozambique would therefore rank as the second largest state, behind only Alaska. California, the third-largest state, has a land area of just below 156,000 square miles, so it would fit almost twice into Mozambique. The smallest U.S. state, Rhode Island, area 1,550 sq miles, would remarkably fit into Mozambique almost 200 times.