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6 Byzantium History quizzes and 75 Byzantium History trivia questions.
  Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me   best quiz  
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The Byzantine Empire was only named so after the facts. Emperors ruling from Constantinople considered themselves Roman Emperors, even though they mostly spoke Greek instead of Latin. Have fun with these few questions.
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Dec 31 16
JanIQ gold member
372 plays
  Justinian and Theodora   top quiz  
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Justianian and Theodora were undoubtedly the most influential couple of their time. How much do you know about them?
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Mar 22 11
ponycargirl editor
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  Constantine XI and the Fall of the Constantinople   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Constantine XI was the last Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, the successor state to the Roman Empire. Constantinople was the capital of the Eastern Empire and the seat of the Eastern Church for over 1,000 years before the events of this quiz.
Tough, 10 Qns, cjd411, Dec 22 08
2101 plays
  Emperor Justinian   popular trivia quiz  
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This is a fairly straightfoward quiz on one of my favorite historical figues, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian.
Average, 10 Qns, stldsf1, Feb 28 17
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  Mighty Monarchs I (Roman - Byzantine)    
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 25 Qns
Mighty Monarchs I covers the Roman and Byzantine emperors and empresses, members of their imperial families, and some related odds and ends. Good Luck!
Difficult, 25 Qns, hund, Mar 29 07
2102 plays
  When the End is Nigh    
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This quiz asks ten questions about Constantine XI, last Emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Jan 16 17
bernie73 gold member
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trivia question Quick Question
Complete Theodora's statement "May I never be separated from this ..."

From Quiz "Justinian and Theodora"

Byzantium History Trivia Questions

1. Like many kingdoms and empires, different dynasties ruled Byzantium at different times. To which dynasty did Constantine XI belong?

From Quiz
When the End is Nigh

Answer: Palaiologos Dynasty

Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos was not only the last Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, but the last Emperor of his dynasty. The Palaiologos Dynasty, under Michael VIII, began rule of the Empire of Nicaea in 1259 and re-united the Byzantine Empire two years later, ruling until his death in 1282. Earlier in the thirteenth century, leaders of the Fourth Crusade, had conquered the Byzantine Empire and ruled it for several decades. Byzantine Greek aristocrats established successor states in other territories of which the Empire of Nicaea was one. Although it sounds like Constantine XI would have a direct connection to the Constantinian Dynasty, it was actually begun by Roman Emperor Constantine I (306-337) who moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to a city he described as "New Rome", but soon became known as Constantinople. His dynasty lost power by the end of the fourth century. The Justinian Dynasty of the sixth century is best known for Justinian I (527-565), under whose leadership the Byzantine Empire reached its greatest territorial extent. The Komnenian Dynasty ruled in the eleventh and twelfth century and included two emperors: Alexios I and Andronikos I.

2. Constantine the Great was the first Emperor who based his reign in Constantinople (formerly known as Byzantium). Which of his sons did *NOT* succeed him in any part of the Empire?

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Crispus

Constantine the Great was born in 272 and became one of the four Emperors in 306. He reunited the Roman and Byzantine Empire in one sole hand in 324 and stayed on the throne until his death in 337. Constantine's first son Crispus was already executed in 326, so he could not succeed his father. Constantine's other sons divided the Empire in three parts: Constantine II took the west (Britannia, Gaul, Hispania), Constantius II took the East (Asia and Egypt), and that left the centre (Italy and Africa) for Constans, the youngest son. When the eldest son (Constantine II) invaded the centre in 340, he was killed in an ambush by Constans' soldiers, and Constans quickly added the western provinces to the centre. In 350 Constans' general Magnentius usurped the power, and Magnentius' soldiers killed Constans. Magnentius was then bloodily defeated by Constantius II, who assumed sole rule of the Empire until his death in 361. Do you find this confusing? It can and will get even worse...

