3. England's first Civil War occurred between 1139 and 1153. One of the belligerents was King Stephen. Who, as a child of Henry I, claimed the throne?
From Quiz "When Christ and His Angels Slept"
Henry's only legitimate son had perished. His daughter, Matilda, the widow of the German emperor, Henry V, was recalled to England and the nobles were required to swear allegiance to her as Henry's heir. Robert of Gloucester was Henry's eldest illegitimate son. Although the illegitimacy of Henry's father, William the Conqueor, had been no bar to his inheritance, times had apparently changed and Robert was not considered. Robert Curthose, Henry's elder brother, had been imprisoned by Henry and although he had a better claim to the throne than Henry, he died a year before his younger brother. Fulk of Anjou was a prominent French nobleman whose territories adjoined those of Henry. As a result there was considerable conflict between them. In an effort to make Fulk his ally, Henry had married his son William to Fulk's daughter, Matilda and later married Matilda to Fulk's son Geoffrey.