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Argentina History Trivia Quizzes

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6 Argentina History quizzes and 60 Argentina History trivia questions.
  Browsing Through Argentina's History   great trivia quiz  
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This quiz will cover some of Argentina's complicated history from colonial times until the early part of the twenty-first century. I hope you enjoy playing it.
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Jul 11 22
rossian editor
Jul 11 22
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  Buenos Aires History   popular trivia quiz  
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As a city in South America, Buenos Aires does not have as long a history as cities in Europe. However, Buenos Aires still has a colorful, and usually violent, history.
Average, 10 Qns, Joepetz, May 24 15
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  The Peronist Regime    
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Ten questions on the first government of General Juan Domingo Peron (1946-1955).
Average, 10 Qns, elbartho, Apr 04 11
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  Argentina, 1950-2007    
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A quiz covering 57 years of the history of Argentina.
Average, 10 Qns, lizzy243, Sep 04 22
Sep 04 22
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  Recent History of Argentina    
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From Peron in 1945 to the protests and raise-your-voice philosophy of 2002. Take the quiz if you know or if you want to know about it. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, billiepixies, Sep 11 15
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  Argentina's History: Ten Questions    
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Questions about the history of my country. Argentinian people should have no difficulty answering them. As for others, explore your knowledge.
Average, 10 Qns, linkinpark83, Jul 16 21
Jul 16 21
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How many foreign terrorist attacks did Argentina suffer in the 1990s?

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Argentina History Trivia Questions

1. Buenos Aires was founded by which Spanish explorer who has another Argentine city named for him on February 2, 1536?

From Quiz
Buenos Aires History

Answer: Pedro de Mendoza

Juan Diaz de Solis actually arrived in Argentine before Mendoza, but he was killed by Charrua natives. Mendoza named the city Ciudad de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre, which means City of Our Lady Saint Mary of the Fair Winds. It was shorted to Buen Ayre and eventually Buenos Aires.

2. On June 4th 1943 a military coup overthrew the conservative President Castillo. Colonel Peron played an important part in that regime (1943-1946). Which was the highest post he reached in that administration?

From Quiz The Peronist Regime

Answer: Vice-President

He was also simultaneously Secretary of Labour and Minister of War.

3. What was Evita's full name?

From Quiz Argentina, 1950-2007

Answer: Maria Eva Duarte de Peron

Fernandez Meijide was a member of De La Rua's government. Ines Pertine was De La Rua's wife and Maria Lorenza was Raul Alfonsin's wife.

4. When did the second foundation of Buenos Aires (the capital city) by Juan de Garay take place?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: June 1580

Buenos Aires had two foundations. It was first founded in 1536 by Pedro de Mendoza who had been sent by King Carlos I of Spain to colonize these lands. This first settlement, which was barely one block by one block, was beset by hunger and later destroyed by the Native Indians in 1541. Running into sever weather patterns and hostile natives forced governor Domingo Martines de Irala to flee from Buenos Aires. Forty tears later, Juan de Garay decided to found Buenos Aires foreseeing its importance as the entrance port to navigating this wide river (Rio de la Plata) claiming it to be "the gateway to this land". With an expedition coming from Asunsion (Paraguay), on June 11th, 1580, Juan de Garay founded Buenos Aires for the second time.

5. How many times was Peron elected president?

From Quiz Recent History of Argentina

Answer: Three

Juan Domingo Perón was elected president of Argentina three times. He governed from 1946 to 1955 (he was re-elected in 1951). In September 1955, however, a military coup removed him from power and he went into exile. In October 1973 he was elected again, but he died a year later.

6. Why did the original settlement of Buenos Aires have to be abandoned in 1542?

From Quiz Buenos Aires History

Answer: Attacks by native people

The Charrua people who lived in the Rio de la Plata were notoriously violent toward European settlers and other native tribes. Many Spanish settlers lost their lives in war against the Charrua and other tribes. Eventually, the Spanish managed to defend themselves against attacks from both Charrua and others once Juan de Garay refounded the city in 1580 in a nearby spot. Today, the location of the original Buenos Aires and the Garay's are both part of the city.

7. When the military regime decided to call for elections, it actively helped its own candidate, Perón. The main opposition parties formed a "front". What was it called?

From Quiz The Peronist Regime

Answer: Unión Democrática (Democratic Union)

The liberal Unión Cívica Radical (Radical Civic Union) led the front, but conservatives, socialists and others were also active in it.

8. How old was Evita when she died?

From Quiz Argentina, 1950-2007

Answer: 33

She was born on May 7th 1919 and died on July 26th, 1952. She came from an extremely poor background. She met Peron at a charity event in San Juan as an actress. She was the responsible for getting women the vote with effect from June 4th, 1952). Previously only men had been able to vote.