3. Justinian had a very famous wife who ruled as Empress. What was her name?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: Theodora

Sophia ruled as regent in Russia during the childhood pf Peter the Great: Eleanor of Aquitaine was wife of the French king Louis VII and the English King Henry II; Catherine of Aragon was first wife of Henry VIII.

4. It may have been handy, but Constantine was the son of a previous emperor. What was his name?

From Quiz When the End is Nigh

Answer: Manuel II

While all four emperors were members of the Palaiologos Dynasty, Manuel II (1391-1425) was the father of Constantine XI. His wife, Helena Dragas, was Constantine's mother. After the death of her husband, Helena became a nun and is today considered a saint (Saint Hypomone) by the Eastern Orthodox Church. John VIII (1425-1448) was the full brother of Constantine. Although married three times, John did not have any children, leading to Constantine succeeding him. Andronikos II (1282-1328) was the second emperor of the Palaiologos dynasty. Michael IX was the eldest son of Andronikos and reigned as co-emperor (c. 1294-1320).

5. Justinian is credited with constructing one of the greatest cathedrals in Christendom. What is this great domed building known as?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: Haghia Sophia

At the time, the Haghia Sophia was the largest enclosed building in the world and widely admired as a remarkable architectural feat.

6. What do modern historians call Justinian's Empire?

From Quiz Justinian and Theodora

Answer: Byzantine Empire

By this time, Diocletian had already divided the Roman empire into two halves, and institutionalized the practice of having two emperors. The western empire was the old Roman Empire that was decaying and dying and fell in 476 A.D. The Byzantine Empire was the eastern empire; it remained in existence until it was taken by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

7. While the heir to the throne, Constantine became the Despotes of the Morea. In modern terms, which area did he rule?

From Quiz When the End is Nigh

Answer: Peloponnese

Constantine's headquarters was in the town of Mistra which was close to the location of the ancient city of Sparta. Earlier Constantine had aided his brother John in re-consolidated Byzantine control over this area.

8. The last Byzantine Emperor from the Justinian dynasty had a name we don't usually associate with Roman or Byzantine rulers. What was his name? (He might have known where the wild things are).

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Maurice

The Justinian dynasty started in 518 with Justin I (born in 450). At his death in 527, he was succeeded by his nephew Justinian I the Great, who left us a compilation of all legislation existing at that time. Justinian died in 565 and was succeeded by his nephew Justin II, who ruled until 578. Justin II had adopted Tiberius II Constantine as his successor, and at his death in 582 his son-in-law Maurice was the last of the dynasty on the throne. Maurice was a fierce general, who defeated the Persians and routed the Avars to the Danube. In the domestic affairs, he granted some provinces (exarchates as he called them) far-stretching rights, almost to the point of making them independent. These exarchates (Ravenna, Alexandria, Carthage) were quite strong, and thus Maurice gained control of most of the Mediterranean coasts. The Mediterranean was once again the "Mare Nostrum" - translated as "Our Sea". The hint refers to the children's book "Where the Wild Things Are", written and illustrated by the American Maurice Sendak. The red herrings are also first names of authors of children's literature: Roald Dahl, Jacob Grimm and Jean de la Fontaine.

9. Who did Justinian succeed as Emperor?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: Justin I

Justin I was Justinian's uncle and adoptive father and a true rags to riches story. Justin I was born into a poor family in Illyricum and rose through the ranks of the Byzantine military. On the death of Emperor Anastasius, Justin I was named emperor, possibly against his will.

10. Why were Justinian's advisors opposed to their marriage?

From Quiz Justinian and Theodora

Answer: Theodora was an actress

Theodora's family was in "show business" and worked at the Hippodrome in Constantinople. Her father died when she was very young, and Theodora became an actress to earn a living. Since most actresses were also prostitutes, her association with Justinian caused quite a commotion. Procopius, in the "Secret History" (Latin "Historia Arcana"), writes about her early life with all the glee of a pornographer. Whether his account is really accurate is another matter, however. Upon her conversion to Christianity, and prior to her marriage, Theodora became a wool spinner.

