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Genealogy Trivia Quizzes

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History is fascinating and the history of one's own family, one's personal heritage, is even more so. Genealogy is all about finding out who your ancestors were and how they lived - and you never know, maybe seven generations down, you'll find some nobility or a common ancestor with a famous person. Learn the basics here or test your knowledge, just as you like.
11 Genealogy quizzes and 110 Genealogy trivia questions.
  UK Genealogy    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a first genealogy quiz for you all to try. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, debbi2k, Jun 22 13
2430 plays
  English Family History II: The Censuses    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The censuses of England and Wales are a fruitful source of information about your family, as well as containing many clues that will help you get further back in time. Original hand-written returns are the primary source; transcriptions are also found.
Average, 10 Qns, DaveJacobs, Mar 09 22
Mar 09 22
542 plays
  English Family History I: Civil Registration    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For people who have English ancestry, do you know how to go about researching your family?
Average, 10 Qns, DaveJacobs, Jun 09 18
Jun 09 18
623 plays
  Genealogy: The Basics    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Beginning an investigation into your family's past can be daunting to many people. Here are a few basics to keep in mind.
Tough, 10 Qns, AlexT781, Jul 23 19
Jul 23 19
320 plays
  English Family History V: other sources    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Apart from the main sources (censuses, civil registration and parish registers) there are a lot of other sources that may tell you things about your ancestors.
Average, 10 Qns, DaveJacobs, Nov 26 23
Nov 26 23
499 plays
  German Roots    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you were searching for your ancestors in Germany, these words would be helpful to know.
Average, 10 Qns, catamount, Nov 12 08
832 plays
  English Family History IV: Parish Registers 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Church of England parish is the smallest unit of local government in England and has a parish church, whose registers are extremely useful in family history.
Tough, 10 Qns, DaveJacobs, Jun 29 07
430 plays
  English Family History III: Parish Registers 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Church of England parish is the smallest unit of local government in England and has a parish church, whose registers are extremely useful in family history.
Average, 10 Qns, DaveJacobs, Mar 27 15
441 plays
  Genealogy Part 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's the second genealogy quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, debbi2k, Feb 19 22
Feb 19 22
1448 plays
  English Family History VI: Wills    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Last Will & Testament of an ancestor is probably the most fascinating and informative source document you can discover. Here are some questions to test your knowledge of this subject.
Average, 10 Qns, DaveJacobs, Aug 10 24
Aug 10 24
627 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What sort of illness would someone referred to as a 'lock' patient be suffering from?

From Quiz "Genealogy Part 2"

  Know Your Genealogy Record Sources    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Finding your ancestors and their story, which is part of the fabric of your life, involves searching a myriad of records. Each question in this quiz will mention records you might search to identify pieces of your genealogical puzzle.
Difficult, 10 Qns, CliftonClowers, Sep 16 10
CliftonClowers gold member
409 plays

Genealogy Trivia Questions

1. What is the name of the famous place that the majority of immigrants to America passed through?

From Quiz
Genealogy Part 2

Answer: Ellis Island

Ellis Island was designated the first Federal Immigration station in 1890.12 million people passed through its gates from 1892-1954.

2. When looking at a parish register what name is often abbreviated to 'Jas'?

From Quiz UK Genealogy

Answer: James

Because space was limited on old parish registers names were often shortened. A typical example might read Jas Brown, son of Jas and Jane, bapt 21 Oct 1816.

3. What is this the definition of: "Approval by a competent court that a Testament is genuine, and the granting of authority to a person named by the testator to carry out its terms"?

From Quiz English Family History VI: Wills

Answer: Probate

Probate is from the latin probatum, proved. Before 1858 it was Established Church courts who were responsible for proving wills. From 1858 it passed to secular courts, namely the Probate Division of the High Court (now the Principal Registry of the Family Division of the High Court) and various District Courts.

4. "In the Name of God Amen" are often the first words in what kind of document?

From Quiz English Family History V: other sources

Answer: will

This formula, followed by something like "I Peter Heath of the parish of Bishopstoke in the County of Southampton, wheelwright", and then a religious preamble, was typical of wills made in the 17th and 18th centuries. The testator would bequeath his soul to Almighty God, request that his remains be decently interred, and then go on to dispose of his earthly goods.

5. A couple married in 1810, and had children up to 1830, when the father died, all in the same parish. What is the best source for finding the father's occupation?