9. How many people were in the first government called "Primera Junta", organized in May 1810?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: Nine

President: Cornelio Saavedra; Secretaries: Mariano Moreno, Juan José Paso; Members: Manuel Alberti, Juan José Castelli, Miguel de Azcuénaga, Juan Larrea, Manuel Belgrano, Domingo Matheu.

10. In 1536, who founded Santa Maria del Buen Aire, the ancestor of today's Argentinian capital?

From Quiz Browsing Through Argentina's History

Answer: Pedro de Mendoza

Mendoza was one of the conquistadors from Spain who were sent to explore and colonise South America. He had been given the title of Adelantado, equivalent to a governor, of New Andalusia, an area covering much of South America, and including the Rio de la Plata. He founded the settlement of Santa Maria del Buen Aire, but the Spaniards were constantly attacked by the indigenous population. Mendoza himself was ill, and eventually the settlement was abandoned with Mendoza dying in 1537 while at sea en route for Spain. Juan de Garay re-established the settlement which became Buenos Aires in 1580. Juan de Ayolas was one of Mendoza's companions and de Saavedra was de Garay's successor.

11. Although Buenos Aires was dependent on trade with Spain, which other industry flourished in the city from its new founding in 1580 until independence?

From Quiz Buenos Aires History

Answer: Illegal contraband

The Spanish severely restricted what Buenos Aires and the rest of the Spanish New World could trade and with who. Since the Spanish were constantly being attacked by pirates off the South American coast, they would only sail into Venezuela before traveling by land or river to Lima, Peru, which served as a distribution center for the rest of Spanish territory. It took a very long time for goods to reach Buenos Aires and payment took even longer. The Argentines set up a contraband industry for faster payment and trade.

12. When was independence achieved in Argentina?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: July 9, 1816

On the July 9, 1816, independence was declared in Tucuman, and Argentina ceased to be a Spanish colony. July 4, 1776 is the American Declaration of Independence. September 7, 1822 is the date for was Brazil. July 1, 1867 is the date for Canada.

13. What was the name given to the military coup that removed Peron from power in 1955?

From Quiz Recent History of Argentina

Answer: Revolucion Libertadora

The military coup of 1955 was called "Revolución Libertadora" and, as all military coups, proved to be a complete failure. The miliatary régime lasted only three years until, in 1958, they called elections.

14. The National University of Córdoba was founded in 1613, making it the oldest university in Argentina. Which religious group was responsible for its foundation?

From Quiz Browsing Through Argentina's History

Answer: Jesuits

It is not South America's oldest university - Peru's dates from 1551 and was set up by Royal Decree, while Colombia's was set up by the Dominican order of monks in 1580. The Jesuits were particularly known for their interest in education and it was they who were responsible for establishing the university in Córdoba in the country which later became Argentina. The Jesuits remained in charge until 1767, when they were expelled from all Spanish colonies, with control then passing to the Franciscans. It was 1858 before the state took over the administration of the university, but it retains strong Roman Catholic links even into the twenty-first century.

15. What is the Spanish word for people who lived in Buenos Aires? Although it was originally used as a general term for the people, it soon became associated with the Argentine independence movement.

From Quiz Buenos Aires History

Answer: Porteños

Porteños literally means people of the port city. However, because of the harsh Spanish trade rules, porteños felt ostracized and hindered and began to resent Spanish rule. King Charles III of Spain attempted to ease tensions between the Argentines and Spanish by lifting the trade barriers, but it failed and the porteños began moving toward independence in the early 19th century, influenced by the French Revolution.

16. The political body that Peron had for his first election was the Labour Party, a small force created just for Peron´s purposes. The party had been founded a few months before by a trade union leader. Who was he?

From Quiz The Peronist Regime

Answer: Cipriano Reyes

Peronist marching lyrics include "You are the first worker". This refers to Member Nº 1 of the party, who was Peron himself. Bramuglia was Peron´s first Foreign Minister. Juan Duarte was Peron´s brother-in-law. Mercante was a close friend from the times of the 1943 coup.

17. In what year was Argentina the host to the World Cup?

From Quiz Argentina, 1950-2007

Answer: 1978

In 1982 Spain was the host, in 1986 it was Mexico and in 1990 it was Italy.

18. What happened to Juan Manuel de Rosas after losing the Battle of Urquiza in Caseros (February 1852)?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: He resigned his post as governor in Buenos Aires and went to England

After losing, Rosas withdrew his army and left the country for England. He never returned to Argentina. After 20 years, his dictatorship had gone.

19. In 1776, the Viceroyalty of Rio de La Plata was created. It consisted of areas from four modern day countries - Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and which other?