11. When Constantine became emperor in 1449, he faced a challenge from his brother Prince Demetrios. Who arbitrated in this dispute?

From Quiz When the End is Nigh

Answer: Ottoman Emperor Murad II

It seems ironic that an Ottoman emperor arbitrated in this dispute between the two brothers when in a few years Ottoman forces would be attacking Constantinople. In addition, a few years previously, the Byzantines under Constantine and Ottomans under Murad had fought over control of the Morea. Murad decided in Constantine's favor.

12. One of the most recognizable of the Byzantine Emperors would certainly be Justinian II Rhinotmetos, Emperor between 685 and 695 and once again from 705 until 711. What was striking about his appearance?

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: His nose was cut off.

The Heraclian dynasty was founded by Heraclius. He was succeeded by his sons Constantine III and Heraclonas. The next generations were the son, grandson and great-grandson of Constantine III: respectively Constans II, Constantine IV and Justinian II. Justinian II led an expansive politic. He regained control of Cyprus, routed most of the Slavic tribes from the Balkans and marched upon Armenia. The cost of these many military expeditions as well as construction of splendid buildings and monuments, lead to a quite stringent taxation. Land reforms stripped the aristocracy of some of their precious privileges, so both the upper class and the lower class were quite malcontent with Justinian's reign. Finally the aristocracy and the proletariat joined forces and deposed Justinian, and as a token of his unworthiness they cut off his nose - a rather common sentence in those days. Justinian then went in exile, spending ten years of gathering various (Byzantine and foreign) supporters. Finally in 705 he took Constantinople by ruse and started his second reign. He was the very first person with a mutilated face who gained a throne. Justinian's Greek nickname Rhinotmetos translates quite literally to "the severed nose" or, the more common translation, "Slit nose". Beards on Byzantine Emperors were rare. Constans II sported a long flowing beard, but alas we don't know its colour: the only remaining images I've found, are gold coins. Constans II had the nickname Pogonatos ("the bearded one"). Frederick Barbarossa, the emperor of the Holy roman Empire from 1155 until 1190, was known for his red beard. Any Byzantine Emperor of more than two metres tall would earn the nickname Gigantas. Alas, none of them is known by this epithet, so I presume there were no Byzantine Emperors fit for a game of basketball. Emperors in loincloth? Byzantine Emperors were too proud for this "fashion".

13. Like all great Emperors, Justinian had a great general to carry out his dreams of conquests. What was this general's name?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: Belisarius

Belisarius is often considered one of the greatest Roman generals. Justinian wished to rebuild the old Roman empire, which could not be done without the conquest of the Italian peninsula. Belisarius' task was the reconquest of the peninsula and the submission of the Goths. His conquests in north Africa and Italy nearly made the Mediterranean a Roman lake once again.

14. What was the main focus of the internal politics of the Isaurian dynasty (717-802)?

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Religious icons

The Isaurian dynasty was founded by Leo III the Isaurian, a successful general. He deposed the non-dynastic Emperor Theodosius III and sent him to a monastery. Then Leo with the help of the Bulgars routed the Arabs at the Second Siege of Constantinople (717-718). As soon as Leo's main foes were defeated, he took upon him to find a solution for something that hurt his religious feelings: the veneration of icons. Most Christians (and pagans) at that time were completely illiterate, so the churches were decorated with depictions of biblical stories and various saints. The ecclesiastical authorities thought a picture of, for instance, one of the well-known parables, could inspire the people to lead an exemplary life. Leo felt that, as the Bible states, no one should make images of God. So he decided to have removed the grand crucifix at the palace. But this lead to a longstanding altercation between the iconodules (those who were in favour of the making and displaying of icons) and the iconoclasts (those who, as Leo III, were convinced that no image of God may be produced or displayed). Tempers rose so high that Leo's son Constantine V was given the epithet Copronymus ("named dung"), and rumour was spread Constantine V would have defiled the baptismal font - in his infancy. The iconoclasm was ended by Empress Zoe, the last of the Isaurians, who made the fine distinction between the exemplary function of icons and the true worship of the Trinity without any image. The codification of civil law was a major achievement by Justinian I, of the Justinian dynasty. Throughout the whole Byzantine history, scientists copied and studied the texts of ancient Greek philosophers. Also throughout the Byzantine history, the silk manufacturers produced articles of luxury that were high in demand.

