1. Dominica was named for the day on which it was discovered - the Latin translation of 'Sunday'. Which explorer was it, who spotted the island on November 3rd, 1493?
From Quiz Isle of Beauty, Isle of Splendour
Christopher Columbus
The voyage during which Columbus espied the island of Dominica was not his first famous 1492 trip, but rather his second. He left the Spanish port of Cadiz on September 24th (1493) with 17 ships and 1,200 men all with the intent of colony establishment.
During this trip he sighted many islands, explored a few, and named what he saw. Among the other Lesser Antilles islands that he named were Guadalupe (Santa María de Guadalupe de Extremadura), Montserrat (named for the Monastery of Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain), and Antigua (after a church in Seville named Santa María la Antigua). He also spotted what would become known as the Virgin Islands - except that he dubbed them Islas de Santa Úrsula y las Once Mil Vírgenes.
The native name for the island was 'Wai'tu kubuli', which translates as 'tall is her body'.