From Quiz Browsing Through Argentina's History

Answer: Uruguay

As you'd expect from the name, the viceroyalty included the countries which bordered the River Plate, with the major exception of Brazil, since this was a Portuguese colony at the time. One of the major reasons for its establishment was the threat from Portugal to the north and that of other colonial Europeans, such as Great Britain. It lasted a relatively short time, With Spain distracted by the Napoleonic Wars and the constituent countries fighting for independence, the formal dissolution came in 1814. Argentina's War of Independence began in1810, continuing until 1818, although the country's independence dates from 1816. Brazil was excluded as an 'enemy' territory, Venezuela was too far north and Peru too far west to be part of the viceroyalty.

20. In 1806, which foreign country seized Buenos Aires and successfully held it for a month and a half?

From Quiz Buenos Aires History

Answer: Britain

The British and the Spanish were the two largest European powers in the Americas and they constantly fought for territory and power. The British were able to hold Buenos Aires for 46 days before being defeated by Santiago de Liniers.

21. When were the so-called "Historic Presidencies" (Mitre, Sarmiento and Avellaneda)?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: 1862-1880

In this period, Argentina started to develop and trade, and immigration rose, and after Rosas' dictatorship, the country was able to make considerable political and economic progress.

22. Which Argentinian government devoted most of its budget to education and culture?

From Quiz Recent History of Argentina

Answer: Arturo Illia (1963-1966)

Arturo Illia, elected in 1963, devoted 25% of the national budget to education and culture. In fact, educational levels increased as well as the GDP (19,5% in 2 years). He redistributed the earnings without altering what each sector earned and brought unemployment down from 8% to 4%. The problem was that big employers and opposition parties did not like this. So they started an "anti-Illia" campaign which ended in the military coup of 1966.

23. In 1812 General Manuel Belgrano ordered the population of which province to move or face execution?

From Quiz Browsing Through Argentina's History

Answer: Jujuy

The Jujuy Exodus took place during Argentina's War of Independence. The revolutionaries were facing a much larger Spanish army who were advancing from present day Bolivia. Jujuy is located in Argentina's far north west, so the rebel army was isolated. Belgrano's solution was to clear the province completely with the population moving south to Tucumán Province under pain of death. They were allowed to take as much as they could manage with them including livestock, with what was left behind being destroyed (a scorched earth policy) to prevent the Spanish from making use of it. Belgrano claimed that little force was needed to make the population move with most complying due to his persuasion and their own wish for freedom.

24. Who was the Spanish viceroy who fought against Napoleon at Trafalgar, was removed from office on May 25 1810, and whose overthrow led to the War of Argentine Independence?

From Quiz Buenos Aires History

Answer: Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros

Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros was seen as an unpopular leader with close ties to Spain. In Europe, Spain was fighting the Peninsular War, which saw the Spanish monarchy lose considerable power. The Argentines seized the opportunity to remove Cisneros while he was powerless.

25. Weapons and military affairs were a high priority for Peron. As a result, Argentina was one of the first nations to develop ... what?

From Quiz The Peronist Regime

Answer: A jet fighter

In the years following World War II, Peron approached different German scientists and offered them a chance to rebuild their professional lives. One of these scientists, Kurt Tank, accepted and quickly collected a large team recruited from his own design bureau, and he established himself in Córdoba in 1947. His work resulted in the FMA (Fábrica Militar de Aviones or Aircraft Military Factory) I.A. 27 Pulqui and I.A. 33 Pulqui II. Pulqui means 'arrow' in Mapuche Indian language. The planes were never produced on a large scale.

26. What was happening in the months leading up to the World Cup in 1982?

From Quiz Argentina, 1950-2007

Answer: Falklands War

The Falklands War was from 2nd April to 14th June 1982. The World Cup started on 23th June 1982. The return to democracy was in 1983 and the hyperinflation was in 1989.

27. Who led Argentina's first coup d'état (in September, 1930)?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: José Felix Uriburu

After three democratic governments, Uriburu staged the first coup d'état in Argentina, begining a period with electoral fraud and dictatorship. All this was made worse by the Great Depression of the 1930s.

28. When did another military coup, the "Revolucion Argentina", occur?

From Quiz Recent History of Argentina

Answer: 1966

In 1966 the military, headed by Juan Carlos Onganía, overthrew Illia and started a military dictatorship that would last only four years. Another military failure.

29. How many foreign terrorist attacks did Argentina suffer in the 1990s?

From Quiz Argentina, 1950-2007

Answer: 2

The terrorists bombed the Israeli Embassy in 1992 and Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association in 1994. Neither attack has been solved.

30. In 1943, Juan Domingo Peron appeared on the political stage. He was to become one of the best known celebrities in Argentina. Which was the highest office that he reached?

From Quiz Argentina's History: Ten Questions

Answer: President

After being Minister of Labor, Peron could reach the charge of President of Argentina. The working class supported him, because he gave them a lot, such as higher pay and better working conditions. He held the presidency from 1946-1955 when a revolutionary movement overthrew him.

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