From Quiz English Family History IV: Parish Registers 2

Answer: The baptism register

At that time occupations were not given in marriage register entries, only marital status and resident parish. Burial register entries from 1813 gave age and abode, but not occupation. Baptism registers from 1813 gave parents' names, abode, and 'quality, trade or profession' of the father. So finding the later childrens' baptisms will give the father's occupation. All registers give the name(s) of the central character(s), and the date of the event.

6. What exactly is a Parish?

From Quiz English Family History III: Parish Registers 1

Answer: An area administered by a single priest

In country areas, a parish was often based on a village, but would contain outlying hamlets and farms as well. In towns and cities parishes tended to be smaller, and often there were several within a stone's throw of one another. All of England consisted of parishes, except in a few unpopulated areas of moorland or forest, designated 'extra-parochial'.

7. According to the original Census Act, UK censuses were to be held when?

From Quiz English Family History II: The Censuses

Answer: Every ten years starting in 1801

The Census Act of 1800 decreed that a census of England and Wales should be held at ten year intervals starting in 1801. For the first few censuses, only the number of inhabitants in each place was recorded. In 1841 and later actual names were noted.

8. And at the other end of the spectrum, what would you look for to find someone's registry of death in German?

From Quiz German Roots

Answer: Gestorben

"Gestorben" means "died".

9. How many years are there between generations usually?

From Quiz Genealogy Part 2

Answer: 20-35 years

People usually have babies between the ages of 20-35 years of age and that baby is the next generation of the family.

10. What does 'visiting a RO' refer to in genealogy terms in the UK?

From Quiz UK Genealogy

Answer: Visiting a Record Office

These places hold parish registers and many other documents that are helpful to the genealogist.

11. When was the power of granting probate taken away from church courts and given to the state, in the form of District Probate Registries and the Principal Probate Registry in London?

From Quiz English Family History VI: Wills

Answer: 1858

The Probate Act came into effect on 11th January 1858. From that date, nation-wide indexes of wills and admons were published annually.

12. 24 Charles I is one way of saying the year 1648 AD. This method of expressing the date is known as what?

From Quiz English Family History V: other sources

Answer: regnal year

The example is the 24th year of the reign of Charles the First. Regnal year 1 of any monarch was the year they succeeded to the throne. In the case of Charles the First that was 1625. 1648 was a really bad year for Charles I wasn't it?

13. Modern register entries are in English. What language might you find in Tudor and Stuart registers?

From Quiz English Family History IV: Parish Registers 2

Answer: Latin

From the mid 1500's most registers were written in Latin. Gradually English took over, and in the early 1700s most were in that language. It was not until 1732 that registers HAD to be in English.

14. The start of the Victorian era is usually taken as the basis for denoting the ancient parishes of England. Roughly how many parishes were there in England at that time?

From Quiz English Family History III: Parish Registers 1

Answer: about 12,000

There are 40 ancient counties in England, of Anglo Saxon origin. From Norman times, the unit of local government was the Manor, and there were probably about 30,000 of them. From Tudor times, the local Parish with its church and priest began to replace the Manor as the unit of local government, and was given more civil powers in addition to its ecclesiastical ones. There were about 12,000 of these in 1837. The numbers grew rapidly after that as more parishes were created by splitting existing ones, especially in the expanding industrial towns.

15. For which years are useful censuses of England & Wales accessible in the public domain? I.e. those containing the names of the people being counted.

From Quiz English Family History II: The Censuses

Answer: From 1841, and then every tenth year up to 1921

The first available census is that of 1841, although this contains less information than later censuses. The most recently accessible census is that of 1921, which may be seen free (if you ignore the cost of getting there) at the National Archives at Kew in London, at Manchester Central Library and at the National Library of Wales. It is also available online, at a small cost, from Findmypast.

16. What kind of entries will you NOT find in the GRO indexes?

From Quiz English Family History I: Civil Registration

Answer: Divorces

When Civil Registration started divorce for ordinary people was virtually impossible, and needed an Act of Parliament. After divorce became easier, their records were never the concern of the General Register Office.

17. What is the German word for "child"?

From Quiz German Roots

Answer: Kind

You may recognize this word from "Kindergarten".

18. What sort of illness would someone referred to as a 'lock' patient be suffering from?

From Quiz Genealogy Part 2

Answer: Syphilis

The reason for this term is that in hospitals the patients with syphilis were kept in locked wards. This was to stop the spread of the disease and/or because as the syphilis progresses it attacks the brain and makes the patient 'mad'.

19. Who is your sister's brother's wife (all persons in this question are different)?

From Quiz UK Genealogy

Answer: Sister in law

You sister's brother is your brother, so his wife is your sister in law.