15. Justinian almost met tragedy during the famous Nika revolt. What does "Nika" mean?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: victory

The Nika revolt almost cost Justinian not only his throne but his life. Theodora is often credited with convincing Justinian to stay in his capital rather than flee.

16. What religion did Theodora practice?

From Quiz Justinian and Theodora

Answer: Monophysitism

Monophysites were Christians, but their beliefs did not agree with the orthodox church. They believed that Jesus had only a divine nature, rather than being both divine and human. Since many believed monophysites to be heretics, Justinian had his hands full with the issue, especially considering that eventually he accepted the teaching. Strained relations with the pope set the stage for the eventual break between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

17. Emperors and kings generally have coronations. Where was Constantine's coronation?

From Quiz When the End is Nigh

Answer: Mistra

While most of the Byzantine emperors had been crowned in the capital city of Constantinople, there had been exceptions. Most of the emperors who had been crowned in other cities had a second ceremony in Constantinople. Constantine avoided this because of religious and political discord in the capital. If he had been crowned by the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church he would be seen as favoring one side over the other.

18. In 802 a logothete (major official) became Emperor. His son Staurakios would succeed him in 811 for a few months, then followed by the logothete's son-in-law Michael I. Who was this logothete, who (according to his name) would have brought victory?

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Nikephoros I

The logothete (literally: he that puts the word) was responsible for the finances of the Empire. His function can be compared with a present-day Secretary of the Treasury (USA) or Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK), or Minister of Finance (in most continental West-European countries). It was Nikephoros I Logothetes who became Emperor in 802. His epithet reminds every one of his previous function. As could be expected from his previous function, Nikephoros put a strong emphasis on the Imperial revenue. This led to some altercations with the ecclesiastical authorities, previously (and in the rest of Europe) exempt from taxation, when Nikephoros imposed some taxes on the clergy. Nikephoros also refused to pay tribute to Harun al Rashid, which led to open war with the Arabs. Even though caliph Harun invaded the Byzantine Empire with an army of a whopping 135.000 troops, Nikephoros could evade a bloody defeat and settled the dispute. Nikephoros died at the hands of another of his foes, the Bulgarian Khan Krum. Theophilos translates to "the friend of God". He was the Byzantine Emperor between 829 and 842. Philippikos can be translated to "the horse lover". Philippikos Bardanes was Byzantine Emperor from 711 until 713. Andronikos translates to "victor of men". Andronikos I Komnenos ruled the Byzantine Empire from 1183 until 1185.

19. Disease was a common in the era of Justinian, and not even emperors were immune. Which disease afflicted Justinian during his reign?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: plague

Justinian managed to survive his enocunter with the plague, although the disease left him (and most other survivors) scarred and supposedly paranoid.

20. Perhaps the best known event from Constantine's reign is the capture of Constantinople by Ottoman forces in 1453. Which sultan was leading the attack?

From Quiz When the End is Nigh

Answer: Mehmed II

Mehmed II (1444-1446, 1451-1481) was only 21 when his armies captured Constantinople. His father was Sultan Murad II (1421-1444, 1446-1451). Bayezid I (1389-1402) was the grandfather of Murad II. Suleiman I was the great-grandson of Mehmed II. Mehmed's father had initially abdicated in favor of his son when Mehmed was only twelve, but after a time of trouble resumed the throne until his death. Mehmed is known as "the Conqueror" for adding several areas to the Ottoman Empire including the Morea, Serbia, Albania, and Bosnia.

