12. As most other flags, Antigua and Barbuda's flag uses colors very important and symbolic to the country. Which color of the flag symbolizes the African ancestry of the people?
From Quiz The Nation of Antigua and Barbuda
All of these colors are present on the flag, as well as blue. The background of the flag is red, which symbolizes the energy of the people. On this background, there is an upside-down triangle, with the base at the top of the flag, and the point at the bottom of the flag - within the triangle is a smaller white triangle, and a blue stripe above it, symbolizing hope. Above this stripe is a yellow sun on a black background; the sun symbolizes the dawn of a new era for the country, and as stated in the question, the black symbolizes African heritage. The sun, blue and yellow stripes are said to symbolize the sun, sea, and sand of the country. The flag was adopted in 1967.