20. If my 18th/19th century ancestor became destitute in a parish where he did not belong, what document might I hope to find among parish records that could tell me something about him and his family?

From Quiz English Family History V: other sources

Answer: settlement examination

According to the Poor Laws, a person belonged to one parish only. This was usually where he was born, but he might gain 'settlement' in another parish by working there for over a year. If he had become destitute, through failing to find work, or becoming ill, it was the responsibility of his legal parish to support him. But he might not know what his legal parish was. In such a case he would be examined by local justices, and asked about his birth and working history as well as giving his dependents. The resultant examination was documented. Such documents are called Settlement Examinations, and can tell interesting stories.

21. In an eighteenth century burial register one might see a reference to an 'Affidavit'. This refers to how the body was clothed. What was the rule at that time?

From Quiz English Family History IV: Parish Registers 2

Answer: Woollen wrappings had to be used.

Acts of 1666 and 1678 stated that bodies were not to be buried wrapped in anything but wool. This was to encourage the English wool trade. The practice eventually died out, and the Acts were finally repealed in 1814.

22. What is the word that means "to do with a parish"?

From Quiz English Family History III: Parish Registers 1

Answer: Parochial

Ecclesiastical is to do with The Church in general. Manorial is to do with ancient manors, each controlled by a Lord of the Manor, which preceded parishes. Parochial is the usual word meaning pertaining to a parish although the rarely used 'parishional' is also in the dictionary.

23. Where can one NOT access the original census returns from 1841 to 1911? The hand-written pages that is, not transcriptions.

From Quiz English Family History II: The Censuses

Answer: District Register Offices

The National Archives at Kew has all census returns for England & Wales. County Record Offices usually hold census returns from 1841 to 1911 for that county, and may have some from adjacent counties. City libraries usually have returns for that city and the surrounding district. The Ancestry and Findmypast web sites, at the time of writing (March 2022) have the censuses from 1841 to 1911 online. Findmypast also has the 1921 census. District Register Offices are concerned with Births, Marriages and Deaths, but not censuses.

24. Prior to 1984, the GRO Indexes for England and Wales were arranged by what?

From Quiz English Family History I: Civil Registration

Answer: Quarter

Indexes from July 1837 through December 1983 are grouped into quarters. They are generally referred to as the March, June, September and December quarters, although of course they contain the preceding two months also.

25. Sometimes, instead of the date of birth, you have to look for the date of baptism. How would you say that in German?

From Quiz German Roots

Answer: Taufe

Taufe means "baptism". You might also come across the word "getauft" - "baptized".

26. Which website allows you to access the 1881 British Isles census for free?

From Quiz Genealogy Part 2

Answer: Family Search

The LDS or Mormons' website, FamilySearch, has the British Isles 1881, Canadian 1881 and the USA 1880 and is free to search. It also has many other free services.

27. If a person who had already made a will wanted to make a change to it, this was done by attaching a what?

From Quiz English Family History VI: Wills

Answer: Codicil

Codicil, from the latin, as many of the terms involved in wills and probate are. A codicil might be made when the testator wanted to add a new beneficiary, remove one, change his executor, etc., but leave the main body of his will unchanged.

28. Someone says they found this entry transcribed from a parish baptism register: "Jeremiah son of Hezekiah and Keziah Solomon was baptised 11th September 1752" How do I know this was a mistake?

From Quiz English Family History IV: Parish Registers 2

Answer: There was no such date

Biblical names were commonly used, especially if the parents had puritan leanings. From 1732 entries had to be in English, and most had been long before that. Although many errors do occur when transcribing, it would be wrong to assume that transcribers always made mistakes in every entry. 1752 was the year that England adopted the Gregorian calendar used by most of Europe. England had previously used the inaccurate Julian calendar which was now 11 days behind the Gregorian. To catch up, eleven days had to be omitted from the English calendar. So it came about that in 1752, dates in England went from 2nd September directly to 14th September, with no intervening dates. Thus from Sept 14 1752 the same dating system was used all over Europe.

29. What is NOT a kind of information for which parish registers were created?

From Quiz English Family History III: Parish Registers 1

Answer: Births

There are three standard types of parish register, and they record religious 'Rites of Passage'. The Baptism register recorded baptisms (also called christenings). A small number of baptism registers also note the date of birth, but this was neither required nor common. The Marriage register recorded marriages in the parish church. The Burial register recorded burials in the parish churchyard. For a period, a parish was also required to keep a register of Marriage Banns.

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:50 AM
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