21. Which dynasty ruled Byzantium between 867 and 1056? It was named after the place of birth of its founder Basil I.

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Macedonian dynasty

The longest rule by one family was founded by Basil I the Macedonian. He revolted against Michael III the Drunkard (born 840, ascended to the throne in 842). As we can derive from Michael's nickname, Michael III lived a luxurious life. Basil I was succeeded by Leo VI the Wise. Basil's wife was the mother of Leo VI, but she had also been the mistress of Basil's predecessor Michael III. So it remains unclear which Emperor was Leo's father. After Leo VI, Basil's son Alexander briefly took office. The next Emperors were Leo's son Constantine VII Porphyrogenetos ("the purple-born"), and Constantine's son Romanos II Porphyrogenetos. Although Romanos had two sons and two daughters, he was at first succeeded by his father-in-law Nikephoros II Phokas and the latter's cousin John I Tzimiskes. At the death of John I Tzimiskes, Romanos' offspring became Emperor one after the other: his eldest son Basil II Bulgaroktonos ("The Bulgar-Slayer"), his second son Constantine VIII Porphyrogenetos and his daughter Zoe Porphyrogenete. Zoe ruled together with her three husbands Romanos III Argyros, Michael IV the Paphlagonian (and after his death, his son Michael V Kalafates) and Constantine IX Monomachos. Between the death of Michael IV and Zoe's marriage to Constantine, Zoe's sister Theodora also was co-empress. The Constantine dynasty (306-363), Valentinian dynasty (364-379) and Theodosian dynasty (379-457) were all named after the first name of their founders, not after his place of birth.

22. Like all wartime leaders, Justinian needed money. Like most successful leaders, he found someone who could find the means to access that money. Who did Justinian's tax collecting for him?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: John the Cappadocian

John became Praetorian Prefect in 531. His tax policies were so brutal that is was said that he tortured the very wealthy in his home. He was so unpopular that it is likely Theodora had him set up for treason.

23. Complete Theodora's statement "May I never be separated from this ..."

From Quiz Justinian and Theodora

Answer: purple

At the onset of the Nika Revolt, Justinian wanted to flee. Theodora persuaded him to remain by saying "My opinion then is that the present time, above all others, is inopportune for flight, even though it bring safety. For while it is impossible for a man who has sen the light not also to die, for one who has been an emperor it is unendurable to be a fugitive. May I never be separated from this purple . . ." In other words, a deposed empress would not have the right to wear the color purple, which symbolized nobility, power, royal status, and wealth.

24. A slight disadvantage in numbers is one thing, but Constantine XI's problems were more than slight. How badly were the Byzantine forces outnumbered at the last battle of Constantinople?

From Quiz Constantine XI and the Fall of the Constantinople

Answer: 14 to 1

The Ottoman Empire attacked Constantinople with over fourteen times the number of troops under Constantine's command, the numbers being about 100,000 to 7,000 - not to mention the fact that the Ottomans had gunpowder and plenty of it.

25. In 1453, Ottoman forces began the siege of Constantinople. Which statement best compares the size of the Byzantine forces and the Ottoman forces?

From Quiz When the End is Nigh

Answer: The Byzantine forces were greatly outnumbered by the Ottoman forces

By 1453, the total population of Constantinople was only about 50,000. During the reign of Justinian I, the city had about 500,000 residents and even as late as the thirteenth century still had about 400,000 residents. There were about 7-10,000 soldiers to defend the walls and about 26 ships. By comparison, the Ottomans had about 50-80,000 soldiers and over 100 ships. In addition, the Ottomans also had 70 cannons. In a siege such as this, the attacking force generally needs superior numbers to be successful.

26. Which Byzantine Emperor was wounded at the battle of Manzikert in 1071? He didn't live in a barrel, though.

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Romanos IV Diogenes

Why did I put in the remark "he didn't live in a barrel, though"? Well, this was a hint referring to the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope, who renounced all cumbersome property. So the philosopher Diogenes would sleep in a large clay jar, amphora or barrel - the stories are a bit vague. Romanos IV was named Diogenes not because he shared the philosophical views of the aforesaid cynic, but because his family was named Diogenes. Romanos was an able general, who distinguished himself at the Danube. When the reigning Doukas family had him arrested on suspicion of conspiracy against the Emperor, Romanos was at first incarcerated for a few years. Meanwhile Constantine X Doukas died, and his widow Eudokia chose not to have Romanos executed, but took him as her second husband and senior Emperor. Eudokia was convinced the Empire needed a strong general as Emperor, and Constantine's son Michael VII Doukas was still minor of age. Romanos IV Diogenes was Emperor from 1068 until 1072, and was succeeded by the aforesaid Michael VII. At the battle of Manzikert, Romanos was wounded at the hand and captured by sultan Alp Arslan. After promising a quite substantial tribute, Romanos returned to Constantinople - only to be betrayed by his stepson Michael VII. He was brutally blinded and died in a monastery of the wounds inflicted to him. The epithets of the red herrings translate to "The Old" (ho Geron), "The Messenger" (Angelos) and "The Speaker of Old Tongue" (Palaiologos). All these were Byzantine Emperors at some point: Michael VI from 1056 unitl 1057, Isaac II between 1185 and 1195, and Andronikos II from 1282 until 1328. 

27. Who was the byzantine Emperor with the longest continuous reign?

From Quiz Byzantine Emperors Are Not All Greek To Me

Answer: Basil II Bulgaroktonos

Basil II, of the Macedonian dynasty, was born in 958. Between 960 and 976 he was considered as co-emperor (second in rang), although still a minor. In 976 he ascended to the throne as the supreme ruler of the Byzantine Empire, known in the Empire as basileus (the Greek word for king) and tot the outside world as Imperator Graecorum (the Latin for emperor of the Greek). During the first years of his adult reign, Basil II had to quell some revolts. Between 989 and 1000, Basil II marched upon the Fatimid Caliphate, gaining some territory. In 1000 Basil and the Caliph concluded a truce, and Basil engaged the Bulgars. With the help of Prince Vladimir I of Kiev, Basil II subdued Bulgary. At the end of the Battle of Kleidion (1014) Basil II would have condemned the Bulgarian prisoners to a frightening fate. Rumour has it that out of every hundred soldiers, only one was allowed to keep one of his eyes, while the others were completely blinded. Basil died in 1025, after having ruled for 49 years - and most of the time, he was at war. Theodosius II (born 401) ruled from 408 until 450, for 42 years. Constantine VII (born 905) ruled between 913 and 959 - a total of 46 years. Andronikos II was born in 1259. He ascended to the throne in 1282 and remained the Emperor until 1328, so for 46 years.

28. What great story doesn't involve a eunuch? Justinian depended on this man for many military and diplomatic campaigns. Who was he?

From Quiz Emperor Justinian

Answer: Narses

Eunuchs often held high political positions due to their inability to have any dynastic dreams.

29. Which church was built in Constantinople during their reign?

From Quiz Justinian and Theodora

Answer: St Sophia's

The Hagia Sophia, or Church of the Holy Wisdom, is considered to be one of the best examples of Byzantine architecture. It had a dome, and the interior was decorated with mosaics and colored marble. When the Turks captured Constantinople, they converted the church into a mosque. They covered the mosaics with whitewash, and added four minarets to the exterior. In 1922, with the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the nation of Turkey, the building was turned into a museum.

30. What did Constantine XI Palaeologos do upon seeing the Ottoman troops swarm into his city by the thousand?

From Quiz Constantine XI and the Fall of the Constantinople

Answer: He threw the Imperial Purple aside, mounted his horse and, with his loyal entourage, charged into the storm, never to be seen again

It was this act that immortalized the name of Constantine XI Palaeologos, leading some Greeks today to think of him as a saint. With no other options, Constantine threw the Imperial Purple aside and rode into the mass of Ottoman invaders and perished. With him died the Roman Empire, too.

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